Mark Sanford, he of the naked hiking on the Appalachian Trail–who knew it went all the way down to Brazil?–will supposedly announce tomorrow that he's running for Congress in South Carolina. There is no report as to whether or not his ex wife will vote for him at this time.
Sanford will announce via press release tomorrow; there will be no press conference or public events associated with it, according to an aide.
NBC previously reported that Sanford would attempt a political comeback running for his old first congressional district seat. Sanford would be running to replace Tim Scott, who was appointed to Jim DeMint's Senate seat.
Get the popcorn and the beer! This is gonna be fucking great!
UPDATE: We have the de riguer invocation of God's Will ™:
"I'm not saying it was God-ordained or anything like that," Sanford said, "but a series of rather miraculous events have coincided here, that did not escape the attention of the friends who were urging me to look at this."
God DOES love me, to give me such a show!
It's not news that Ann Coulter makes a living by saying terrible things, but ever since her and Bill O'Reilly shared a tender moment while lamenting the browning of America following the November election, her and her colleagues seem to be spending less effort than ever to hide their naked racism.
Right-wing firebrand Ann Coulter on Monday said that the United States has a demographic problem rather than a gun problem, arguing that the country has a comparable murder rate to Belgium "if you compare white populations."
Coulter just returned from a trip to England, where she said residents "have not bought into this whole diversity enthusiasm."
"On the gun crimes, we keep hearing how low they are in Europe, and oh, they're so low, and they have no guns," Coulter told Fox's Sean Hannity. "If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium."
And thus Colin Powell was vindicated.
It's that "dark vein of intolerance," or what we like to refer to as Republican Outreach.
President Obama this week will embrace a comprehensive plan to reduce gun violence that will call for major legislation to expand background checks for gun purchases and lay out 19 separate actions the president could take by invoking the power of his office, lawmakers who were briefed on the plan said Monday.
Lawmakers and other officials said that the president could use a public event as soon as Wednesday to signal his intention to engage in the biggest Congressional fight over guns in nearly two decades, focusing on the heightened background checks and including efforts to ban assault weapons and their high-capacity clips. But given the difficulty of pushing new rules through a bitterly divided Congress, Mr. Obama will also promise to act on his own to reduce gun violence wherever possible.
And cue the right-wing freakout — complete with impeachment threats.
Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) is threatening to file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he moves to change gun regulations through executive order.
"I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment," Stockman said.
This fight is only getting started, and it's going get way more insane.
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