"We refuse to marginalize the role of women in Saudi society in every field of work," Abdullah said yesterday on state television. "Women have the right to submit their candidacy for municipal council membership and have the right to take part in submitting candidates in accordance with Shariah." Saudi Arabia enforces gender restrictions interpreted from the Wahhabi version of Sunni Islam. Men and women are strictly segregated in public, including at schools, restaurants and lines at fast-food takeouts. That keeps women out of sales jobs in malls and stores, unless the outlet caters exclusively to a female clientele, and they are also barred from driving.Now they just need someone to drive them to the polls.
Michele Bachmann delivered a bewildering set of reasons for not normalizing trade relations with Cuba during a campaign stop today.
[The] Republican presidential candidate said Monday that it would be "foolish" to normalize trade with Cuba because Hezbollah could soon have "missile sites" there.
"Why would you normalize trade with a country that sponsors terror?" the candidate asked a crowd of supporters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "There is reports that have come out that Cuba has been working with another terrorist organization called Hezbollah. And Hezbollah is looking at wanting to be part of missile sites in Iran and, of course, when you are 90 miles offshore from Florida, you don't want to entertain the prospect of hosting bases or sites where Hezbollah could have training camps or perhaps have missile sites or weapons sites in Cuba. "
Hezbollah "missile sites" in Cuba?
Maybe the self-proclaimed debt/deficit hawks running for president and embracing St. Reagan as their lord and savior ought to take a look at this chart:
I suppose this is why they behave as though history began on January 20, 2009.
Skippy's environmental news Sunday, a couple of days late.
5 Republican Facts That Every American Should Be Mad About
As ExxonMobil increased its income from 2005 to 2008, it actually eliminated 3,800 jobs. And as Koch Industries gained $16 billion in net worth, it eliminated 13,000 jobs. Any questions?
24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them
This should surprise no one:
According to a new study at the University of St. Gallen seen by SPIEGEL, one contributing factor may be that stockbrokers' behavior is more reckless and manipulative than that of psychopaths. Researchers at the Swiss research university measured the readiness to cooperate and the egotism of 28 professional traders who took part in computer simulations and intelligence tests. The results, compared with the behavior of psychopaths, exceeded the expectations of the study's co-authors, forensic expert Pascal Scherrer, and Thomas Noll, a lead administrator at the Pöschwies prison north of Zürich."Naturally one can't characterize the traders as deranged," Noll told SPIEGEL. "But for example, they behaved more egotistically and were more willing to take risks than a group of psychopaths who took the same test."
Particularly shocking for Noll was the fact that the bankers weren't aiming for higher winnings than their comparison group. Instead they were more interested in achieving a competitive advantage. Instead of taking a sober and businesslike approach to reaching the highest profit, "it was most important to the traders to get more than their opponents," Noll explained. "And they spent a lot of energy trying to damage their opponents."
Using a metaphor to describe the behavior, Noll said the stockbrokers behaved as though their neighbor had the same car, "and they took after it with a baseball bat so they could look better themselves."
We're a country led by psychopaths and sociopaths. We shouldn't really be shocked when GOP audiences are cheering executions. It's just in our DNA.
And in a related story, International trader: 'I go to bed every night and dream of another recession.'
Karen Finney, writing in The Hill:
Then, the unthinkable happened when the mob booed Stephen Hill, an American soldier currently serving in Iraq who happens to be gay. Not only did no one on the stage have the courage to stand up for Hill, none of the three debate moderators recognized the significance of that moment and asked the candidates about it. It brought back memories of another American hero, John Lewis, being called a racial slur that begins with "n," by an angry mob during the healthcare debate. Simply shocking.
There have been some post-debate expressions of regret, but not much outrage. No one has apologized to Stephen Hill. At one point in time booing a service member — particularly one serving in a time of war — would have been quickly condemned, as Democratic leaders did in response to "General Betray-us," which also crossed a line.
The question is whether anyone within the Republican Tea Party will have the courage to lead rather than feed the angry mob.
... Then, the unthinkable happened when the mob booed Stephen Hill, an American soldier currently serving in Iraq who happens to be gay. Not only did no one on the stage have the courage to stand up for Hill, none of the three debate moderators recognized the significance of that moment and asked the candidates about it. It brought back memories of another American hero, John Lewis, being called a racial slur that begins with "n," by an angry mob during the healthcare debate. Simply shocking.
There have been some post-debate expressions of regret, but not much outrage. No one has apologized to Stephen Hill. At one point in time booing a service member — particularly one serving in a time of war — would have been quickly condemned, as Democratic leaders did in response to "General Betray-us," which also crossed a line.
The question is whether anyone within the Republican Tea Party will have the courage to lead rather than feed the angry mob.
Jill: Ooh, Shiny!
Apparently the boyos at the BATFE wasn't just letting smugglers buy guns and funnel the guns to Mexico. The ATF agents were using their authority as law enforcement officers to directly buy the guns that they then gave to the Mexican cartels.
Wouldn't that be like the FBI buying high-speed getaway cars for bank robbers?
What was the point of all of this, other than to make sure that American firearms were given to the cartels' gun thugs? And having done that, was all this done so that the BATF could then say "see, we need more gun control and more authority for our agents and more agents and a bigger budget"?
Was all of this, including the murders of Border Patrolmen, done just so the BATF could prevail in the Annual Battle of the Budget?
If so, can anyone posit a reason why the BATF's budget should not receive something like a 25% haircut?
Yippee! It's our turn.
Now that the presidential campaign season has begun, it's okay for President Obama to openly court black people again. He even used the b-word recently.
Whenever he gets in front of what should be a friendly audience, President Carebear starts punching hippies:
"I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I am going to press on. Shake it off. Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We've got work to do, [Congressional Black Caucus]."
Which earned him this rebuke from the WaPo's Courtland Malloy:
"The unemployment rate among blacks stands at 16.7 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, up from 11.5 percent when Obama took office. By some accounts, black people have lost more wealth since the recession began than at any time since slavery. And Obama gets to lecture us?"
Here is the next thing for a #GOPDebateAudience to cheer inappropriately. "The nation's biggest oil companies -- many of them headquartered in oil-rich Texas -- are raking in record profits this year and don't need any more incentive to keep doing business. But Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) and his hand-picked appointees are giving them one anyway, and literally taking money away from children and schools to pay for it. ... Public education -- along with Medicaid, women's health care, and the Texas Forest Service -- was gutted in the budget Perry signed this year. But the governor's hand-picked appointees on the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality look likely to raid another $67 million from public schools to give Big Oil a tax break"
Undisclosed campaign funds allowed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling will continue to grow and lead to scandal if the system isn't reformed, according to a report from the Committee for Economic Development. "The lack of transparency poses a grave threat to our democracy," said the report, which 32 business leaders and university professors signed.
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