It seems that since the cops were there to search the apartment of some political activists[1], they cops took it upon themselves to go search the neighbors' apartments. For no goddamned reason whatsoever.
The Chicago police department has a long and bloody record of acting as though they were transplanted, en masse, from a police state. They often don't seem to care about fuzzy hippie concepts such as "civil rights" and "the Constitution".
One hopes that the city of Chicago is now going to have to cough up a few million dollars to settle the inevitable lawsuits.

Although gay rights and anti-hate groups responded with outrage when a North Carolina pastor called for gays and lesbians to be fenced in so they eventually die off, he was greeted with a standing ovation by his church members when he approached the pulpit, the Hickory Record reported. "I appreciate all the support," Pastor Charles Worley told the 100 or so congregants at Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, N.C. on Sunday, according to the Record. Several members stood and spoke out; others threw up their hands in support of their pastor. "I've got a King James Bible," Worley said, according to the Record. "I've been a preacher for 53 years. Do you think I'm going to bail out on this?"A formal request has been filed that the IRS consider revoking Pastor Worley's tax-exempt status.

More evidence in convenient chart form that President Obama isn't the big government spender the Republicans are claiming he is.
By the way, one way to infuriate your Republican friends when they tell you they didn't like George W. Bush's spending either, mention to them that Reagan tripled the debt. It was $994 billion in 1981, and rose to $2.8 trillion in 1989. Stand back and watch the "uhhh, but, uhhh."
A forlorn and still-self-pitying Randy "Duke" Cunningham is asking for his right to bear arms back when he leaves prison later this year. But the judge in his case had an ironic reply for the former congressman sent up for bribery. Ryan Reilly has our report.
SEC reportedly decides against any enforcement action against former executives of Lehman Brothers for the collapse that precipitated the 2008 financial crisis.
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