in all our city halls
if politicians, like Toyotas
were subject to recall

Joe Basel, one of the guys arrested after sneaking into Mary Landrieu's office to tamper with her phones, was, you will be shocked to hear, a complete "douchebag" in college:
You can't hide yer snarlin' eyes.
When the Snowbilly Princess calls, Rahm jumps!
Nice way to validate Sarah Palin, schmuck. Via Politico:
"Rahm called Tim Shriver Wednesday to apologize and the apology was accepted," the official said. Shriver is the Chairman and CEO of the Special Olympics, which has launched a campaign against what it calls "the R word." Said the official, "The White House remains committed to addressing the concerns and needs of Americans living with disabilities and recognizes that derogatory remarks demean us all." UPDATE: A Democrat points out Rahm apologized to Shriver, but not to the liberals he called "retarded." A White House official emails that Rahm Emanuel has acknowledged calling liberal Democrats "retarded" and apologized for the remark.
I guess this is just more of Rahm's brilliant eleventy-dimensional chess-playing.
Mark Sanford was an impossibly terrible husband from the start
Barbara Walters is preparing to air another interview with Jenny Sanford about her Argentine-mistress-having husband, and boy is he looking like an awful mate. He insisted she remove the "faithful" clause from their wedding vows, and that's just for starters.
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford also gave his wife the following romantic gifts: a drawing of half a bike, then on another occasion the drawing of the other half, then "the $25 used bike." Then this one time he gave her a diamond necklace, and took it back after she fell in love with the thing. Finally, after Jenny found out about his South American dalliance, he kept telling her she didn't love him, since she wouldn't give her permission to visit the mistress again. Mark Sanford is a staggering intercontinental cad, and you should buy the book his wife is promoting so that she can buy herself some proper presents.

Sarah Palin writes editorial to explain her attention-seeking behavior
Sarah Palin "wrote" an op-ed for The USA Today called "Why I'm speaking at Tea Party convention." Weirdly, she doesn't mention the fact that they are paying her $100,000.
Republicans just as dumb/crazy as you think
It turns out that humans avoided heel strikes when running barefoot — and thereby avoided many of the injuries that plague modern runners. They would instead land on the ball of the foot or the middle of the foot. The researchers, including Daniel E. Lieberman, professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University, found that this technique uses Newtonian physics to avoid damaging impacts.
I have decided to offer a line of Newtonian running socks at just $200 a pair to be worn without shoes. You will run like a Cro-Magnon and look like Zola Budd.
For the full story, click here.
Oh really?
Gibbs: KSM will be tried, convicted and executed
We have previously noted the problem with President Barack Obama assuring the public that people like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) will be convicted. After the previous such incidents (here), many of us noted that a president is expected to avoid such comments which are inimical to a fair trial and sitting an unbiased jury. Now, in the video below, White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs has decided to pick up the role as the Red Queen to promise not just a conviction but execution for KSM.
Continue reading 'Gibbs: KSM Will Be Tried, Convicted, and Executed'
What is wrong with these people? They aren't even hiding it anymore.
Family Research Council Calls For Criminalization Of Homosexuality
Echoing the words of the American Family Association, Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council said tonight that the Supreme Court decision to overturn sodomy laws was "wrongly decided" and that homosexual behavior should be outlawed. Sprigg appeared on Chris Matthews' MSNBC show tonight to debate Aubrey Sarvis of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network about today's DADT hearings in the U.S. Senate. Sprigg also repeated FRC head Tony Perkins' claim that overturning DADT will lead to gay men raping straight soldiers. Video here.
Meaning in the UK, American Idol host Simon Cowell gathered a similar group of stars for a recording of a cover of REM's Everybody Hurts. Taking part: Susan Boyle, Kylie Minogue, Robbie Williams, Rod Stewart, Mariah Carey, and many others. Below is the advance audio. Both tracks will be released in the next week.
China warned the US on Tuesday that any meeting between President Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama would further damage relations, in the latest sign of the deteriorating political mood between Beijing and Washington.
Did you know that China skins cats and dogs alive?
AIG to hand out $100 million in bonuses today! What are you gonna get?
I thought only torture, and sacrificing all of our beliefs, got these guys to talk.
More importantly than that, the tax increases on the $250,00+ set are marginal tax increases which only apply in excess of $250,000. People making, say, $300,000 aren't going to see their tax bill increase by very much.
Listen to me.
1. The rich don't care about anyone of a lower economic class than they are. That means you.
2. "Trickle-down Economics" doesn't work. The rich don't "spread the wealth", they hold onto it.
3. Somebody's gonna have to pay. Better those who can afford it than those who can't. Protecting the rich from taxes only assures that the rest of us are gonna pick up the bill.
4. If you fall into the demographic of people making less than $250K, you shouldn't be voting for Republicans. They're not even protecting your "moral values", let alone your financial security.
It's not secret that former eBay CEO Meg Whitman is running for governor on the hackneyed campaign slogan/promise that she will run California like a business.
Yes, eMeg, she who famously bought Skype but forgot to buy the source code or intellectual property rights when she plunked down $2.5 billion for it in 2005, essentially buying, well, nothing. Later new eBay management was able to sell whatever it was that eBay owned back to the founders for $1 billion. Anyway, she wants to bring that sort of expertise to running California. Hooray!
Because it certainly must be better than her parenting skills.
(Via Gawker: read all the links. It's appalling.)
UPDATE 1: HuffPo condenses eMeg's book, um, for your reading pleasure. (HT: SkinnyDennis)
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