AFA: Whoops, We're Big Fat Liars
Why is none of this surprising?
Following a six-month long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress released a 130-page report today which reveals that more than $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America.
Over the past few years, the Islamophobia network (the funders, scholars, grassroots activists, media amplifiers, and political validators) have worked hard to push narratives that Obama might be a Muslim, that mosques are incubators of radicalization, and that "radical Islam" has infiltrated all aspects of American society — including the conservative movement.
The money has flowed into the hands of five key "experts" and "scholars" who comprise the central nervous system of anti-Muslim propaganda:
These five "scholars" are assisted in their outreach efforts by Brigitte Gabriel (founder, ACT! for America), Pamela Geller (co-founder, Stop Islamization of America), and David Horowitz (supporter of Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch). As the report details, information is then disseminated through conservative organizations like the Eagle Forum, the religious right, Fox News, and politicians such as Allen West and Newt Gingrich.
Pamela Geller and Fox News as purveyors of hate? Really? Shocking! /snark
This report confirms what most sane observers of the hate-fest already suspected – that similar to the growth of the Tea Party movement, the anti-Muslim rhetoric of the last number of years has its roots in right-wing ideology and big money. There are few things easier to do in life than exploit the innate xenophobic tendencies of people and the right does it so very well.
Say what you will about the right but no one can claim that they don't "put their money where there bigotry is".
###Remember that pro same-sex marriage pledge which several Republican presidential candidates signed their name to? The pledge which compels candidates to oppose gay-marriage at every level of government, among other things.
This shouldn't come as a shock, but Vander Plaats' organization, which drafted the pledge, is guilty of violating it themselves.
Bob Vander Plaats' Iowa Family Policy Center accepted at least $2.2 million in government funding between 2006 and 2010 as it fought efforts to undermine the state's same-sex marriage law, the Associated Press is reporting. The group successfully unseated three Iowa Supreme Court justices who overturned a law prohibiting marriage equality. [...]
The report follows an earlier AP investigation from May, which had concluded that the group — which now operates under the FAMiLY LEADER name — "received more than half of its funding from federal grants over a five-year period," benefiting from "President George Bush's faith-based initiative, which made it easier for social and religious organizations involved in community work to win federal funding."
Vow 13 of the Family Leader pledge calls on candidates to demonstrate a "Commitment to downsizing government and the enormous burden upon American families of the USA's $14.3 trillion public debt, its $77 trillion in unfunded liabilities, its $1.5 trillion federal deficit, and its $3.5 trillion federal budget."
Apparently the way you "demonstrate a commitment" to downsizing the public debt is by adding to it. You "demonstrate a commitment" to downsizing government by sucking off the socialist, big government teat.
Socialism is okay if you're a Republican.
MORRIS: If you dive into the weeds a little bit on this global warming thing, you see that it seems that facts are certainly on Huntsman's side on all of this and fact checkers have come out, we're actually having our own brain room look look at this right now that any of Perry's comments don't seem to hold a lot of water. [But] It doesn't matter. What's resonating right now in South Carolina is helping Governor Perry tremendously and he fired back at Huntsman on global warming and gaining traction, facts or not.
Video here.
Wait. Didn't your very own Sean Hannity say a snowstorm in the middle of winter proves global warming doesn't exist? I'm pretty sure he did. It's one of my favorite quotes.
Morris probably didn't realize exactly what he was admitting to while trying to make his point, but he's right. Facts don't matter to the lunatic base.
Every fact in the book could be on Huntsman's side, or President Obama's side, or anyone's side, but it doesn't matter because the base isn't interested in that. That doesn't further their interests.
###GOP Congressman: 'Oil Companies Pay Their Fair Share' | The Petoskey News reports that Rep. Dan Benishek (R-MI) recently became the latest Republican to offer his full-throated defense of the oil industry. The congressman told a public forum that Democrats "talk about raising the taxes on the oil companies. I think oil companies pay their fair share." Despite making a whopping $36 billion in the first quarter of this year alone, the biggest five oil companies get $4 billion in tax incentives a year, courtesy of American taxpayers. (HT: Politico)
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