
Switzerland Clamps Down Hard On Executive Pay — Should The U.S. Follow Suit?
Yes we should clamp down. Watch this.
The corruption of Republican bankroller Sheldon Adelson
Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who spent as much as $150 million on independent expenditures to bolster Republicans in the 2012 election, has informed the Securities and Exchange Commission that his Las Vegas Sands Corporation "likely violated a federal law against bribing foreign officials."
The Las Vegas Sands Corporation is suspected of improperly and in some cases illegally bribing Chinese government officials to expand its business in China. The company may have violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with a $700,000 payment to a Chinese associate and worked with organized crime gangs to drive business from mainland China to their Macau casino.
Yes, bribing foreign officials and working with organized crime gangs.
This from the guy who bankrolled Gingrich before moving on to Romney, the guy who has emerged as the Republicans' leading donor, the guy who wants to keep on giving even after his massive 2012 failure.
It all fits together so nicely, doesn't it?
Yes, bribing foreign officials and working with organized crime gangs.
This from the guy who bankrolled Gingrich before moving on to Romney, the guy who has emerged as the Republicans' leading donor, the guy who wants to keep on giving even after his massive 2012 failure.
It all fits together so nicely, doesn't it?
International Crime Syndicate to meet in secret - The College of Cardinals is having their pre-meeting before the real meeting wherein they elect a new Godfather, I guess to go over Powerpoints and stuff? Try to figure out who can vote and who cannot because of pending scandals and indictments for pedophilia and whatnot? Scribble their phone numbers on confessional stalls? Hire strippers? Research extradition laws? Who knows?! It's a secret! (Raw Story)
A Dominican escort says she was paid by "a lawyer who approached her and a friend" to spin a yarn involving New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez and prostitutes. "That man has in turn identified another lawyer who gave him a script for the tape and paid him to find women to fabricate the claims," the report goes on. Did Tucker Carlson's The Daily Caller set him up? Someone did -- and the Caller's been riding the phony Menendez-hooker story like a circus pony.
The Greatest Chart Ever
Via Benen, the CBPP has updated its famous "parfait" chart illustrating what's driving the national debt between now and 2019 based on CBO estimates from last month.
And, shocker!, the chart looks about the same as it always has. Because, like always, the Bush administration's policies occupy most of the strata.
However, this chart continues to be a huge secret because if you listen to cable news and the traditional press, both sides are to blame for the sequester and Obama is to blame for out-of-control spending (even though he's cut the deficit by $555 billion and is responsible for the second lowest annualized growth in government spending of any president since World War II).
The New Leader of the Crazy Caucus and Her Crazy Remarks About VAWA
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