Bootstrappy grassroots DC teabagger rally was taxpayer-funded.
Reprehensible loon Michele Bachmann solidified her place in the national spotlight in November when she publicly demonstrated just how f**king crazy she wa... ahem, sorry, when she gathered thousands of Tea Party activists in front of the U.S. Capitol for a "House Call on Washington," to stop the Democrats' health care bill. Months later, official expense reports show that the boisterous, "10,000-person" rally to rein in big government and stop runaway spending cost U.S. taxpayers nearly $14,000.Taxed Enough Already, huh? Way to make your freaking point!

The Securities and Exchange Commission Friday charged Goldman Sachs & Co. and one of its executives with fraud today in a risky offshore deal backed by subprime mortgages that cost investors more than a $1 billion.Note that the SEC also charged some Goldman veep named Fabrice Tourre.
This is a civil action; I don't know which evidence standard the SEC is required to meet. All this means is that the defendants wold have to cough up a small fraction of their ill-gotten gains, but it's better than nothing. I'd rather see some of these banksters behind bars, but that's probably never going to happen.
What will probably happen is that those bastards will reach a settlement with the SEC and pay a shitload of fines, the record will be sealed so that their actions are not aired in open court.
Porter J. Goss, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, in 2005 approved of the decision by one of his top aides to destroy dozens of videotapes documenting the brutal interrogation of two detainees, according to an internal C.I.A. document released Thursday.It's called "destruction of evidence." It could be some decent time in a Federal rest home.
The e-mail messages also reveal that top White House officials were angry that the C.I.A. had not notified them before the tapes were destroyed. The e-mail messages mention a conversation between Harriet E. Miers, the White House counsel, and John A. Rizzo, the C.I.A.'s top lawyer, in which Ms. Miers was "livid" about being told after the fact.
Yeah, who'd have ever thought that? A bunch of rich old white guys with guns, not exactly the scariest concept out there.
Hypocritical bunch, too, as they want to cut government spending, but hands off of Social Security and Medicare.
Oh, and they also have a tendency to be a bag of racist pricks, though the poll sort of seemed to gloss over that point.
GOP seeks to tie socialist to capitalist firm!
The Hill: Jeepers! Talk about mixed messages… Weepy the Orange is now saying that shamed and now charged with fraud Wall Street Bank Goldman Sachs and President Carebear are in cahoots, but for the past two years, Weepy has been screaming that the Carebear is a socialist.
Get your story straight, Weepy, or maybe the press will recall that only a couple of weeks ago that you were promising the same Wall Street Bankers that you would do everything you could to stop the Finance Reform, even calling your own staffers punks.
A Coal Miner's Catastrophe: Big Coal--Big Lies.
Yesterday, hate radio host Rush Limbaugh talked about the volcanic eruption that's affecting air travel over much of Europe, saying it was "God speaking" in response to the passage of health care:
Last month, Rep. Steve King and Fox News host Glenn Beck were similarly invoking armageddon-style language, saying that a "vote on the Sabbath" was an "affront to God."
Just yer average hockey mom ....
Nobody puts the Snowbilly in coach!
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Sarah Palin will get first-class airfare for two and three rooms at a luxury hotel when she gives a speech in June for a university foundation.
And organizers better not forget to stock her lectern with two water bottles and bendable straws.
The details of Palin's contract with the California State University, Stanislaus Foundation were contained in five pages of the document retrieved from a campus trash bin by students who heard administrators might be shredding documents related to the speech.
But wait, it gets better:
Among other perks, the former Alaska governor will fly first class from Anchorage to California — if she flies commercial. If not, "the private aircraft MUST BE a Lear 60 or larger ...," the contract specifies.
Nothing but the best for the Locust of Alaska.
.pdf of the contract here.
Fun fact: proving there is no justice in the world: Palin "earned" $12 million last year for being a hypocritical fraud.
In response to what was widely considered a highly sucessful summit to combat nuclear terrorism, the right is in a scramble to say something negative about it. Conservative pundits are now arguing that the summit was a failure because it did not magically solve the Iran situation, a subject that the summit never intended to address. But in making this argument, the right has exposed its naive and negligent approach toward the most urgent and dangerous threat in the post Cold War era: nuclear terrorism.
Clinton: media, poiliticians shouldn't fuel 'hatriot' groups with anti-government rhetoric that inspired McVeigh.
QOTD: Bill Maher, on Hardball, discusses the Boobsey Twins Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann…
"They're attractive especially to the Republican Party, which is not known as a party that really does well with the opposite sex," Maher said. "Usually they're doughy white men and I think they look on Michele Bachmann and, and Sarah Palin, as you know, MILFs, and I agree -- they're Morons I'd Like to Forget."

Well, lookee there! I guess the red leather number that had been paid for by the RNC got "lost" in the Yukon Locust's closet.
How's that deal with the Yukon Locust workin' out for ya, Discovery Channel?
Last week Discovery had its annual sales conference for ad buyers for all of its 13 networks. The presentation showcases all of their new shows across the different networks. That night the presentation was on Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Our source says "the whole thing [was] comical." Apparently the ad buyers were not impressed. This Discovery insider said, "When the promo was over, people (employees and buyers) were rolling their eyes, snickering, and even laughing. People were laughing and it's not even a comedy. No one took it seriously."
This person was concerned that given the lack of interest from ad buyers that Discovery would have to dump the show to "a crappy time slot" to cut its losses. They added, "Bottom line everyone thought it was a new all time low for Discovery. My guess is the show is going to tank big time."
Money well-spent, morans. That's what you get for trying to fuck a fameball.
Fox News: math is hard:
Democratic Rep Anthony Weiner displays his in-your-face style…
"I follow Twitter for the Tea Party and just show up to fuck with them."
"No, I don't actually do that. I just sit at my desk and they send me talcum powder every couple of weeks."
The talcum powder remark was in reference to an envelope of white powder sent to Weiner's district office a couple weeks back.
Remember the Pennsylvania high school accused of spying on its students via their their laptop webcams?
Taxes At Lowest Level In 60 Years
The truth about taxes is something that the teabaggers either won't believe or deliberately lie about.
Despite big tax cuts included last year's economic stimulus package, the latest CBS News/New York Times poll finds that as many as 34% of Americans think President Obama raised their taxes. William Gale, head of the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings Institution, tells CBS News that federal taxes are actually "at their lowest levels in 60 years." Said Gale: "The relation between what is said in the tax debate and what is true about tax policy is often quite tenuous. The rise of the Tea Party at at time when taxes are literally at their lowest in decades is really hard to understand."Oh, I don't think it's so hard to understand.
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