The timely blog Teablogging has revealed its sources:
According to documents obtained by Teablogging by running a simple Nexis search on the internets, national Tea Party organizer, Top Conservatives on Twitter cofounder and TCOTReport.com publisher Michael P. Leahy has, over the past 16 years, amassed nearly $150,000 in state and federal tax liens, small claims court judgments and civil suits.
Teablogging has .pdfs of all the documentation. My own impression looking them over is that Mike thinks the rules are for everyone else. Why protest taxes if you think you're not required to pay 'em in the first place.

You don't have to be a PETA fanatic to think that factory farming is a horrible practice. Pigs are smarter than cats and dogs. It should be unthinkable to have them crammed together into tiny pens to wallow in their own shit.
And now there's a possibility that factory farm pollution is the cause of the current swine flu epidemic. There's no proof, but there's a lot of smoke out there, whether there's any fire or not. Google "factory farms swine flu" and see how many links come up. I first read about this on MSNBC.com, but when I went back to the same link the next day, the story had disappeared.
Smithfield Foods — the world's largest hog producer — has a huge factory farm in Perote, Vera Cruz, Mexico. This operation raises and "processes" (don't even go there) 950,000 hogs per year. And the town of Perote is where the swine flu outbreak originated. Coincidence?
Smithfield Foods is an American company. Their factory farm operation in Perote, Mexico is called Granjas Carroll. Now if this factory farm turns out to be the swine flu culprit (notice I said IF) — there's a certain irony. When this swine flu epidemic first became public, rightwing bloggers and pundits went ballistic, calling Mexicans every racial slur you've ever heard (and probably a few new ones). Swine flu was all THEIR fault — those dirty feelthy stinking F#$%^&#!$&#s came into our country and infected us with their filth and disease!
So…Do these wingtards have anything they'd like to rephrase? I'm not providing links to any of these assholes; you know who I'm talking about.
For more information about Smithfield Foods, check this out. (Rolling Stone: Boss Hog)
America has a lot of lousey soldiers: http://www.cogitamusblog.com/2009/05/america-has-a-lot-of-lousy-soldiers.html
A former surgeon at Walter Reed, who is a paid consultant for a medical company, published a study that made false claims and overstated the benefits of the company's product in treating soldiers severely injured in Iraq, the hospital's commander said Tuesday: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/13/business/13surgeon.html?_r=3&pagewanted=1&hp
As if this is about the character of a president rather than deceptive health claims to a public that is in no position to evaluate them. As if this is about elitism rather than profiting by marketing a mediocre food as if it was a cure-all. FYI, if you want to know what goes into Cheerios, go here. Bottom line: as factory food goes, there are a lot worse choices you can make.
Dawn Coslow
Pacifica Forum
Dear Mrs Coslow,
I see the Southern Poverty Law Center is now classifying your organization as a hate group. You had to know it was going to happen. A proud white Christian just can't get a break these days. I mean, hey, you observe Martin Luther King Day with a presentation accusing him of being a commie sexual pervert and celebrate two straight anniversaries of kristallnacht with a presentation blaming the Jews and the next thing you know, people are calling you bigots. It just ain't right.
Your response was a thing of beauty. A lot of other organizations might have toned down the rhetoric a little, but not you. You came back swinging, denying the SPLC's charges of anti-Semitism by asserting that "the Jews" paid them to say it. I bet that left them speechless.
Heterosexually yours in a chaste, but very Aryan, kind of way,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Meanwhile, the dirty bastards that ordered the torture and actually carried it out remain off the hook
Nancy Pelosi has continued her effort to explain past statements on torture and her failure to act to stop a war crime after she was briefed on the torture program. After being contradicted by both documents and one of her aides, Pelosi has now accused CIA officials misleading her in 2002: http://jonathanturley.org/2009/05/14/pelosi-now-claims-that-she-was-misled-by-cia/
Gary Bauer: Good christians torture
There has been a long controversy over the ability of the religious right to justify most any position of the GOP on the environment or civil liberties in terms of religious faith. However, the recent Republican effort to embrace and justify torture presented a bit of a problem for the faithful, particularly Christians who worship a man who was tortured to death on a cross. That presented no problem for Gary Bauer, a former Republican presidential candidate and leader of the religious right, who has announced that it would have been immoral for the Bush administration not to torture people: http://jonathanturley.org/2009/05/14/bauer-good-christians-torture/
Torture, smiting the poor and wars of choice are okay, but by God Dobson has drawn the line over the hate crimes bill
Politically, James Dobson has surrendered. At least for the time being. Today, the Focus on the Family founder devotes his typically family-focused radio show to what he calls "the utter evil that's coming out of the United States Congress." He's referring to the hate crimes bill that recently passed in the House. http://www.usnews.com/blogs/god-and-country/2009/05/14/james-dobsons-political-surrender.html
"I want to emphasize that these photos that were requested in this case are not particularly sensational, especially when compared to the painful images that we remember from Abu Ghraib ..." President Obama
Washington's Blog shows us some of those "unsensational" photos that were already leaked to the Sydney Morning Herald three years ago.
And another thing - it isn't the Abu Ghraib photos that'll "inflame anti-American sentiment":
We're currently occupying two Muslim countries. We're killing civilians regularly (as usual) - with airplanes and unmanned sky robots. We're imprisoning tens of thousands of Muslims with no trial, for years. Our government continues to insist that it has the power to abduct people - virtually all Muslim - ship them to Bagram, put them in cages, and keep them there indefinitely with no charges of any kind. We're denying our torture victims any ability to obtain justice for what was done to them by insisting that the way we tortured them is a "state secret" and that we need to "look to the future." We provide Israel with the arms and money used to do things like devastate Gaza. Independent of whether any or all of these policies are justifiable, the extent to which those actions "inflame anti-American sentiment" is impossible to overstate. [em in orig]
What is going on in the White House, and why does Barry now feel a dictatorship is good "so long as [he's] the dictator"? It seems, when it comes to war crimes and 'detainees', he thinks it's just fine to use the playbook left behind by the previous administration.
And in a related story ...
Yesterday the House passed a bill "that would provide more than $96 billion in funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq through Sept. 30, as President Obama had requested." However, a bloc of 51 Democrats opposed it, accusing Obama of "escalating a war without a clear exit strategy." " I'm tired of wars with no deadlines, no exits and no ends," said Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA).
Here's a breakdown of how the money will be spent.
4,295 soldiers killed in Iraq; 683 in Afghanistan.
From The Navy Times, via Lenin's Tomb:
Record bombs dropped on Afghanistan
Air Force, Navy and other coalition warplanes dropped a record number of bombs in Afghanistan during April, Air Forces Central figures show.
In the past month, warplanes released 438 bombs, the most ever.
April also marked the fourth consecutive month that the number of bombs dropped rose, after a decline starting last July.
The munitions were released during 2,110 close-air support sorties.
The actual number of air-strikes was higher because the AFCent numbers don't include attacks by helicopters and special operations gunships. The numbers also don't include strafing runs or launches of small missiles.
Over Iraq, 26 bombs were released during 767 strike sorties.
Transport crews airdropped 1.8 million pounds of supplies, mostly in Afghanistan, and tankers off loaded 85 million pounds of fuel.
Reconnaissance aircraft flew 1,402 missions over Iraq and Afghanistan. [Italics supplied].
Miss California USA pageant director resigns One day after "The Donald" decided that Carrie Prejean can continue to wear her tiara on that wingnut homophobic head of hers, Shanna Moakler, the state pageant director resigned in protest. "I cannot with a clear conscious move forward supporting and promoting the Miss Universe Organization when I no longer believe in it, or the contracts I signed committing myself as a youth," she continues. "I want to be a role model for young woman with high hopes of pageantry, but now feel it more important to be a role model for my children. I am sorry and hope I have not let any young supporters down but wish them the best of luck in fulfilling their dreams."
Earning millions in campaign cash from the coal industry while screwing over their constituents is standard operating procedure for Blue Dogs, so it's not surprising that they just forced the House to gut the cap-and-trade bill to slow global climate change.
Turd Blossom is taking time away from his Fox appearances today to talk to prosecutors about the firing of U.S. attorneys scandal by Bush administration officials.
Oh dear. Don't get too excited about those lowered health care costs yet - hospitals and insurance companies said Thursday that President Obama had substantially overstated their promise earlier this week to reduce the growth of health spending.
Norm Coleman is going to be needing more of those campaign funds he's been using for legal fees. Now the FBI is investigating him for something unrelated to the election lawsuits. The Star-Tribune.
After years of berating Hillary Clinton, Michal Wiener asks her for help lifting his UK ban: http://thinkprogress.org/2009/05/14/savage-clinton-uk-ban/
Fair and Balanced Faux Nooze's Greta Van Susteren is all OVER this important story: the rethug governors association is having a teabagging party! Well, its not exactly a party. Or a teabagging. Or is it all the repuke governors. Or an important story. Or a news organization.
Join a free telephone call with Governors Mark Sanford of South Carolina and Rick Perry of Texas to collaborate on our plan to fight for freedom and win America back.
Repuke utterly destroys another Irony Meter
This is just too much:
"Someone important appears not to be telling the truth about their knowledge of the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques. That someone isDick CheneyGeorge W BushmeSpeaker of the House Nancy Pelosi."
That said, Ms Pelosi still needs a good kick in the nads.
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