The Obama Administration today shredded miles of red tape and announced the approval of off-shore wind turbine farms off the Atlantic coast, paving the way for private leases.
Every single House Republican votes against the Peters Amendment to insert factual findings about how the Bush Tax Cuts added over $2 trillion to the deficit.
Washington, D.C. – Today every single House Republican voted against an amendment by U.S. Rep. Gary Peters to insert factual findings about the Bush Tax Cuts into a Republican budget bill (H.R. 3582). The Peters Amendment was defeated by a vote of 174 to 244 with every Republican voting no.
(3) The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 have added over $2 trillion to budget deficits from 2002-2011.
But hey, they're the daddy party of fiscal responsibility. And, if not, both sides do it, if the Republicans are cut-cut-cut with taxes, the Democrats are spend-spend-spend. Fred Hiatt told me so.
When in Rome - Is anyone surprised that the decision to shut down adoption agencies rather than allow same-sex couples from adopting children is mandated from Benny-the-Rat's Vatican itself? (Gay City News)
Well, here's an interesting weapon!The Susan G. Komen Foundation, which collects and distributes money for Breast Cancer research and prevention is in the news for withdrawing its (relatively small) grant from Planned Parenthood.
So the Komen Foundation doesn't want to be associated with the nation's largest abortion-provider. But they don't mind partnering up with a handgun maker.
Komen took off the mask, and people don't like what they see. Right wing lunatics.
So if you've never donated to Planned Parenthood before, do so and let Bloomberg double your donation.
Some facts about Mitt's disdain for the poor:
50% of the US Households make under $50,000
14% of the US lives in POVERTY – 12% of Whites, 26% of Blacks
Top 2% of the US Households control over $10 trillion dollars in Net Worth
The 10 states with the most amount of poor households are ALL STATES VOTE REPUBLICAN
West Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Montana, South Carolina, Louisiana
Your slip is showing... "Progressives have long tried to expose the influence the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) wields in state house across the country, but one Florida lawmaker is making it too easy. ... Funded almost entirely by large corporations, ALEC produces "model legislation" favorable to industry that state lawmakers can introduce as their own bills. Usually, the legislators tweak the language of the bills to make them state-specific or to obfuscate their origins. Usually, but apparently not always. ... In November, Florida state Rep. Rachel Burgin (R) introduced a resolution (PDF here) that would officially call on the federal government to reduce corporate taxes, but she apparently forgot to remove ALEC's mission statement from the top of the bill, which she seems to have copied word-for-word from ALEC's model bill."
Hyperbole, much, Mikey? "Last week, Tea Party Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) threatened to exact revenge for President Obama's decision to recess appoint four officials by engaging in a scorched earth campaign of obstruction against each of the president's nominees. In an apparent effort to cede what little remaining credibility he has on this issue, he then followed this threat up yesterday by comparing Obama's decision to appoint four consumer and worker protection officials to an unprovoked attack that killed 2,402 Americans and thrust America into the final four years of a bitter world war. ... Lee's phrase "a day that will live on in infamy," is nearly a word for word transcription of the opening line in President Franklin Roosevelt's speech seeking a declaration of war following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Nearly 420,000 Americans would die in that war, and we were in many ways the lucky ones. Over 2.5% percent of the world's population died in World War II -- totaling more than 60 million lives lost. ... It's common, of course, to express outrage at this point in a blog post highlighting such a bizarre and offensive comparison as Lee's analogy between Obama's wholly legal appointments and America's forced entry into an horrific war. And Lee's comment is unquestionably outrageous. Nevertheless, the most appropriate emotion is pity. Pity for this angry little man who can't tell the difference between an constitutional maneuver he disagrees with and a global calamity that ended only after humankind birthed and detonated a weapon that continues to threaten our very existence seven decades later. ... Ultimately, however, far more pity should be reserved for the people of Utah who, for at least five more years, must be represented in the Senate by a man who confuses personal disagreements with great human tragedies, who confuses our Constitution with a mandate to destroy Social Security and Medicare, and who openly admits to using sabotage and extortion in order to push his dangerous agenda"
SLTrib: GOP wary of Mike Lee's battle with Obama
According to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy created 243,000 jobs in January, and the unemployment rate fell to 8.3 percent. The numbers far surpassed analysts' expectations of about 140,000 jobs.
In the first full year since President Obama's health care reform law took effect, the cost of prescription drugs to those on Medicare fell $2.1 billion in 2011. A total of 3.6 million people took advantage of the bill's provisions, which provided beneficiaries with a 50 percent discount on certain brand-name drugs and another seven percent discount on generic prescriptions, or about $600 per person.
EXCLUSIVE: Major Romney Bundler Is Agent Of Foreign Government
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