SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Til death do us part? The vow would really hold true in California if a Sacramento Web designer gets his way.
In a movement that seems ripped from the pages of Comedy Channel writers, John Marcotte wants to put a measure on the ballot next year to ban divorce in California.
The five biggest Republican lies about health care.

"WARNING: Studies have shown that consuming foods grown using compost made from the pages of any book written by conservative politicians and/or Fox News pundits may result in bloating, brain damage, grammar mutilation and the mad desire to taxidermy your cat."
ABC News:
The number of Americans who believe global warming is occurring has declined to its lowest since 1997, though at 72 percent, it's still a broad majority. The drop has steepened in the last year-and-a-half -- almost exclusively among conservatives and Republicans.
This ABC News/Washington Post poll also finds that support for government action to address the issue, while still a majority, likewise is down from its levels in summer 2008.
They must be so proud: by a wide margin, Americans consider Rush Limbaugh the nation's most influential conservative voice.
Ed Bauries will tell you he is a proud Marine with a tortured soul ,"nothing will bring my babies back", and a broken body, "I thought of just taking my own life at times, it would be easier for my family."
Riddled with searing pain and paralysis from multiple sclerosis, his muscles and nerves feel so inflamed, it's as if he is on fire: "Up my neck up the right side of my face which it burns for 24/7."
"Do you feel it now?" Gillen asks. "Oh yeah, yes."
But it is not only disease that bonds him with a band of brothers, other Marines, their children, their widows, from across Florida and the nation. Their shared bond is the water at Camp Lejune, North Carolina. Water they bathed in, cooked with and drank, decades ago, stationed at the base. Water that now appears to have been tainted with some of the most dangerous chemicals in the world.
Keep reading:
The AP reports:
###The mistaken belief that albino body parts have magical powers has driven thousands of Africa's albinos into hiding, fearful of losing their lives and limbs to unscrupulous dealers who can make up to $75,000 selling a complete dismembered set. [...] Since 2007, 44 albinos have been killed in Tanzania and 14 others have been slain in Burundi, sparking widespread fear among albinos in East Africa. At least 10,000 have been displaced or gone into hiding since the killings began, according to a report released this week by the International Federation for the Red Cross and Crescent societies.
Goldman Sachs staff buying guns to protect themselves against public uprising:
D.J. Feldman was 11 weeks pregnant last year when she learned that her child had anencephaly, a fetal defect that left the baby with almost no brain. It is always fatal.
Feldman, a 41-year-old federal lawyer, and her husband had been trying for two years to have a baby. Sadly, her doctor "made it very clear I wasn't to continue this pregnancy," she said.
An abortion was medically necessary. She had little choice.
But after the jolt of the diagnosis and the emotional pain of the procedure, Feldman was in for another shock -- sticker shock. She thought her health insurance policy through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) would cover the $9,000 cost of the abortion. It didn't.
The tar barons have held the nation to ransom. This thuggish petro-state is today the greatest obstacle to a deal in Copenhagen
Supreme Court upholds government position in detainee photo battle.
Huck's world: Only Christian converts need apply:
He won't be the unfortunately nearly forgotten Lyndon Johnson who signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, knowing full well (and accurately) that it meant the Democrats would lose the South for many generations to come, as the warhorses who still revered the old Confederacy would jump ship for the already welcoming Republican Party. In some ways it's a shame that Obama hasn't chosen to be that Lyndon Johnson. For where civil rights were concerned, the situation was very much like it is right now with health care reform:
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