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Wyoming to Preemptively Nullify Federal Law That Doesn't Exist
What was just a proposal last week has now been passed by the Wyoming House of Representatives.
via ThinkProgress
On Thursday, members of the Wyoming state House gave initial approval to a bill that would nullify any gun laws passed by the U.S. Congress pertaining to extended magazine clips or semi-automatic weapons. The move is not only unconstitutional, but it is thus far unnecessary: Congress has yet to pass any new gun laws for Wyoming to attempt to nullify.
Under the Constitution, states are not permitted to pass laws meant to supersede federal legislation. But state Rep. Kendell Kroeker (R) argued that since Congress has not yet passed any gun laws, the nullification measure did not violate the Constitution. "It is clearly a different case than trying to nullify something that's already in existence," Kroeker said.
Oh. You're nullifying something that doesn't exist so it's not unconstitutional. At least not yet. Thanks for making it absolutely clear that you're aware that you're nullifying something that doesn't exist.
Do Wyoming taxpayers understand that their precious tax dollars are being flushed right down the toilet as their elected representatives waste time on boondoggles like this? I know Wyoming is home to small-government-loving Real Americans, so I just thought I'd ask.
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Under current law, women in South Dakota must wait 72 hours between the time they request an abortion and the time they can legally have one, but that's not good enough for some Dakota Republicans.
House Bill 1237, sponsored by Republican Jon Hansen, would amend the waiting period rule to add the line, "No Saturday, Sunday, federal holiday, or state holiday may be included or counted in the calculation of the seventy-two hour minimum time period between the initial physician consultation and assessment and the time of the scheduled abortion procedure." It has 14 co-sponsors in the house and five in the state senate.
If you're going to seek an abortion, make sure you do so on a Monday. That is unless you're busy working. I assume this bill is intended to exploit work schedules to make it as difficult as possible to find time for an abortion. I can see no other possible motivation.
There's being a jerk, and then there's being a dick. I think this qualifies as the latter.
It's Republican outreach.
1,478: How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown?
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