Meanwhile, back in Dolan's former Milwaukee diocese, the investigation continues into the alleged 8000 incidents of child molestation that were hidden from the authorities. Dolan is suspected by some to have moved over $130M in diocese assets in order to protect them from being seized by court settlements in other molestation cases. The Milwaukee diocese is now claiming bankruptcy. Right.

John Cole: Every time you listen to opponents of gay marriage, they always trot out some bullshit about how it would be one thing if the voters approved of it, but they just can't handle the courts imposing it on all of us. Shitbird and sometimes alleged upcoming intellectual (this is how fucking empty the conservative intellectual pool is) Reihan Salam trotted that crap out last week on Bill Maher, and Al Sharpton quickly beat him down by pointing out that if civil rights were a matter to vote on, both Reihan and Al would be sitting on the back of the bus and drinking from separate fountains. And as someone who lived in Poughkeepsie during the Tawana Brawley abomination, I am not one inclined to cheer Sharpton, and would rather he would crawl in a hole and let one of the other hundreds of thousands of other qualified black leaders take center stage, but I shouted out a very pasty white "FUCK YEAH, MOTHERFUCKER" when he said it.
But fine, you say. You somewhat agree with them. The people should vote on these issues. So when they do, they should respected. Fuck no, fags:
Delivering on his promise of swift action, Gov. Chris Christie this afternoon conditionally vetoed the gay marriage bill and suggested appointing an ombudsman to address complaints of same-sex couples and strengthen New Jersey's civil union law.Christie conditionally vetoed the bill six hours after it reached his desk, a day after the state Assembly gave the final legislative approval that he said he would not support.
The people voted, and they sent these people to office to write legislation. They did. They passed said legislation by a wide majority. And Christie vetoed it, claiming the following:
I am adhering to what I've said since this bill was first introduced—an issue of this magnitude and importance, which requires a constitutional amendment, should be left to the people of New Jersey to decide," Christie said in a statement. "I continue to encourage the Legislature to trust the people of New Jersey and seek their input by allowing our citizens to vote on a question that represents a profoundly significant societal change. This is the only path to amend our State Constitution and the best way to resolve the issue of same-sex marriage in our state.
If the NJ House and Senate passed a strict anti-abortion law by this margin, does anyone here think he would veto it because he thinks it needs a constitutional amendment?
The reason for this is simple. Christie, and those like him, are hoping for the slim majority of the hate brigade to hold the day- the same hate brigade that was patting themselves on the back about being good Christians when they were reciting bible verses telling us all that the negro was a lesser man and that miscegenation was a sin that would bring down the public. Having lost the legislative battle, he's hoping to have the day saved with hatred and bigots and homophobes. You see- in America, it's a Republic with elected officials making decisions when it comes to tax cuts and bombing people overseas or gutting the NJ public education system. But when it comes to human rights- well then we are a direct democracy and to hell with all those people writing legislation.
Fuck you, Chris Christie, you triple chinned bigot. And, Log Cabin Republicans, what the fuck, over?
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h/t Dick: Playboy interview with Paul Krugman
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