Athletes always like to say how God was with them and that's why they scored the touchdown/hit the home run/got the free throw in the basket/landed the quad toe loop, or whatever.
Well, if you want to believe that God influences sports contests, then I guess God wanted the Saints to win to reward Saints linebacker Scott Fujita for his outspoken advocacy of gay marriage.
Once more, with feeling: Heckuvajob, Brownie!!
Morford: A brief interview with the devil.
Think-Tanks Take Oil Money and Use it to Fund Climate Deniers.
If the little prick was a real man, he wouldn't use a sword.
Former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain, who brokered the investment bank's controversial sale to Bank of America after having paid out $3.6 billion in bonuses to Merrill employees and spending more than $1 million to redecorate his office at Merrill, is taking over as chairman and CEO of CIT Group.
"I once spent
$87,000 for a rug."
The definition of insanity ...
What part of They Want Him to Fail does Obama not understand?
Either Barack Obama really enjoys being kicked in the teeth, or he wants to make sure Republicans share the blame when health care reform fails. Those are the only two explanations for this:
The religious right's paragons of virtue are terribly concerned about children as long as they're still in the womb. But as soon as they're born, they're on their own: Georgia's Christian right comes out against bill aimed at child prostitution.
The weight of the state's Christian right movement just came down in opposition to a pair of bills that would steer young girls under the age of 16 into diversionary programs instead of arresting them on charges of prostitution.
Representatives from the Georgia Christian Alliance, the Georgia Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition, and the Georgia Baptist Convention all put in appearances. Republican candidate for governor John Oxendine appeared around the edges of the afternoon press conference, but did not speak.
At issue are two separate bills, one in the House and one in the Senate. Both are sponsored by Republicans.
"Who will benefit from the passage of H.B. 582 or S.B. 304? I'll tell you who – the very profitable and growing pedophile industry," said former state Sen. Nancy Shafer. "It is imperative that these bills be defeated."
Wreckers of the economy
It probably should come as no surprise that Goldman Sachs, which made shiploads of money selling the unsecure securities we all know now as "collateralized debt obligations" and, at the same time, bet that their own products were garbage, allegedly had their greedy fingerprints all over the collapse of AIG. Even worse, Goldman got to determine the value of their own claimed losses and then used their muscle to cram those valuations down the throat of AIG.
Why did Palin name her baby Trig?
The medical term for Down Syndrome is Trisomy-21 or Trisomy-g. It is often shortened in medical slang to Tri-g."
U.S. soldier 'waterboarded his own daughter, 4, because she couldn't recite alphabet.'
The New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl, proving that Barbara Bush was exactly right when she said that the city's residents would benefit from Hurricane Katrina. ESPN

The red bars are the accelerating rate of job loss during President Bush's last year in office; the blue bars are the decelerating rate of job loss during President Obama's first year of office.
The chart was put together by the House Democratic leadership.
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