But only for "the haves and the have-mores." Not for the rest of us.
A new Senate GOP tax plan released by McConnell and Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch (R), however, raises taxes on nearly 10 times as many Americans by allowing certain tax breaks signed into law by President Obama expire at the end of the year. Putting an end to those three tax breaks — the Child Tax Credit, a tax break on college tuition, and a more generous Earned Income Tax Credit — would raise taxes on 20 million families…
Further evidence that the anti-tax ideology of the GOP is irrelevant in the face of opposing President Obama. They'll do and say anything as long as it's the opposite of what the president wants.
We're only months away from sequestration, but as the chart below illustrates, the plans proposed by the two parties to avoid it aren't even remotely similar.
via the CAP

A new Senate GOP tax plan released by McConnell and Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch (R), however, raises taxes on nearly 10 times as many Americans by allowing certain tax breaks signed into law by President Obama expire at the end of the year. Putting an end to those three tax breaks — the Child Tax Credit, a tax break on college tuition, and a more generous Earned Income Tax Credit — would raise taxes on 20 million families, as shown by this chart from Seth Hanlon, the director of fiscal reform at the Center for American Progress.
Not surprisingly, the Republicans want to raise taxes on everyone but the rich, while the Democrats want to raise taxes only on the rich.
Meanwhile I still hold the firm belief that the Bush Tax Cuts will expire in their entirety at the end of the year if for no other reason than the impossibility of congress agreeing on anything else. And if congress simply does nothing, they will expire. Because John Boehner got "98 percent of what [he] wanted" in the Budget Control Act (the debt ceiling deal).
It may harm everyone in the short term, but it will be better for the nation in the long term.
Mitt Romney's tax returns are off-limits, but Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips would like for President Obama to prove that he's not a gay crackhead.
Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips has come to Mitt Romney's defense in his refusal to release his tax returns. In an email to members of the Tennessee-based corporation on Thursday night, Phillips wrote, "There are a lot of records that Americans should want to see from Barack Obama."
Phillips demanded that Obama release his Occidental College records to make sure the president was not on a foreign scholarship, as well as his medical records, which Phillips suspects contain proof that Obama has smoked crack cocaine and had anal sex in the 90s.
Not that being gay or smoking crack once upon a time two decades ago would be relevant anyway, because it sure as hell wasn't for George W. Bush, but it's quite revealing that the Tea Party believes the president's bedroom life is more important than Mitt Romney's embodiment of everything that's wrong with the status quo.
Romney has employed teams of accountants, lawyers, and professional, suited scam artists to ensure that America is denied every single penny possible using every trick, every loophole, and every single exception the system allows. And he paid for those accountants, lawyers, and scam artists with money he earned bankrupting companies, screwing people out of their pensions, and sending jobs overseas.
No stone has been left un-turned in Mitt Romney's quest to abuse the system. Highly-decorated economic experts can't even identify half the stones, nor will anyone be able to unless Romney releases his labyrinthine tax returns.
And the Tea Party calls this patriotism.
"Good morning, shooters. Happy Friday! Weekend plans?" The NRA Twitter Feed yesterday morning
I'll have a more extended reaction to the Colorado shooting in my Monday column but, once again, and with VA Tech as a precedent, we have a case in which loosy-goosy gun laws and a society that doesn't count mental illness as a legitimate healthcare concern congeals into an unnecessary death toll.
Good morning, shooters?
According to the non-partisan Environmental Working Group, the current iteration of the farm bill would "prohibit any state or local government from imposing a standard or condition on the production or manufacture of any agricultural product sold or offered for sale in interstate commerce." Meaning no state could pass their own regulations on food safety.
Gee, what happened to state's rights?
Michelle Bachmann is being a little trooper, ignoring criticism from her own party, the Democratic party, and the reality-based community, to double down on crazy and accuse ANOTHER high-ranking political-type person of Muslim Brotherhood ties. Except she's not really ACCUSING anyone, she's just "asking questions," that's all. Just asking questions, no harm in asking a question, is there? And isn't that nice, that she's managing to persevere and soldier on in the fact of such adversity?
Shrugging off criticism from GOP leaders in Congress, Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann broadened her allegations Thursday of Islamic infiltration in the U.S. government, accusing [the Muslim American] Democrat Keith Ellison of associations with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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