Speaking of loopholes, how does your tax rate compare to Mitt's? Remember, in 2010 (the best year we have for comparison because Mitt won't release any other), Romney's rate was 13.9. I bet yours is a lot higher. A lot.
What's really fun is that Romney pays a lower rate than about 11 percent of the other millionaires in his tax bracket. So, among all the millionaires with a very low tax rate, Romney has one of the lowest of all! At least, as far as we know, since he won't release most of his tax returns, (to the American people; John McCain got 23 years' worth when he was vetting him for vice president).
So, as you pay your 30 percent or more in taxes, you can at least take comfort in the fact that you're far more patriotic than Mitt Romeny, when it comes to sacrificing for your country.
Bowles registered with the Clerk of the House. He was the National Socialist Movement's presidential nominee in 2008. He noted that "[o]f course I won't approach anybody in Congress unless it's a very interesting issue or law. I'm going to be very careful about the issues I choose for this." However, once he sees something interesting, he is ready to Blitzkrieg the halls of Congress.
The United States achieved a major victory last week by avoiding the title as the fattest nation on Earth. That distinction goes to the wealthiest nation on Earth: Qatar where half of the population is obese and seventeen percent are suffering from diabetes.

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