"Our continued dependence on fossil fuels will jeopardize our national security. It will smother our planet. And it will continue to put our economy and our environment at risk. We have to acknowledge that an America that runs solely on fossil fuels should not be the vision that we have for our children and grandchildren." -- Obama, talking about change, but is that all he'll do? Talk about change? Link
Just think - If Gore had chosen to fight in 2000 instead of going to sleep...
"The only way the transition to clean energy will succeed is if the private sector is fully invested in this future - if capital comes off the sidelines and the ingenuity of our entrepreneurs is unleashed. And the only way to do that is by finally putting a price on carbon pollution." Obama, waiting for someone else to lead Link
I wish Obama would act like a leader, instead of acting like Harry Reid.
Of Course Republican Idaho Kids Aren't Racist
...Whoolery and his wife couldn't believe it when their second and third graders got off the bus last week and told them what other students were saying. "They were chanting on the bus, 'Assassinate Obama. Assassinate Obama.'
Help design BP's new logo here.
Really? Our definition of "tragic" is the broken condom that resulted in Liz Liz Cheney attacked President Obama for saying that the murder of nine peace activists by Israeli Defense Forces thugs and goons was "tragic." In NeoCon Lizzie's world, Israel can never, ever, ever be wrong, even when they commit war crimes, attack innocents and imprison over a million people on a narrow strip of land and deny them food and medicine. If Israel isn't committing crimes against humanity, then words have no meaning anymore.
Those chemicals that turned him orange have destroyed his brain John Boehner - the asshole minority leader who screamed "Hell no they can't!" in a shameful outburst on the House floor as the realization that the GOP really wasn't going to be able to block healthcare reform, now wants Paul McCartney to apologize for disrespecting aWol - because he quipped that he was relieved to have a President who knows what a library is after eight years of the brain damaged dumbass Bush. McCartney made the wisecrack at a private concert at the White House where he received the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, awarded by the Library of Congress.
I'm surprised Obama had time for this, when he was so busy covering up this.
Obama: "Part of what gets us through tough times is music, and there's always a kernel of ourselves that sings even when times are hard."
Not everyone is singing, Barack. Not everyone.
The "Mouth from the South", Ol' Bobby "Jive-Ass" Jindal, the man who wants no federal involvement in his state, until it's time to save his ass from something, now has a problem with a moratorium on offshore drilling:
Gov. Bobby Jindal's contradictions may confuse you at first. While shaking his fist at BP and the federal government's inability to stop the river of oil poisoning the Louisiana coastline and wetlands, he's also unbending in his support for offshore drilling to continue.
Screw him. It's time to make a choice, Bobby, get with the program and stfu or clean up the next mess by yourself on Louisiana's budget. Figure it out soon.
Lies, damn lies, statistics - and Al Qaeda body counts. "About 80% of al-Qaeda's leaders in Iraq have been captured or killed during the past three months, says the country's top US commander. Only eight of the group's 42 chiefs in Iraq remained at large, Gen Ray Odierno told a Pentagon news conference. But he cautioned against complacency, saying that, even with the setbacks, al-Qaeda was trying to regroup and would remain a problem for years. "I will never take my eyes off of al-Qaeda," said the general. He added that the number of attacks and casualty figures suffered by US troops had fallen to their lowest level since the US-led invasion of the country in 2003. "All of those statistics for the first five months of 2010 are the lowest we've had on record." "
Time to pick up the phone

Hey, time to pick up the phone. I just called this idjit and asked him what his plan is to relocate all of the shrimp fishermen and their families and communities.
Your turn!
(713) 323-4193 is the phone number of BP exec who actually said today that Louisiana is not the only place where they shrimp. Please leave him a voicemail or send email to randy.prescott@bp.com .
### From the Times: the other side of the story:
On Thursday, Today's Zaman, an English-language newspaper in Turkey, reported that the president of the Turkish aid group that helped to organize the flotilla said that a photographer working for the group "was shot in the forehead by a soldier one meter away from him." Bulent Yildirimhe, the president of the aid organization Insani Yardim Vakfi (known in English as the I.H.H.), told the newspaper on Thursday after he returned from Israel: "Our Cevdet [Kiliclar], he is a press member. He has become a martyr. All he was doing was taking pictures. They smashed his skull into pieces."
Lehman Brothers: Must. Bang. Head. On. Wall.
If you don't count the census jobs, this is really bad. It's bad anyway, but a lot worse without them.
Another Republican hypocrite.

Last Sunday, BP CEO Tony Hayward complained that the Gulf oil disaster that his company caused is taking up too much of his time. "I would like my life back," he moaned. Days later, Hayward apologized for his remark. "I made a hurtful and thoughtless comment on Sunday when I said that 'I wanted my life back.'" So what is it exactly that the oil giant CEO was missing? ABC News reports that he once told a company publication that he really values his free time:
What is the life Tony Hayward wants back? By all accounts, it was charmed, until Deepwater Horizon blew.
"I don't work weekends. … And I take all my holidays," the British CEO once told a BP publication as he explained his affinity for triathlons and West Ham football. Sailing through the tropics and skiing in Vail, Colo., are annual rituals with his wife, a former BP geophysicist, and their two kids.

Flashback: in 2000, Diaperman David Vitter proposed legislation to reduce criminal liability of oil companies for spills.
Millionaire Idiot Sarah Palin Blames BP Oil Spill On … Environmentalists

Comedy time again, as long as you can laugh at an oil-drenched seabird who can't get back to its wetlands nesting site to feed its babies, stupid bird! Sarah Palin has a hilarious new Facebook message that will, probably, end up being BP's actual legal defense, which the Supreme Court will eventually rule in favor of, 5-4, in 2021: "Extreme deep water drilling is not the preferred choice to meet our country's energy needs, but your protests and lawsuits and lies about onshore and shallow water drilling have locked up safer areas. It's catching up with you. The tragic, unprecedented deep water Gulf oil spill proves it." Yeah she's kind of got a point there!
Would it be sad if a Polar Bear chewed off her arms? Yes, because she'd just peck out these twitters and facebooks with her face. Or make Willow do it, from a window, for Fox News:
Radical environmentalists: you are damaging the planet with your efforts to lock up safer drilling areas. There's nothing clean and green about your misguided, nonsensical radicalism, and Americans are on to you as we question your true motives.
10-4, SarahPAC! Drill over here so we won't have to fight them over there! Idiotbook
Arizona School Demands Black & Latino Students' Faces On Mural Be Changed To White

Hard to find even the Gallows Humor in this story, so maybe we won't even try. Maybe it's time to admit that large chunks of America are in the hands of unreconstructed racists and vulgar idiots, and that the popular election of a black man as president just might've pushed these furious, economically doomed old white people into a final rage that is going to end very, very badly. Ready? Here you go: An Arizona elementary school mural featuring the faces of kids who attend the school has been the subject of constant daytime drive-by racist screaming, from adults, as well as a radio talk-show campaign (by an actual city councilman, who has an AM talk-radio show) to remove the black student's face from the mural, and now the school principal has ordered the faces of the Latino and Black students pictured on the school wall to be repainted as light-skinned children.
Keep reading: http://wonkette.com/415809/arizona-school-demands-black-latino-students-faces-on-mural-be-changed-to-white#more-415809
For Five Days of Oil
So I finally screwed up my nerve and deployed the google to dredge up some facts - you know, those things that have a stubborn liberal bias and allow you to prove anything that is even remotely true - about the gusher that is suffocating the Gulf coast...partly because I was annoyed by Sarah Palin chiding liberals - excuse me, "extreme enviros" by lying her ass off and saying that "drill, baby, drill" was about safe drilling on shore (ANWR) and did we "get it now???"
Stupid bitch. We fucking get it. We "get" that she is an idiot. We "get" that the era of easy oil is over. We "get" that ANWR is a pristine wilderness and that it holds approximately enough oil to power our cars in the United States for about six months. We "get" that the coastal plain of ANWR would stop looking like this:
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