A handful of American soldiers stood silently near the entrance of the court house, with rifles slung over their shoulders. A few Americans in business attire who attended the hearing with badges concealed in shirt pockets stood quietly behind a throng of relatives and admirers of the defendant who gathered outside the courtroom clapping and cheering.An Iraqi soldier in uniform, apparently moved by the moment, raised his hands in the air and applauded along with them.
Some attendees left the courtroom crying. But the scene was largely jubilant, as women in black abayas ululated triumphantly, their high-pitched shrieks reverberating in the courthouse lobby.
"Imam Ali is with you, hero!" the crowd chanted, referring to the relative of the Muslim prophet Muhammad, revered by Iraqi Shiites.
I could control the jimmying, but there was no way around the two thousand dollars in house and junk fees. It was a bad feeling, to be stuck in an office that was so wedded to the mortgage broker hokey pokey that I couldn't even do a reasonably priced loan for my own brother.
There are many of the same houses that he looked at two years ago in the area that are still for sale. There are houses on his street that have been vacant for some time, houses that friends of mine, upon visiting him, have immediately tried to buy as investment properties, but to no avail. The bankers will not budge one inch, leaving the investors no recourse but to stay on the sidelines until the prices come down to a level that will allow them to get 70% loan to value loans.
Go read the rest. This shit is still going on. Still.
By Gen. JC Christian, patriot(Tremonton, UT United States) - See all my reviews
Dr. Comfort's book is amazing. It may be the best primer for defeating an atheist I've ever read. I'm particularly fond of how he proves the existence of God by pointing out the perfection of the banana and the fact that the atmosphere is 78.09% nitrogen and 20.95% oxygen--"the exact mixture that his [Adam's] lungs and blood needed to survive."
Take that atheists!
My only disappointment with the proofs provided in this book is that my favorite, Eve, isn't listed among them. Evolution could have made her look like anything at all--like Rush Limbaugh, a big hairy wookie, or a naked mole rat for example. There's no way Adam would have tapped that. Instead, God chose to fashion one of Adam's ribs into something soft, curvy, beautiful, and desirable (Yes, he did make that little sailor in the boat impossible to find, but that's only because you're not supposed to touch it).
God did that. He made women attractive to men, so we'd want to procreate with them rather than watermelons or sheep or something else. And even more importantly, he knew when to stop. No barbeque on these ribs, because God doesn't want us to be always tasting them.
Wild Bird Club of the Philippines President Michael Lu stated the obvious: "What if this was the last of its species?"
It is like a scene out of the movie The Freshman, where the standard in such cases was clear:
Clark Kellogg: But it's an endangered species!
Carmine Sabatini: Not any more. It's in New Jersey, it's fine.
For the full story, click here.
Both Sandlin and the city face serious liability should anything go wrong. For Sandlin, he would be held strictly liable for any accident with the Tiger under common law torts. here
Once upon a time there lived a man in a big white house. He looked outside one day and saw many, many people suffering. "Hey everybody," he said, "people are suffering and things are going to get worse fast. Who wants to help me write a stimulus bill?"
So Democrats and Republicans started putting together a stimulus bill but there was trouble almost immediately. "We don't want to help everyone," Republicans said, "we just want to give more tax breaks to our rich friends even if it wrecks the economy once and for all."
Their leader, Michael Steele, even complained that Democrats don't know how to create wealth. He was right that the best way to make some people rich is to let the people with the most money keep it all and borrow from others to pay for wars and private contractors and new bureaucracies that Republicans invent and give names like Homeland Security. That really does create wealth, just not for everyone.
So the Democrats pitched in to write the legislation and then the man in the big white house asked, "Who will help me pass the stimulus bill?"
Again, Republicans refused.
Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) said, "…our efforts continue to keep the measure from being a spending free-for-all…Having been disappointed with both bailout measures, I believe my vote in opposition was appropriate."
Democrats passed the package anyway, and the man in the big white house signed it and said, "Who will help me spend the money in the stimulus bill?"
Mica elbowed up to the front of the line.
"The timing couldn't be better," Mica said in a joint statement with [Democratic Florida Rep. Corrine] Brown, regarding $750 million in transportation funding in the bill, some of which is likely headed for the [Central Florida Commuter] Rail project.
"I applaud President Obama's recognition that high-speed rail should be part of America's future," Mica said in a separate statement.
And so, the man in the big white house worked very hard to get a bill to help the people, and even though the Republicans didn't help him, he shared the money in the stimulus package with them anyway.
"He's a socialist," the Republicans said. "Why, he's practically red."
The Whittier house where Nadya Suleman, the mother of octuplets, and her six other children have been living with her parents is in pre-foreclosure, according to records. - latte times
The Pacific Fishery Management Council, a federal body that regulates commercial and sport fishing, estimated that only 66,286 adult salmon returned to the Sacramento river to spawn. Six years ago, the peak return was 13 times higher.- sfgate
An added bonus: campaign contributions received by each House member from the lobbying firm are also listed.
RS: Do you foresee a scenario in which senior members of the Bush administration are actually prosecuted?
PELOSI: I think so. The American people deserve answers. Where we are now, in terms of prosecution of White House staff, is that we have charged them with contempt of Congress. We're talking about Harriet Miers, Josh Bolten and Karl Rove. The natural course of events from here is that the speaker will determine what charge we're going to pursue, because there are more than one. Under Bush, the Justice Department told the U.S. attorney not to prosecute the case. So the beat goes on — it just gets worse. We don't know what will happen, because they've delayed it a long time.
In other economic news, there was a 3.7 percent surge in energy prices with gasoline prices jumping 15 percent, the biggest gain in 14 months (even though oil today is $38 per barrel).
"If Iraq was Bush's war, Afghanistan could, with this move, certainly become Obama's war." Howie Kurtz, on Obama's order to finally deal with the 9-11 evildoers that Bush ignored Link
Iraq was Bush's war because HE CHOSE to invade it. But that doesn't matter to Howie.
Geronimo's kin sue Skull & Bones
Better sue those Bush bastards too Link
Geronimo's descendants have sued Skull and Bones claiming that its members stole the remains of the legendary Apache leader decades ago and have kept them ever since.
The federal lawsuit filed in Washington on Tuesday — the 100th anniversary of Geronimo's death — also names the university and the federal government.
Geronimo's great-grandson Harlyn Geronimo said his family believes Skull and Bones members took some of the remains in 1918 from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla., to keep in its New Haven clubhouse, a crypt.
The alleged graverobbing is a longstanding legend that gained some validity in recent years with the discovery of a letter from a club member that described the theft.
Both Bush the Smarter and Bush the World Breaker are members, as well as John Kerry (D-Cavedin) and many others in powerful government and industry positions are members of the society, which has its member pose blowing senior members to blackmail them into blind obedience.
We should never again allow a candidate to run for president when he has secrets he can't talk about.
Skip to ma' Lou ma' darlin'
I'm sure I heard it somewhere…there were WMD in Iraq – POSITIVELY ID'd by the Bush people. But some of us crazies, excuse me, nutters, called the Powers That Be on it and were called conspiracy theorists.
There was a small article in the papers and on TV a while back about a CIA agent being outed by the Bush people (which Cheney and some guy named Libby were involved with, but denied) and the press said it wasn't so; and some of us idiots, excuse me, nutters, called them out on it and we were pooh poohed and called crackpots, unpatriotic and conspiracy theorists.
Some time a few years back, some pictures were released of torture going on in Iraq by American Soldiers. But of course, when some of us who have "crazy ravings" commented that it was really happening, we were called conspiracy theorists and unpatriotic.
When it was discovered, sorry, "leaked" that prisoners were being mistreated at Gitmo and that some were being held because they blew their noses wrong, a number of really cogent types called us unpatriotic and conspiracy theorists.
When it was revealed, sorry, insinuated that news was being "fed" to the media like so much propaganda, from the Bush Administration and the media were complicit, some of us were called crazy radicals and conspiracy theorists.
When some from the left suggested that there were reports the U.S. of A. tortured prisoners and ignored the Geneva Convention and the heroes of the anti conspiracy theorists cheered the denials of the always truthful Bush Regime, and some of us called bull shit, we were called conspiracy theorists and unpatriotic.
Keep reading: http://blondesense.blogspot.com/2009/02/skip-to-ma-lou-ma-darlin.html
Remember the Carlyle Group? They're the guys that were sitting at the Ritz Carlton when the planes hit the buildings on 9/11. You can refresh your memory here: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Bush_Gang/CarlyleGroup_TETTR.html
Anyway, it seems as if they made a fortune off Dubya's failure to prevent 9/11, and now they're about to cash in on his failure to prevent the financial ruination of this country...
Carlyle Senses a Profit in Toxic Bank Assets
Carlyle Group, a giant private-equity firm, has raised around $1 billion and hopes to add $2 billion more for investments in financial institutions that come up for sale under President Obama's economic rescue plan, according to people familiar with the company's plans.
Seeking to jump-start the economy, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner last week said he will seek private-sector help for the banks, offering loans at favorable rates and putting up government backing to reduce the risks to investors like Carlyle.
WTF? I'd sense a profit too if someone had my back and reduced all my risk. Kinda like the deal Fannie and Freddie got from the gubmint and then gave to all their "big bank borrowers"
I guess RISK (for the big boys that is) no longer means under financial or legal obligation, to be held responsible.
Rick man-on-dog Santorum, who had his ass handed to him in the 2006 election isn't around as much anymore offering us opportunities to make merciless fun of him. But, today is a good day. Apparently, Santorum is on some kind of national campus tour with the stated intention of waking our college kids up to the menace of Islam. His travels brought him to Lincoln, Nebraska this past Tuesday where he tried to bring a little knowledge to the undereducated.
The lecture continued when Santorum pointed out what he thought were the main differences between Christians and Muslims. Santorum said Christians, who believe in Jesus Christ, never governed or conquered anyone, but Mohammed was a warrior and killed people.Santorum said he believes Muslims' religious views cannot be changed or altered, so Middle Easterners reject American, democratic ideals.
"A democracy could not exist because Mohammed already made the perfect law," Santorum said. "The Quran is perfect just the way it is, that's why it is only written in Islamic."
Note to Rick: Even the majority of morons know that the Koran was written in Arabic, not Islamic - which isn't a language.
Santorum received two standing ovations from the crowd.
You might think it's murder when a US soldier helps kill an Iraqi prisoner in his custody and under his control, but you would be dead wrong.http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2009/2/19/1337/03185
United States Flag Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Sec. 8(d):
The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.
From the 2009 Sarah Palin calendar
Remember Valerie Plame, the CIA NOC operative that the winguts all said was "just a pencil pusher" but who turned out to be investigating trafficking weapons in and out of Iran? The then Vice President decided it was more important to get petty revenge against Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, for debunking the Iraq/yellowcake/Niger claim of the Bush Administration than to, uh, KEEP ACTUAL WEAPONS OUT OF THE HANDS OF ROGUE NATIONS.
These are the guys that we were told for eight years were "keeping us safe."
Well, now the chickens unleashed by Cheney's vindictive, petty revenge have come home to roost:
Iran has built up a stockpile of enough enriched uranium for one nuclear bomb, United Nations officials acknowledged on Thursday.
Keep reading: http://brilliantatbreakfast.blogspot.com/2009/02/and-remember-cheney-wanted-pardon-last.html
Fox News lady: "I've got a picture of what the monkey would look like — we're waiting for some live video of the search to come in — and it's my screensaver now, Jim… I want you to take a look at that, that's what we're dealing with, that's what they can look like when they're upset. They're known because the males have bright blue scrotums." One minute later, John Gibson: Eric Holder has a bright blue scrotum, haw haw haw.
Remember when the Wingnuts used to get their panties all bunched up when we'd compare the Bush Administration's crimes to those of the Germans? "Unfair," they cried. "We'd never ever do anything like that to a Democratic president," they screeched.
Well, it didn't take long for that promise to be non-operative.
And yes, that is Michelle Malkin looking on approvingly and leaning into a guy who is holding a sign proclaiming that Obama is a Nazi
while dangling a noose from his fingers.
Never mind, by the way, that if there were any black people in Germany during the Third Reich, they'd have been marched into the concentration camps right alongside, if not in front of, the Jews.
MERTZON, Texas – Millions of wild pigs weighing up to 300 pounds have been tearing up crops, trampling fences and eating just about anything in their path in Texas. But now they had better watch their hairy backs.
A state lawmaker is proposing to allow ordinary Texans with rifles and shotguns to shoot the voracious, tusked animals from helicopters.
"You're not going to have some bubba up there going, `Pass me a beer and ammo' and hunting some hogs," the legislator said. "We certainly want to do it right."
Many hunters and landowners will probably leave the carcasses in the field, just as they do now. Wild hogs that are gunned down cannot be sold for meat under U.S. agriculture regulations. (Moreover, wild boar is said by some to be tough and gamey.)
OK, so pigs aren't wolves, but it's a start. Elephants anyone?
Congressman Joseph "Anh" Cao, a Republican, who defeated William "Bill" Jefferson is facing a recall petition because of his vote on the Barack Obama stimulus package. The recall has been initiated by a group of ministers.
Cao had indicated that he would be voting in favor of the controversial legislation but instead voted against it.
Last year, when the New York Times published a story which carried the concerns of Sen. John McCain's aides over his relationship with a sexytime female lobbyist, the Senator strongly objected, calling suggestions that he'd had an extra-marital affair "not true."
However, the lobbyist, Vicki Iseman, filed a $27 million defamation suit against the paper. On Thursday, that suit was dropped without settlement from the paper or alteration to the report: A victory for the New York Times and the story's authors.
This kinda means that Grampa Walnuts and the lobbyist were doin' the nasty.
In 2007, the House Oversight Committee discovered that at least 88 Bush White House officials, including former adviser Karl Rove and former chief of staff Andrew Card, had RNC e-mail accounts. Additionally, the RNC has preserved no e-mails for 51 officials and had major gaps in the e-mail records of the 37 White House officials for whom the RNC did preserve e-mails.
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) could never be reached for comment about that, but now he has "called on President Obama to put in place a system that ensures all White House emails be preserved even if official business was done through private e- mail accounts." This newfound interest in the use of outside e-mail accounts at the White House is ironic, considering his dismissal of such concerns when Democrats investigated the Bush administration's use of RNC e-mail accounts:
Republicans accused the Democrats of pursuing the investigation simply to dig up dirt on Rove and waste hundreds of thousands of dollars of money that the RNC could be using to shore up its candidates' campaigns.
"Are we simply going on a fishing expedition at $40,000 to $50,000 a month?" Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) asked National Archives and White House officials at the hearing. "Do any of you know of a single document, because this committee doesn't, that should've been in the archives but in fact was done at the RNC?"
Poverty: it's America's hottest new trend! Everybody's hopping on the bandwagon! Poors are the new yuppies, etc.! And yet certain elected representatives in your state may still not be on board with anti-poverty legislation, because they are mean. Want to find out how people have voted in your state or district? Go to this leetle interactive map dealy at the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law's Poverty Scorecard and see who you should publicly shame! (Hint: Start with Wyoming.)
You wanna know why no one in the media is referencing Congressional approval ratings? Because they're rising. Well, except among Republicans
Yeah, funny, that. Remember not that long ago the Syncophantic Conservative Leaning Media (SCLM) couldn't wait to tell you a few dozen times an hour that those horrible anti-American Dems in Congress were getting the worst approval ratings? Dems in disarray! Voters say Dems suck! The Democratic-led Congress's approval numbers are lower than the worst preznit ever's!
Jesus used in anti-stimulus ad from conservative group: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0209/19055.html
Republicon phone jammer James Tobin gets off scot-free: http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Former_RNC_director_convicted_in_phone_0220.html
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