"As we saw that thing bubbling out, blossoming out – all that energy, every minute of every hour of every day of every week – that was tremendous to me. That we could deliver that kind of energy out there – even on an explosion." - Incoming Rethug chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, Rep. Ralph Hall (TX), describing his months-long erection while watching the the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Link
"Dazed and battered survivors, half-naked and dripping in highly combustible gas, crawled inch by inch in pitch darkness, willing themselves to the lifeboat deck...Crew members, certain they were about to be cooked alive, scrambled into enclosed lifeboats for shelter, only to find them like smoke-filled ovens." - The Bush-loving New York Whore Times, describing the same event, Link
"Imagine you're at the circus. On the ground is a poodle performing a stunt. Above the clown's head, dangling from a thin wire, is a piano. The piano is teetering, tottering, looking as if at any moment it might slip, crash to earth, and crush the dog. Impossible not to watch, right? And that's the Palin show, only this time with the party of Lincoln as the little dog, and Sarah Palin as the piano."- David From, Link
61% of Republicans rooting for Obama to fail. Bastards.
More of this, please "Taking time out from his Hawaiian vacation to assert some executive authority, President Barack Obama on Wednesday used a series of recess appointments to override Republican objections to several nominees. ... Obama used his constitutional power to appoint six people who have had their nominations pending for an average of 147 days, according to White House officials. ... White House officials said privately that Obama acted because of Republican obstruction of the nominations, which include the posts of deputy attorney general and ambassadors to Turkey, the Czech Republic and Syria. ... Senate Republican aides did not have any immediate comment on the recess appointments, which essentially allow the nominees to serve in their posts in a temporary capacity for about a year. If the nominees are not confirmed by the end of the next session of Congress, which will likely be in November or December, the post will become vacant again."
Andrew John Bornen, 16, was killed while lying in the middle of the road of a busy street outside of Ipswich, Australia. Bornen was not engaging in some high school prank. He was lying face down in the middle of street with his hands cuffed behind him at the insistence of the police. The prosecutors have decided that no charges will be filed against the Queensland officers.
And yet, when a cop is killed in the line of duty, the whole country mourns.
Not This Year's Nobel Peace Prize Winner
In the midst of a campaign to see him nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, Belgium's revered Father Francois Houtart has confessed to child molestation. The confession was published in a Belgian newspaper Wednesday and confirmed by the organization the priest founded, deepening a sex-abuse scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church in the country. After a spate of accusations this year, the church in September published the harrowing accounts of more than 100 victims of clerical sex abuse, some as young as 2 when they were assaulted. In October, after supporters of 85-year-old Francois Houtart began working to nominate him for the Nobel, a woman contacted the nonprofit organization he founded and said the priest had abused her brother 40 years ago, according to its director, Bernard Duterme.
The committee to nominate Houtart for his anti-globalization work has disbanded.
In the annals of reaching to attain victimization, this Gary Bauer piece should be considered an award winning attempt.
On Christmas Eve Salon published a list of Wingnutopia's most crazy made-up Obama scandals for 2010.
Jill: What Sarah Palin fans eat .
Ummm...yeah...about that frantic terror alert a few weeks back? We were just funnin' ya. "Nevermind. That Al Qaeda threat splashed across the front page of Rupert Murdoch's Sun a few weeks ago? Well, in a page two correction yesterday, editors just wanted to pass on an update on that story: yeah, turns out that scary bit we told you, well that wasn't true. Sorry. Moving right along. ... As the Guardian's Roy Greenslade writes today, the pre-Christmas story about a supposed terrorist plot against a live holiday episode of a popular UK television show, Coronation Street, had British journalists smelling a rat from the start. "It had that familiar...ring of complete nonsense.""
A $2.2 billion "clean coal" plant in West Texas has received approval from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, which means Texas is one step closer to harnessing the awesome power of sulfurous pollution rocks like steampunk Zeppelin pilots used to power their phonographs, in 1880. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "CLEAN" COAL. It's the same dirty coal that fills your lungs with soot; the same coal that is already powering half of America, and ruining everything. So hooray for Texas! It's nice to see that someone paid attention to the multimillion dollar "alternative energy is of the Devil" disinformation campaign funded by Big Polluters. Meanwhile, probably in Germany, people are powering entire cities with lunar ray panels constructed out of recycled pizza boxes. C'mon, America. [McClatchy]
This is what happens when you vote for republicans who cut taxes and slash public services. "Anger is mounting in New York and New Jersey over the slow pace of snow removal following the severe storms which brought the region to a halt. Major thoroughfares in Manhattan have been cleared, but large parts of the city have yet to be ploughed. Many residents are stuck in their homes unable to get to work, and piles of snow are hindering ambulances. New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn called the clean-up operation the worst in memory. "We're hearing reports from all over of people not even having seen a plough by the afternoon of the day after," Ms Quinn told reporters. "This is a level of lack of clean-up that I really can't recall." Mayor Michael Bloomberg has defended his administration's response to the blizzard, telling reporters that his staff are working as hard as they can and "using every single resource at our disposal"."
The year in fetuses and their jars

Can you believe it's been nearly 38 years since Roe v. Wade was settled? That's the lifetimes of like two and a half Justin Biebers. So it should come as no surprise that we still have to hear about this thing day in and day out, yes? Good, because that's the case. Fetuses did not do much themselves this year, but former fetuses, people who think they still know what it's like to be a young fetus today, did. Among them, of course, was the Bush family, who let us know about the amusing time Barbara had a miscarriage and the fetus was stuffed in a jar that was then stuffed in George W.'s face, still warm. This is always such a fun issue. READ MORE »
Disgraced Iraq-Enabling Reporter Judith Miller Winds Up At Newsmax

Judith Miller was once an important war reporter person at The New York Times, but then she was sent to jail. But not for writing up fake stories about weapons of mass destruction that helped the Bush administration wage an illegal war! No, it was because she protected Scooter Libby's telling her the name of Valerie Plame, another person from that decade. Anyway, Miller has finally found an actual journalism job, and it's with Newsmax, which is rather hilarious, because that's not really quite journalism, especially for a former Times reporter. Let us look at the stupid e-mails those people have sent us recently and use them to make fun of her.
Here are some subject lines from the past few weeks:
1 'Weird' Trick of a Tiny Belly?
Exposed: Stop Wearing Glasses; Restore Your Eyesight Without Surgery?
Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday Fast Approaching
Is Your Prostate Keeping You Up at Night?
The Jesus Question: Will He Ever Return?
Rub it on Anywhere it Hurts and Feel the Difference – Within Minutes
Mike Huckabee Says Veto-Proof Repeal Possible!
Palin Tells Barbara Walters: I Read Newsmax
Congrats to Judith Miller, who will now report whatever the acai berries tell her to write. [Weigel]
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