Book Fail
For weeks World Net Daily has been flogging nutjob Jerome Corsi's coming birther book, encouraging readers to pre-order it on Amazon so that it debuts at the top of bestsellers lists. Even though it doesn't come out for weeks, today Corsi's now-doomed title ranks at #29 on the overall chart and is #1 on several of Amazon's niche categories.
It looks like Harry Reid is also looking to get into the game of calling on Republicans to officially back their policy proposals with actual votes.
WASHINGTON – Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will hold a Senate vote on Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) controversial budget plan, Raw Story has confirmed.The plan, recently approved by the House, has virtually no chance of passing the Democratic-led Senate. The vote would serve to put Senate Republicans on the record in favor of slashing taxes on the rich while replacing Medicare with a voucher program.
"There will be an opportunity in the Senate to vote on the Ryan budget to see if Republican senators like the Ryan budget as much as the House did," Reid told reporters on a conference call. "Without going into the Ryan budget we will see how much the Republicans like it here in the Senate."
Between Harry Reid bringing the Paul Ryan Path to Poverty to a vote on the floor of the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi urging John Boehner to bring oil subsidies to a vote on the floor of the House, the Democrats game-plan to gain the upper-hand seems to be one of forcing the Republicans to clearly show what they do and do not support.
Talk is cheap, but votes become part of the official record. Will the Senate Republicans vote yay or nay on the Medicare-killing, Path to Poverty? The policies found within The Path are wildly unpopular, even among self-identified Republicans, so either way they're going to end up looking bad.
As previously noted, Speaker of the House John Boehner hinted at the possibility of ending the subsidy of Big Oil yesterday, but following those remarks he immediately walked things back and pointed his finger at President Obama for "doing nothing."
House Minority Leader, and previous Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is now calling on Mister Boehner to put his money where his mouth is and bring a vote to the floor to end the subsidy of Big Oil.
WASHINGTON – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) pressed Speaker John Boehner to call for a vote on stripping tax breaks for oil companies, after the Ohio Republican signaled openness to the idea."House Democrats have long advocated eliminating outdated and costly taxpayer subsidies that provide billions of dollars to highly profitable oil companies," Pelosi wrote in a letter to the Speaker sent Tuesday night. "I am writing to request that you schedule a vote on ending these tax breaks on the House floor upon our return to Washington next week."
Now Mister Boehner can either bring a vote to the floor and look like a fool to his own party, or refuse to bring a vote to the floor and look like a fool to the rest of the country. The ball is in his court.
"Come on! It's time to grow up and get serious about the problems that face our country." Speaker of the House John Boehner referring to the President of the United States
Boehner is on a Quote of the Day hot streak.
Seriously, I remember when the Republicans questioned the patriotism of anyone who criticized the commander-in-chief while troops were in harm's way. But yesterday, the Speaker of the House told the commander-in-chief to "grow up," as if he was speaking to a child. Boehner, who routinely cries in public like a little poopy diaper baby, told the president to grow up.
In other news, Oklahoma lawmakers are tackling the important issues, such as dishing out life-sentences for cooking Hashish.
OK. So the President releases his long form birth certificate and birtherism is dealt a fatal blow as the 67% of Republicans who were unsure of Obama's place of birth let out a collective sigh of relief and finally come to accept this man as their President. Right? Wrong. It's not over and it'll never be over for as long as this president's skin color continues to cast a non-white hue.
The bigots will never admit it but birtherism has its roots in racism and no document will take away the true birther's view that this president is illegitimate. Here's Joseph Farah of WorldNutDaily on the issue:
"The certificate of live birth is an absolutely vital foundation for determining constitutional eligibility of any president. We look forward to reviewing it like so many other Americans do at this late date. But it is important to remember there are still dozens of other questions concerning this question of eligibility that need to be resolved to assure what has become a very skeptical public concerning Barack Obama's parentage, his adoption, his citizenship status throughout his life and why he continues to cultivate a culture of secrecy around his life."
As I said, nothing has changed. For racists, the President is a ni**er and doubly so when his middle name is Hussein. And as anyone who has ever attempted to debate a bigot can confirm, there is nothing that can possibly change a dull little mind and minds don't come any duller than those of birthers.
Trump Unable To Produce Certificate Proving He's Not A Festering Pile Of Shit
Supreme Court rules against consumers. Again.
Obama Reveals Unsuccessful Run for President of Kenya.
Bloomberg: Radiation readings at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi station rose to the highest since an earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems, impeding efforts to contain the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.
And people wonder why the financial reform was so watered down. It also helps explain how the people who caused the recession are doing better than ever. The CEO's of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are both due to be there. CNBC.
New Jersey suburbanites are upset about solar panels appearing on utility poles:
"I hate them," Mr. Olsen, 40, said of the row of panels attached to electrical poles across the street. "It's just an eyesore."
Around the corner lives Tom Trobiano, 61, a liquor salesman, now adapting to the lone solar panel hanging over his driveway. "When it's up close," he said, "the panel takes on a life of its own."
[...]Some residents consider the overhanging panels "ugly" and "hideous" and worry aloud about the effect on property values.
You know what else are hideous and ugly eyesores? Utility poles and power lines. I realize that the kind of stupidity that would let birtherism become mainstream is killing us, but its handmaiden is the inability of the average white burboclave-dwelling Christian to accept even the smallest change or sacrifice to their culturally venerated 100% American way of life.
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Lambastes Orly Taitz, Ends Interview
We hope somebody is keeping a list of "Foreign Troops Killed After It Was Obvious the Afghan Clusterfuck Was Hopeless." "Eight foreign soldiers and a contractor have been killed in Afghanistan after an Afghan army officer opened fire at the air force headquarters at Kabul airport. The Pentagon later confirmed that all those killed in Wednesday's incident were Americans. The Afghan defence ministry said violence broke out between an Afghan air force pilot and US troops following an argument inside a facility used by the Afghan air force. General Mohammad Zahir Azimi, a ministry spokesman, said the assailant was killed in the shooting. "For the past 20 years, he has been a military pilot. An argument happened between him and the foreigners and we have to investigate that," he said."
Manifesto Joe: Birther embiciles don't have everyone fooled
LA GOP state Rep who proposed $1K reward to sterilize poor women now proposes criminalizing all abortions.
As the Gulf Coast suffers, BP profits increase to $7.1 billion.
BP to resume drilling in Gulf within months BP has predicted it will be back drilling in the Gulf of Mexico within a matter of months despite continuing legal threats and rows over pollution from last year's Deepwater Horizon disaster.
A children's treasure trove of brand-new birther theories to explain everything.
The Real Delta Force: Chuck Norris' 'Pastor' Writes All of His Plagiarized Columns
Honored. He is honored. A weary nation looked for a hero to finally get Barack Obama to release his birth certificate, and it found Donald Trump. He is the only person in the world who could do this. And he heard the call of duty because HE IS A PATRIOT and HE WANTED TO DRAW ATTENTION TO HIS CARTOON LIFE. Today Americans flooded into the streets, embraced one another at long last, and wept in gratitude knowing they could never repay Donald Trump for all he has done. READ MORE »
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