Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said Monday that President Barack Obama's move last week to block deportations for some young illegal immigrants in the U.S. has likely derailed his own similar efforts, at least until after the election."People are going to say to me, 'Why are we going to need to do anything on this now. It has been dealt with. We can wait until after the election,'" Sen. Rubio said in an interview. "And it is going to be hard to argue against that."
In conceding that his own push was likely dead for now, Mr. Rubio also expressed anger at how the White House made its announcement Friday without consulting him or other members of the Republican Party. "We have never talked to anyone in the White House about their plans," he said. "The only thing the White House has ever done about our ideas was to try to get some of the Dream Act kids not work with us."
The reason it has been dealt with is EXACTLY the same as why Obama did not solicit your input to stroke your delicate egos- because you guys haven't done anything about the issue for 3 and 1/2 years, and there is no chance in hell you will in the next six months. I know it is hard for you to comprehend, but Charlie Brown is finally starting to figure out that Lucy is just going to pull the ball away, so he's taking his ball and making a go of it on his own.
Just another coincidence
I'm sure the fact that the Supremes just split 5-4 in favor of big business yet again is not indicative of right-wing hackery, but a decision solely based on originalism and precedent:
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday that pharmaceutical companies do not have to pay overtime to their representatives who visit doctors' offices to promote their products, a dispute that had threatened the industry with billions of dollars in potential liability.By a 5-4 vote, the high court handed a defeat to two former sales representatives for a unit of Britain's GlaxoSmithKline Plc. They had appealed a U.S. appeals court in California ruling that they were "outside sales" personnel exempt from federal overtime pay requirements.
That decision conflicted with an earlier ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York that pharmaceutical sales representatives qualified for overtime under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) trade group has told the Supreme Court that classifying sales representatives as eligible for overtime could expose the industry to billions of dollars in potential costs.
"PhRMA strongly supports the Supreme Court's decision," the trade group said in a statement. "The Supreme Court's opinion is consistent with the arguments advanced in our amicus brief and with the longstanding sales practices of our member companies."
The only reason you would think the Roberts court is going to reflexively rule for big business every chance they get is because you are a naive rube who does not understand the law.
More coincidences:
To observers of the 'Obamacare' oral arguments, it would come as no surprise that Justice Antonin Scalia is a likely vote to strike it down. But there has remained one major wrinkle in his prior jurisprudence that continues to give hope to a handful of the health care law's proponents that he'll vote to uphold it.Now, within days of the historic ruling, Scalia is releasing a new book in which he finds fault with a Roosevelt-era Supreme Court decision that forms a critical part of the legal undergirding for the health care reform law. For Scalia, that's a dramatic turnaround, because he has previously embraced the premise of that decision in an opinion he authored in 2005 that supporters of the Affordable Care Act have frequently cited.
Let's keep in mind, though, that you all are not trained lawyers, and as such, are simply out of line/ignorant/talking out your ass/uninformed when you claim these guys are nothing but right wing hacks.
WTF is this?
"It is critically important for all conservatives -- and indeed all Americans -- to stand up and unite in defense of the freedom to organize around the causes we believe in, and against any effort that would constrain our ability to do so," McConnell told AEI.
And what are the "efforts" that have McConnell so outraged? The senator "cited a Democratic proposal to require corporations and unions to disclose their spending on political advertising."
Yes, in Mitch McConnell's mind, the DISCLOSE Act is "nothing less than an effort by the government itself to expose its critics to harassment and intimidation, either by government authorities or through third-party allies."
As far as the Senate Minority Leader is concerned, there's nothing wrong with wealthy interests buying American elections -- the real scandal is a proposal to let American voters know who's doing the buying.
In reality, the DISCLOSE Act (Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections) is a fairly modest proposal. In the wake of the Citizens United ruling, Democrats thought it made sense to require corporations, unions, and other interest groups that pay for campaign ads to identify themselves, allowing the public to know who's saying what.
It wasn't even a partisan initiative, at least not completely -- in the House, the proposal even had a Republican co-sponsor.
It would have become law in 2010 were it not for a Republican filibuster. When the bill reached the floor, it had 59 supporters and 39 opponents, which in the broken Senate, means the legislation failed. Proponents only needed one GOP vote, but every Republican in the chamber, including alleged "moderates" like Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Scott Brown (R-Mass.) refused to give the bill an up-or-down vote.
But McConnell is still afraid the bill might make a comeback, and has taken a firm stand in support of front groups that keep donations secret. This, as far as the Minority Leader is concerned, makes him a champion of the First Amendment.
Because nothing says "freedom" like secret billionaires quietly buying elections out of public view.
Massive Crowd Gathers For Reading Of Vagina Monologues At Michigan Capitol
GOP Senate Candidate Says Businesses Should Be Allowed To Deny Health Insurance To Cancer Patients
Douchebags on Parade - Meet the 7 Dims who are willing to extend all the Bush tax cuts (yeah, they are in the Senate) unless Congress approves a grand bargain to reduce the deficit:
- Jon Tester (D-Mont.)
- Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
- Mark Pryor (D -AR)
- Jim Webb (D-Va.)
- Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)
- Bill Nelson (D-Fla.)
- Ben Nelson (D-Neb.)
Note that at least two of them are retiring (Web and one of the Ben Nelsons), but they still get to be self-serving dicks and bagmen. (The Hill)
PHOTOS: Catholic Nuns Protesting GOP Budget Cuts Visit GOP Rep. King's Office
Wisconsin GOP Senate Candidate Eric Hovde was chattin' up some boys at the local Chamber of Commerce when he arrived at the real problem with today's economic reporting: can you believe all these people whining about starving to death in the recession? How is that "news"? If people want food, they should just stop being lazy and get food. Now let's "reset" the national economic conversation back to where it belongs, castigating the public for its irrational hatred of synthetic collateralized debt obligations. READ MORE »
Right. Better for the press, I imagine, to focus on how the downtrodden 1 percenters are paying too much in taxes than to bother to write about families struggling to stay afloat in the worst recession of their lifetime…much of it due to Hovde's own political party.
Every time you think Republican politicians have hit rock-bottom in terms of their sliminess and disregard for the poor and middle-class, they find a way to surprise you. Scumbags indeed.
Ten days early, Dharun Ravi walked out of a New Jersey jail today after meeting good behavior stipulations of his sentence.
New Jersey's Star-Ledger has had to step into the comments of the above-linked story with a plea for civility.
Yes, it was the butler. But also, SATAN.
A senior Vatican official on Monday blamed the media — and the devil — for fueling the scandal over the butler who leaked Vatican documents. The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, told the Italian Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana that journalists reporting on the scandal were "pretending to be Dan Brown," an author who has written novels about power struggles inside the Roman Catholic Church. "The truth is that there's a will to create division that comes from the devil," Cardinal Bertone said.
Not surprisingly, Ron Paul is behind this.
In a revolt against Romney, at least 40 more national convention delegates asked to join 123 previous plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the Republican National Committee, and their attorney said hundreds more may soon follow suit. The first 123 delegates, all from the 9th Circuit, sued the RNC, its Chairman Rince Priebus, and every state party chairman in the 9th Circuit in Federal Court on Monday, demanding the right to vote for the candidate of their choice on every ballot at the Republican National Convention, including the first. The delegates claim the party violated federal law by forcing them to sign loyalty affidavits, under threat of perjury, to vote for Mitt Romney, though he is not yet the official nominee. They also claimed that state party chairmen are fixing elections at state conventions and changing ballots so that all votes cast count for Romney.
The lawyer behind the suit claims: "If the judge rules in our favor, I won't be surprised if three or four new candidates, say Sarah Palin, jump in and say they want to be considered."
Bad new poll for Obama: 52 percent of independents say his policies have not helped create jobs. Of course, majorities of indys also supported infrastructure spending and aid to states to … create jobs, both of which were blocked by Republicans.
In other words: Indies agree that Obama should create jobs with infrastructure and aid to the states. The Republicans blocked those measures by filibustering the American Jobs Act. So the indies blamed… Obama?
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