Hypocrites: Republicans Decrying 'Job Killing' Green Energy Agenda Have Sought Green Jobs For Their Own Districts
"Pay me to run! Then I'll think about it."
As you may know, Gov. Palin is on the verge of making her decision of whether or not to run for office.
It's one of the most difficult and important decisions of her life. And I want her to know that she has our support.
Gov. Palin is a proven leader. She's a common-sense conservative who fights for the rights of Americans like you and me - not special interests or big corporations.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama's presidency is a disaster. One in five working-age men are out of work. One in seven Americans are on food stamps. Thirty percent of our mortgages are under water. Parts of Michigan and California are suffering from unemployment numbers that are greater than during the depths of the Great Depression.
Someone must save our nation from this road to European Socialism. Do you think it should be Gov. Palin?
If so, can you send your best, one-time gift to SarahPAC today to help her elect more common-sense conservatives - and show her that we support her if she decides to run?
She really is turning into a Nigerian bank scam, isn't she?

And so it begins. Tag the children when they are young and they won't think twice about allowing themselves to monitored as adults. The process is called "normalization" and the next step will be to place one on the child's body, in a necklace or bracelet perhaps, followed by implanting it under the skin at birth. In ten years or so, the banks will roll out a "convenient" sub-dermal chip that you can just wave over a sensor. No more stolen credit cards or ID theft, just the loss of your privacy. And people said it was "far-fetched." Doesn't sound so crazy anymore, does it?

Could Be Electrified, Border Officials Warn
We needs Dems like this to run in 2012.
Hey kids, have you heard about this whole big Solyndra loan guarantee thing? It's basically where this one solar energy company acted just like the nuclear energy industry and it's the worst thing ever -- I guess because no reactors are involved or something.
Anyway, it proves this whole "green energy" stuff is just a bunch of hooey and we should just stick with what's working for us.

Click for animation Next thing you know, they'll be saying we can get free energy from the wind! Crazy treehuggers... (MarkFiore.com)
See how he doesn't even bother to put his hand on his heart during the national anthem? Remember all the screaming in 2007 when our current Commie-In-Chief did the same thing? Washington Monthly asks:
"Will the picture of the Republican candidates lead to widespread questions about Perry's patriotism? Will be it be shown, over and over again, on cable news? Will the Texas governor be asked for an explanation? Or is there some quality about Perry and Obama that makes the former's patriotism beyond reproach and the latter's suspect?"
NYC Catholic Archbishop Sends Letter To Obama Demanding Support For DOMA
"Mr. President, I respectfully urge you to push the reset button on your Administration's approach to DOMA. Our federal government should not be presuming ill intent or moral blindness on the part of the overwhelming majority of its citizens, millions of whom have gone to the polls to directly support DOMAs in their states and have thereby endorsed marriage as the union of man and woman. Nor should a policy disagreement over the meaning of marriage be treated by federal officials as a federal offense—but this will happen if the Justice Department's latest constitutional theory prevails in court. The Administration's failure to change course on this matter will, as the attached analysis indicates, precipitate a national conflict between Church and State of enormous proportions and to the detriment of both institutions." - New York Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan, from a lengthy letter to Obama.
Some suspect that then Milwaukee Archbishop Dolan hid as much as $130M in church funds in order to avoid paying massive child molestation settlements. ###
Pam Olsen, who is one of Rick Perry's campaign leaders, advocates for Seven Mountains dominionism, a surging theology which claims that only Christians are approved by God to rule America. Olsen also says that God punishes the nation with natural disasters when gay rights advances are made. Oh and I almost forgot, she can raise the dead! Rick Perry for president! Video here.
Bill Clinton on the success of Republican economic philosophy. Or a lack thereof.
You know, there's not a single solitary example on the planet, not one, of a country that is succesful because the economy has triumphed over the government and choked it off and driven the tax rates to zero, driven the regulations to nonexistent and abolished all government programs, except for defense, so people in my income group never have to pay a nickel to see a cow jump over the moon. There is no example example of a succesful country that looks like that.
Every Ayn-Rand worshiping Libertarian ought to be asked every single time they step up to the podium to provide an example of a successful libertarian country. There isn't one and never will be.
I would ask the same of on-the-fence independents who seem to think the Republicans might have an idea or two worth trying despite the complete lack of evidence to support their policies.
Jon Stewart makes an impassioned plea for your help. Cue the Sarah McLachlan music…

Bob Cesca: Rick Perry's Epic Lying Could Make Him the Next President
Republicans are betting that if they can force Pres. Obama to capitulate one more time, they'll turn Democratic voters' enthusiasm gap in 2010 into an enthusiasm chasm in 2012.
Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin and actor Alec Baldwin got into a Twitter war over last night's highly controversial execution of convicted murderer Troy Davis.

Jeremy Irons talks about the death penalty: "Capital punishment means that those without the capital get the punishment."
If a Democratic debate audience had done this, it would be the only thing we heard about for the next 14 months. They just booed a US soldier serving in combat. Think about that. This is what the Republican party has become. A bunch of far-right bigots and extremists. The Tea Party and the evangelical nuts run the entire thing now.
And watch Rick Santorum not say a peep when these right-wing freaks are booing a US soldier serving in combat.
At Thursday night's Republican presidential debate, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) proposed the elimination of all taxes, but then added that the government did need some money to run.
"You earned every dollar, you should get to keep every dollar that you earned," the candidate said. "That's your money, that's not the government's money."
"Barack Obama seems to think that when earn money, it belongs to him and we're lucky just to keep a little bit of it. I don't think that at all. I think that when people make money, it's their money."
Bachmann added: "Obviously we need to give money back to the government so that we can run the government."

Okay, see if you can follow the logic here...Republicans say they love the military, the military really does love green energy and wants lots more of it, so in response...republicans cut green energy programs. Got it. "The Department of Defense - eager to reduce its dependence on oil in the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq and keen to become energy-efficient at home - is aggressively investing in clean technology, from advanced biofuels to electric vehicles, solar-powered batteries and blankets for soldiers in the field and bases that generate their own electricity. ... "From Barracks to Battlefield: Clean Energy Innovation and America's Armed Forces," a report released Wednesday by Pew Charitable Trusts, examines the Department of Defense's leadership role in deploying nascent clean energy technology and driving its commercial development, giving an overview of what each branch of the armed services is doing. ... The military's support of clean energy innovation is tied to the desire to save American lives, the report says. Today's soldier requires 22 gallons of fuel per day on average, an increase of 175 percent since the Vietnam War. In Afghanistan alone, 20 million to 50 million gallons of fuel is delivered each month. Eighty percent of the convoys into Iraq and Afghanistan are for fuel, and in 2010 there were 1,100 attacks on fuel convoys."
Republicans like to talk about how the Bush Boom was so great from 2003-2007, but the reality is the entire 2000-2010 decade was awful for America.
Median household income fell 2.3% to $49,445 last year and has dropped 7% since 2000 after adjusting for inflation, the Census Bureau said Tuesday. Income was the lowest since 1996. Poverty rose, too. The share of people living in poverty hit 15.1%, the highest level since 1993, and 2.6 million more people moved into poverty, the most since Census began keeping track in 1959.
Overall the American middle class basically never recovered from the 2002 recession. The housing and credit bubble formed to pull us out of the funk while we spent billions on Iraq and Afghanistan rather than the US was five years of paper growth that detonated in our faces in 2008, but it lasted long enough to get Bush re-elected. Overall the middle class has taken a serious hit in this country in the last ten years. And 2012 may very well mean another even worse decade is ahead.
We are now suffering through the Bush Great Depression. Don't let anybody call it anything else.
Since Elizabeth Warren announced her intention to challenge Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) in the 2012 election, Republicans have sought to paint her as an Ivy League elitist for teaching at Harvard Law School. Now the Massachusetts GOP is trying another tactic altogether — directly lobbying Harvard not to pay Warren's salary while she is running for the Senate.
Rep Joe Walsh: Media will protect Obama in 2012 because he's black.
Walsh has made more TV appearances than any other House freshman. Perhaps he's just desperate to shift media focus away from his persistent refusal to pay child support for his three children. Perhaps he thinks lobbing race-based attacks at the media is the only way to do it. Regardless of his reasons, he's liable to repeat it over and over again. "And there's nothing racist about this," he has said of the attack. "It is what it is."