A tidal wave of public outrage over bonus payments swamped American International Group yesterday. Hired guards stood watch outside the suburban Connecticut offices of AIG Financial Products, the division whose exotic derivatives brought the insurance giant to the brink of collapse last year. Inside, death threats and angry letters flooded e-mail inboxes. Irate callers lit up the phone lines. Senior managers submitted their resignations. Some employees didn't show up at all.
"It's a mob effect," one senior executive said. "It's putting people's lives in danger."
Politicians and the public spent yesterday demanding that AIG rescind payouts that they said rewarded recklessness and greed at a company being bailed out with $170 billion in taxpayer funds. But company officials contend that the uproar is scaring away the very employees who understand AIG Financial Products' complex trades and who are trying to dismantle the division before it further endangers the world's economy.
"It's going to blow up," said a senior Financial Products manager, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak for the company. "I have a horrible, horrible, horrible feeling that this is going to end badly."

My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures, have become clearer and stronger with advancing years and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them.It's unfortunate for the religious right that history exists. They'd have you believe that every President of the United State spent all of their time thinking about God -- what God wanted from them, what God wanted from the country, what they could do that would please God, etc. George Washington, for example, shuffled around his office on his knees, hand clenched in constant prayer, fulfilling his duty as elected lead shaman of a new democratic republic. Every president thereafter followed Washington's lead.
-Abraham Lincoln, to Judge JS Wakefield, after Willie Lincoln's death in 1862.
As tax season heads into its home stretch, here's what is -- or could be -- coming your way:
• You should be getting a tax credit in your paychecks, starting April 1 at the latest. It's called the Making Work Pay Credit, and it provides up to $400 per person or $800 for couples filing jointly. If you make less than $75,000 (or less than $150,000 per couple filing jointly) you should get the full credit, an extra $10 or $20 in your pay each week. Eligible retirees and seniors can get a one-time $250 payment (in late May, probably).
WOW! That extra $10 a week in any family's only working paycheck will probably mean the difference between life or death…or whether it will go toward the 9 to 14% increase on prices at Wal-Mart this year or even higher percentages at other stores! And the really swell part of this good news is that it looks like that extra money will be taxable income!
• First-time home buyers get the biggest bonus of all, up to $8,000 in "free money," Mr. Williams said. The new home buyer's credit replaces the old one -- which was $7,500, and had to be repaid over time -- with one that doesn't have to be repaid as long as the buyer stays in the home for three or more years. The catch? You have to make less than $75,000 (or $150,000 for a couple) to receive the full credit, you mustn't have owned a home in the last three years and the home must be purchased between Jan. 1 and Dec. 1, 2009.
Well, for those of us who were stupid enough to buy a house when we were younger, say, during Carter or Ronnie's regime, instead of waiting for these bad times and are paying it off now or have it paid off, that really helps us…how?
Wilkerson also writes that Powell and Richard Armitage "labored to ameliorate the GITMO situation from almost day one" but that Rumsfeld and Cheney were "standing resolutely" in the way and would "have none of it."
You know how the Gays are always trying to get married, for the sole purpose of ruining your hetero marriage? Well now one dictionary says they can. MORE »
Sarah "religious right" Palin's Scientology link, and Greta Van Susteren's massive conflict of interest. What would conservative Christians think? Something like "IOKIYAR," no doubt. AmericaBlog:
So not only is a Scientologist reportedly one of Sarah Palin's top advisers, but the man is the husband of Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. And ThinkProgress says that not only did Van Susteren never reveal that her husband was a top Palin adviser, while Van Susteren was interviewing Palin on Fox during the campaign, but TP says that Van Sustern even did stories about her husband's work, without revealing her husband's involvement in it.
4,259 soldiers killed in Iraq; 667 in Afghanistan.
Baghdad's water still undrinkable 6 years after invasion: http://news.yahoo.com/s/mcclatchy/20090318/wl_mcclatchy/3191674
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