More heartwarming news from our BFF in the Middle East - the ones that supplied the 9/11 hijackers and we let fly out of the country without questioning them :
A Saudi judge has ordered a woman should be jailed for a year and receive 100 lashes after she was gang-raped, it was claimed last night.The 23-year-old woman, who became pregnant after her ordeal, was reportedly assaulted after accepting a lift from a man.
He took her to a house to the east of the city of Jeddah where she was attacked by him and four of his friends throughout the night…
According to the Saudi Gazette, she eventually 'confessed' to having 'forced intercourse' with her attackers and was brought before a judge at the District Court in Jeddah.
He ruled she had committed adultery — despite not even being married — and handed down a year's prison sentence, which she will serve in a prison just outside the city.
She is still pregnant and will be flogged once she has had the child.
Wall Street had been holding its breath, pricing in, and "banking" (betting) on an effective Stimulus Plan, and a new and sensible Bank Rescue Plan. Well, neither are happening, and now we've continued with our regularly-scheduled collapse.
Geithner is a total schmuck, clearly unwilling to properly confront the real problems of his Banker-Buddies' greed, their unwillingness to be honest about the shittiness of their piece of the Big Shitpile, and unwillingness help their borrowers, and those others on the hook in order to help themselves. So many better candidates for the role, and it's too damned early in the Obama Administration to replace the pinch-faced piece of shit, dammit. via Bloomberg

After stimulus vote, Republicans demand more rope
There is no telling how many kids' lives were ruined by those two shitheels. Once the litigations get going, it is going to cost the Commonwealth a hell of a lot more than the bribes those two corrupt bastards received. Seven years in prison? Hell, they should serve seventy! Every day, they should be locked in the stocks with plenty of rotten fruit and eggs for those kids to throw at them.
Of course, the prison companies claim they were victims, too. I call "bullshit" on that. Last time I checked, the phone number for the FBI is in the book. Nothing was stopping them from dropping a dime on the judges, other than greed.
And you have to wonder if this isn't also going on in every other state with privately-run prisons.

"A Fox News producer who covered Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign for the cable network is facing child porn charges after federal agents discovered photos and videos on his computer depicting "children under the age of ten being sexually abused by adult men and women."
Maybe when he gets out he can work for Bill-O.
Now, the RSS's Cow Protection Department has invented a new urine-based soft drink it hopes will promote its health-giving properties to a wider market. "We refer to gau ark (cow urine) as gau jal (cow water) as it has immense potential to cure various diseases. We have developed a soft drink formula with gau jal as the base and it has been sent to a laboratory at Lucknow for testing," said director Om Prakash.
Rep. Maxine Waters asks CEO's about their practice of raising credit card limits at the Bank CEO hearing today. How many of us have had a sudden jump in our interest rates without ever even knowing it.Which of course never allows people to pay off the debt. Waters is making a key point here.
Waters: Since you received TARP money, have any of you increased the amount of interest on the credit cards by sending out letters to the consumers, to your credit card holders indicating that this was part of the contract even though this was in small print and you now have the ability to do it, have any of you Did any of you do that?
Did you do this?
CEO: I was volunteering. First of all I feel like corporal of the universe not captain of the universe.
Waters: Did you increase your credit card interest rate?
CEO: In 2008, we increased interest rates on 9 % of our customers.
Waters: Thank you very much, did anyone else increase credit card rates after you received TARP money? Anyone else, if so would you please raise your hand. (most of them did)
You sent out the letters I'm trying to describe? Saying that you have the authority to do that. Did any of you reduce the amount of credit that was available to credit card holders because they shopped at certain stores? Just raise your hand if you did. None of you did. Let the record reflect, none of them raised their hands.
Tom Geoghegan has repeatedly talked about the idea of helping the American consumer with their credit debt by canceling their private consumer debt which would immediately stimulate the economy. He often speaks about how these institutions can raise their rates to as high as they want. The consumer can never catch up and it's a sad practice which will cripple Americans with overriding fear about their state of finances.
Eight Taliban suicide attackers struck Afghan government buildings and a prison Wednesday killing 19 people in a coordinated attack that the Taliban said was in retaliation for the mistreatment of prisoners, according to Afghan officials.
The Defense Department did not maintain a complete inventory on more than a third of those weapons, according to the GAO.
Many weapons could not be linked to serial numbers, making it nearly impossible to verify receipt. And of the 41,000 with serial numbers, none could be tied to records confirming their location. The military also would forgo routine inventory checks because of staffing shortages and a lack of direction, GAO concluded.
Recall that the same thing happened in Iraq when Saint Petraeus handed out 190,000 pistols and AK-47's to the Iraqis that went missing due to "clerical errors."
A federal grand jury has subpoenaed the records of former New Mexico senator Republican Pete Domenici as part of an investigation into whether "former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, other Bush administration officials or Republicans in Congress should face criminal charges" for the 2006 firings of nine U.S. attorneys. Prosecutors, led by acting Connecticut U.S. Attorney Nora R. Dannehy, are also preparing to interview Scott Jenings, a former aide to Karl Rove.
In Washington, D.C., the eight, white, male bank CEOs were so relieved to avoid the rabble picketing outside their estates up in Greenwich, CT, that they allowed members of the House Financial Services Committee to wag accusatory fingers and scold them on their continued use of private jets to transport them around the country. In return, they promised they'd try to remember how many hundreds of thousands of dollars they "earn" per year:
Wells Fargo's Stumpf had some trouble remembering his salary.
"My compensation in 2008, I'm embarrassed, I think it was 850 — I can't remember the exact number. Let's say $850,000," he said.
Well, whatever Stumpf does, he should also remember not to call this year's cash payout a bonus!
Across the hall in another chamber, Stewart Parnell, CEO of The Peanut Corporation of America, a.k.a. "Salmonella Central," defiantly pleaded the Fifth in the face of proof that his greed and arrogance caused at least nine deaths to date. Cost of doing business, right?
Then it turns out that sweet little victim Ruth Madoff, wife of archvillain Bernie "I'm a Prisoner in My $7 Million Apartment" Madoff, somehow managed to transfer $10 million out of a brokerage account run by her husband . . . the day before Bernie was busted. Um . . . negative optics, anyone?
Steve Austria, the Republican Kaiser of Ohio, blames America's original great depression ("The Great Depression") on FDR, despite FDR taking office four years after its start. Matthew Yglesias
Yesterday in Iraq: at least 31 Iraqis were killed and 94 more were wounded - and 4 Gitmo detainees who were handed over to Iraq and went missing, have been found in an Iraqi jail.
4,244 soldiers killed in Iraq.
Media barely reporting on Iraq war:
Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman has embraced a simple, indisputable truth: All persons are created equal, and should be treated equally under the law:
Found in the comment section of the Trib: With the Pledge of Allegiance being cast aside by both mormons and christians, I have rewritten a pledge for them and their Un-American points of view. It is still a work in progress, so please be patient.
"I pledge allegiance to my religion, and the hatred for which it stands. One Theocracy under god, for misguided morals I will stand, with liberty and justice for all, except for gays."
As companies lay off more workers, the aspect of layoffs that gets very little publicity is the fact that companies have to pay higher unemployment insurance rates to compensate the state system for layoffs.So what's a money-hemorrhaging corporation to do to save these costs, especially one just trying to protect the jobs and "retention awards" of the very executives that ran the companies into the ground?
Easy: Fight the people you laid off and try to deny them unemployment compensation.
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