"The only commercial airline in Iraq, Iraqi Airways, folded this week. The CEO of Iraqi Airlines said the company could not survive in a market where everybody in the country is on the no-fly list." – Asshole Jay Leno who has never been funny, winning hearts and minds.
"The president made a mistake in the words that he used in an interview yesterday. I think that he lost a lot of credibility there when he used words that were not very presidential." Jim Inhofe, the biggest asshole in Oklahoma, on Obama saying "kick ass" on the Today Show Link
"Telling Pat Leahy to 'Go f**k yourself' was sort of the best thing I ever did." Dick Cheney, the biggest asshole in Texas, TIME May 10, 2010 Page 28
The double standard only exists because the Democrats refuse to fight back.
They can say "f**k" and brag about their victory.
We say "ass" and they say we've lost our credibility.
When Bush was president, any Democrat caught telling the truth had to apologize, but Cheney is so proud of telling that wimp Leahy to f**ck off.
That's the main reason the Bush bastards got away with so many crimes.
They knew the spineless Democrats would not try to stop them.
People who say we only have one party in America are wrong.
We have Republicans and we have Surrendercrats.
I am so ashamed to belong to a party of quitters and losers.
"Believe it, Bush/Cheney have given the United States of America their very own Dr. Mengele. The Bush bastards used medical personnel - including doctors, psychologists and physician assistants - to help justify acts that had long been classified by law and treaty as illegal or unethical and to redefine them as safe, legal and effective when used on terrorism suspects. It is highly improbable if not completely impossible to move forward with these kinds of atrocities hanging over our heads. No man is above the law not even a President or a Vice President. Impeachment may have been off the table, but prosecution for crimes against humanity most certainly is not." anonymous, Link
They got away with those crimes because the Surrendercrats were too meek and timid to even speak up about the bastards, much less take action to stop their crimes.
It got me to thinking that Godwin's Law comes in handy across the board. It ain't just Hitler we compare righties and neocons to.
From The Trial of Ilse Koch:
"She was a very beautiful woman with long red hair, but any prisoner who was caught looking at her could be shot," recalled Kurt Glass, a former inmate who worked as a gardener at the Koch family villa. "She got the idea she would like lamp shades made of human skin, and one day on the Appellplatz we were all ordered to strip to the waist. The ones who had interesting tattoos were brought to her, and she picked out the ones she liked. Those people were killed and their skin was made into lampshades for her. She also used mummified human thumbs as light switches in her house."
Congratulations, Georgie and The Dick. You're the new 'Bitchez of Buchenwald'.
"Elton John had nothing but nice things to say about Rush Limbaugh." Fox's Megyn Kelly, a guest at the wedding, Link
Isn't that like Beyoncé entertaining at a KKK rally?
BP slow to process claims - businesses on verge of collapse.
Maybe next time communities will think twice about allowing oil rigs in their neighborhoods.
Whiners and Sheep ...

From the American Progressive Party's Facebook Page.
The Whiners complain about paying a few more percent in taxes (they can certainly afford it) and have the Sheep brainwashed to believe we're heading down the road to Marxist Russia.
That's what BP actually stands for. Either that or Blown-off Procedures.
For the last 16 days, Pump Station 9 at Delta Junction in Alaska has been spewing what was estimated as far back as May 28th as 100,000 gallons of hydrocarbons. Alaskan investigators found what they described as, "procedures (that) weren't properly implemented." http://brilliantatbreakfast.blogspot.com/2010/06/brilliant-pigs.html
A government panel on Thursday doubled its estimate of the amount of oil that had gushed for weeks from the out-of-control BP well even before the latest attempt to cap it.
The new calculation suggested that an amount of oil equivalent to the Exxon Valdez disaster could have been flowing into the Gulf of Mexico every 8 to 10 days.
This assessment, based on measurements taken before BP cut the riser pipe of the leaking well on June 3 to cap some of the flow, showed that approximately 25,000 to 30,000 barrels of oil could have been gushing into the Gulf each day. That is far above the previous estimate of 12,000 to 19,000 barrels a day.
On another note: Tensions rise between Britain and the U.S. over BP The Brits are starting to take it personally that we are saying mean things about the oil company that props up their entire economy. Whatever. We'll shut up when they make us. They might be a little less dickish about the crimes of their f**king oil company if the oil was lapping at those white f**king cliffs they are so god-damned proud of in Dover.
The party of Hoover is lining up with the Chamber of Commerce to make sure that BP is not going to be liable for the consequential damages of its fuckup. So if you have a business that goes bust because of BP's catastrophuck, then the Republicons want to make sure that you will have no chance of collecting anything from BP. Rather than make BP pay the costs, the Hooverites want the taxpayers to ride to teh rescue of BP.
Note also that the party of Hoover is saying that because the Feds didn't sit on the necks of BP and make sure that BP didn't screw the pooch. Of course, the fact that it was the Republicons who neutered the ability to oversee the oil companies, well, they'll just gloss over that point (by pouring a thick coating of crude oil on it).
Oh, the Republicons are against bailouts when those bailouts might help keep millions of Americans from losing their jobs. The Republicons are against helping anyone, for that matter, who draws less than a seven-figure annual salary.
But when it comes to the oil companies, the Republicons will open up the Federal purse to help them.
And you will not hear one peep from the Teabaggers, either.
In response to the sharp fall in the US, BP said it was "not aware of any reason which justifies this share price movement".

"I think the people responsible in the oil spill--BP and the federal government--should take full responsibility for what's happening there," Boehner said at his weekly press conference this morning. Boehner's statement followed comments last Friday by US Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue who said he opposes efforts to stick BP, a member of the Chamber, with the bill. "It is generally not the practice of this country to change the laws after the game," he said. "Everybody is going to contribute to this clean up. We are all going to have to do it. We are going to have to get the money from the government and from the companies and we will figure out a way to do that." So today I asked Boehner, "Do you agree with Tom Donohue of the Chamber that the government and taxpayers should pitch in to clean up the oil spill?" The shorter answer is yes.
Michael Cannon, a health policy expert for Cato, the libertarian think tank founded by Charles Koch of the oil conglomerate Koch Industries, took to Twitter today to trade jokes about the oil spill. Responding to a tragic story about a New Orleans area sheriff asking federal authorities to investigate reports that undocumented workers are involved in the oil spill clean up, Cannon tweeted that undocumented workers "are very absorbent." View a screen shot below:
While Cannon might have gotten a good laugh out of his comment, pervasive anti-immigrant rhetoric leads to dehumanization and sometimes violence.
For weeks, we've been inundated with images of bright orange booms floating idly in the Gulf. We've tried to digest images of plane after plane dumping endless gallons of chemical dispersant into already-polluted waters. We've sat helplessly as we watch long slicks of oil make landfall on some of our most fragile coastline, smothering any wildlife in its path.But while we've heard an awful lot about them, we have yet to actually see perhaps the greatest danger that lies before us- the massive plumes of oil and dispersant that now lurk hundreds of miles from the Deepwater Horizon explosion site, choking the life out of anything and everything in their path.
Now, courtesy of intrepid diver Al Walker, we have a real, fish-eye view of the catastrophe.
Check out this segment from AP, in which Walker remarks, "It's just globs of death out there." (h/t bmaz)
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