Lest we forget that it was the Republican/Tea Bagger Party who got us into this economic mess: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsDmPEeurfA&feature=player_embedded#!
The first post Health Care Reform election was held but you won't see any news about it on the cable news networks because a Democrat won. On April 13th Democrat Ted Deutch won 62% to 35% over Republican Ed Lynch in a special election for Congress held in Florida that was billed as a referendum on health care, the Obama administration, and the direction that America is heading.
If a Republican had won the news coverage would be covered continuously and would be hailed as the end of the Democratic party. But when Democrats win elections the Republican owned media doesn't say a word about it. I don't know why the media is on a mission to elect Republicans this year but we took back America in 2008 and we aren't going to give it up in 2010 in spite of media bias.
Teabaggers hate facts.
Show this to them anyway.
Look at the big spenders - Reagan, Bush and Bush
And what did we get for it?
Three wars, 5000 dead soldiers,
a broken military and a bankrupt economy.
If only the Democrats would list the facts.
Reagan, Bush and Clinton all added a trillion dollars to the debt, then Clinton showed you can reduce the debt by taxing the super-rich.
Then Bush the Butcher came along and added 4 trillion to the debt and now the Teabaggers are screaming, "I want my country back?"
If you want it back, go to Dallas and ask Bush to give us back the trillions he stole/gave away.
"We keep pointing the gun.
We haven't pulled the trigger yet.
And it's about time that we did." - Senile John McCain, threatening violence Link
McVeigh was a Teabagger
Racist militias gaining strength
Link Excerpt:
Resurgence of anti-government groups draws comparisons to run-up to the murderous attack in Oklahoma City. In the months before the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, a new kind of protest movement was just beginning to find its voice in America's heartland.
Militias and "patriot" groups burst into the vanguard of a seething anti-government campaign, fueled by anger over the Clinton administration's push for landmark gun-control legislation and federal officers' aggressive tactics in high-profile standoffs with groups such as the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.
On April 19, 1995, that anger erupted: Militia handjob Timothy McVeigh detonated a 5,000-pound truck bomb in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. At that time, it was the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Too bad we don't have an honest media in America.
Someone needs to hold up a mirror to these racist teabaggers
and allow them to see exactly what it is they stand for.
To this day, can anybody make sense of what they say?
They don't know why (or can't say) but they're PISSED OFF!
Gee, aren't we all? But some of us don't all need the threat of violence to have our voice heard.
Anyone who carries a sign that says, "We're unarmed - THIS time" is another Timothy McVeigh who's yet to drum up the "courage" to murder innocent people.
I'm sure, with encouragement from Palin, Pigboy and Beck, that courage will find its way to ignite some ammonium nitrate before long.
Then Palin, Pigboy and Beck will say, "How can you blame us?"
I wonder if he's read Mein Kampf?
"It's one thing for Fox to cut off speeches by President Obama...but a news conference? With reporters asking questions? And the President of the United States of America delivering unscripted responses? How could Fox possibly make such a decision? By any reasonable definition, when the President gives a news conference, it is a newsworthy event -- no matter who the President may be. But in the world of Fox News Channel, when President Barack Obama gives a news conference, he gets trumped by Glenn Beck.
This is more than a mere partisan shot. This is Fox saying that with (a Black man) in the White House, the presidency does not matter. And whatever you think of Obama, that's not a good thing for this country." - Jed Lewison Link
A New Ten Commandments
1. Do no Harm, or as little as possible.
2. Let Reason lead you always.
3. Treat others as you wish to be Treated.
4. Master your passions.
5. Do good Deeds.
6. Never cease in the quest for new Knowledge.
7. Learn to Obey before you Command.
8. Trust what you are Shown, not what you are Told.
9. Choose your Friends and Associates carefully.
10. Be aware of Consequences, all Actions have Reactions.
They'll never work.
Organized religion can't make money off kindness common sense.
"We Christians need to repent for OUR sins and recognize mistakes." - Benny the Rat Link
Hey Benny, "we" didn't rape anybody and "we" didn't help anyone rape, and "we" didn't shuffle the rapists from one parish to the next - YOU did that.
Griper Blade: GOP gives itself a black eye on Wall Street reform.
Since the Supreme Court decided the corporations were people maybe President Obama should appoint a corporation to the Supreme Court to replace retiring justice John Paul Stevens. Maybe Wal-mart can serve as a justice on the court.
Had these nuns only raped small children, then they'd be welcome.
Republicans, tea partyers claim slavery, lynching not racially motivated.
Somebody warm up the popcorn machine
Federal criminal investigators looking into the collapse of Countrywide Financial Corp. have been calling witnesses before a grand jury, say people familiar with the matter. Such a step suggests that the investigation of the one-time mortgage giant, which has been continuing for about two years, could be moving closer to a resolution.
Pass the popcorn, please.

I'm really glad we invaded Iraq and saved them from a ruthless dictator who tortured and killed his own people — oops, I'm sorry, is this a rerun? (The video is from last year.) Via the L.A. Times:
Hundreds of Sunni men disappeared for months into a secret Baghdad prison under the jurisdiction of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki's military office, where many were routinely tortured until the country's Human Rights Ministry gained access to the facility, Iraqi officials say.
The men were detained by the Iraqi army in October in sweeps targeting Sunni groups in Nineveh province, a stronghold of Al Qaeda in Iraq other militant groups in northern Iraq. The provincial governor alleged at the time that ordinary citizens had been detained as well, often without a warrant.
Worried that courts would order the detainees' release, security forces obtained a court order and transferred them to Baghdad where they were held in isolation. Human rights officials learned of the facility in March from family members searching for missing relatives.
Revelation of the secret prison could worsen tensions at a highly sensitive moment in Iraq. As U.S. troops are withdrawing, Maliki, a Shiite, and other political officials are negotiating over the formation of a new government. Including minority Sunni Arabs is considered by many to be a key to preventing a return of widespread sectarian violence. Already there has been an increase in attacks by Al Qaeda in Iraq, a Sunni extremist group. The alleged brutal treatment of prisoners at the facility raised concerns that the country could drift back to its authoritarian past.
Commanders initially resisted efforts to inspect the prison, but relented and allowed visits by two teams of inspectors, including Human Rights Minister Wijdan Salim. Inspectors said they found that the 431 prisoners had been subjected to appalling conditions and quoted prisoners as saying that one of them, a former colonel in Saddam Hussein's army, had died in January as a result of torture.
"More than 100 were tortured. There were a lot of marks on their bodies," said an Iraqi official familiar with the inspections. "They beat people, they used electricity. They suffocated them with plastic bags, and different methods."
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