"I'd pay to see that," the former vice president said Sunday.
In a speech to the US Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, JP Morgan Chase CEO James L. "Jamie" Dimon said the banking system can recover by year end if US officials stop the "constant vilification of corporate America" and work with the financial sector to end the crisis.
He doesn't understand what all the criticism of Wall Street is about, he says, adding, "I would ask a lot of our folks in government to stop doing it because I think it's hurting our country."
The current Rethug talking point is, "Obama needs to run the country like a business."
Really? He should run the country into the ground to drive up its stock prices with short-term thinking that sacrifices the future for short-term profit, then give himself big bonuses as he fires thousands of Americans due to the impending bankruptcy of the country?
Neal Horsley
Anti-Abortion Activist
Dear Mr. Horsley,I have terrible news--news that will most certainly affect you directly as an admitted mule romancer (audio). At this moment, the Florida legislature is acting to criminalize one of our most cherished heartland values, livestock love.
But that's not the worst of it. One legislator, Sen. Larcenia Bullard of Miami, discovered wording that would exempt the practice of "animal husbandry" from being prosecuted under the proposed law. Yes, you read that right. One of the Heartland's most cherished traditional values, livestock love, will soon be a violation of the law, but "husbanding" the same livestock will be allowed. Here's what Sen. Bullard had to say about it:
People are taking these animals as their husbands? What's husbandry...So that maybe was the reason the lady was so upset about that monkey?
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Some people, like your editor's co-editor S.K. Smith, feel "bad" about always hating on these waterhead kids, but that is silly. These Wasilla snowbillies are terrible. If you shot all the nation's Levi Johnstons into space and dumped them somewhere beyond the asteroid belt, America might have a chance to recover from its four-decade plunge into idiocy.
Anyway, there's video of this embarrassing encounter here, at the ABC News website. Basically, Levi has another shoddy version of the latest batch of televised lies from Bristol and whatever his sister "Mercedes" said to the supermarket tabloid. And maybe he and Bristol will get married later, once he is "mature." He might have his own little pill-dealing business someday!
Oh yeah and this:
"[There are] a lot of changes when you're a father, when you hold him for the first time, you know. I don't do a lot of things I used to anymore, I'll tell you that."
One of those lost pleasures is "banging Sarah Palin's daughter." Tragic.
Bernard Madoff's wife could theoretically claim more than $100 million in assets -- and should forfeit it all, according to federal prosecutors.Ruth did some "bookkeeping" for her husband, for god's sake. She knew what was going on. You can't claim "victimhood" because you're the female and that bad ol' male kept you down and in the dark.
The move by prosecutors seeks the court's help in recovering $22 million in Madoff properties, all of which are solely in Ruth Madoff's name except for one $3 million property. It also seeks $62 million in cash and securities in her name, $10 million in furnishings in the properties and $10 million for a yacht and other boats. - ap via yahoo finance
Someone had to say it, but did it have to be a Republican?
Nobody could have predicted that Geithner and Summers would be tools
Tools of Wall Street, tools of the status quo, just tools in general.
Nobody could have predicted, that is, except for the same dirty hippie bloggers that correctly predicted the disaster that Iraq would become, and correctly predicted that Bush's War on Terror would accomplish the direct opposite of its stated goals, and correctly predicted the housing bust, and the move from subprime mortgages in crisis to a general mortgage crisis. . .
Now these same dirty hippie bloggers - one of whom is a Nobel laureate, not that it matters - are correctly calling out Geithner and Summers for their methods in dealing with AIG. As Atrios says, little Timmy Geithner has his hands in America's cookie jar, and he's throwing chocolate chip cookies to all of his little friends from down The Street.
12/23/08: American Express Will Get $3.39 Billion in TARP Funds
3/16/09: American Express paid CEO $27.3 million in 2008
The Freeman Affair: killing a chicken to scare the monkeys: http://alterx.blogspot.com/2009/03/freeman-affair-killing-chickens-to.html
A 'moderate' pick for appeals court?
I suppose we should be grateful he isn't a Republican. But wouldn't it be nice if we had some, you know, actual liberals to counterbalance the wingnuts with whom Bush stacked the federal courts?
He's the nephew of Lee Hamilton of the worthless 9/11 whitewash committee fame.
4,259 soldiers killed in Iraq; 666 in Afghanistan.
A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds that American support for the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan is at a new low. Forty-two percent said the U.S. "made 'a mistake' in sending military forces to Afghanistan — the highest since the start of the war — and up from 30% in February and 6% in January 2002. Thirty-eight percent said the war is going well — "the lowest percentage since that question was asked in Sept. 2006."
The Pope shouldn't speak about things he knows nothing about
....he just said that the international community "can't resolve [the problem of AIDS in Africa] with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it increases the problem." The Pope described the "current crisis as the consequence of 'a deficit of ethics in economic structures'" and said that it can give "spiritual and moral" suggestions.
US injecting billions into foreign central banks: http://www.mashget.com/politics/2009/03/17/us-injecting-billions-into-foreign-central-banks/
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