Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Headlines - Tuesday July 24

Less than 24 hours after a shooting at a Colorado movie theater claimed the lives of 12 people and injured dozens more, a conservative political action committee sent supporters an email using coverage of the event to push for donations.
Ha ha ha ha! Fire officials said 21 people at an event hosted by motivational speaker Tony Robbins suffered burns while walking across hot coals and three of the injured were treated at hospitals.
The only thing missing is background vocals by Orly Taitz.
The Chick-fil-A company, which produces these salty waffle fries and breaded/fried chickenish sandwiches with two pickles apiece that serve as delicious on-the-go college meals but otherwise just give you hella diabetes, is notoriously owned by a prominent family in the religious social conservative set. Its president last week admitted the company was "guilty as charged" when it comes to supporting marriage as one man, one woman exclusively: "We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives." Now all of these libtards, from the mayor of Boston to actor Ed Helms to "The Muppets," have withdrawn their support from Chick-fil-A and intend to participate in boycotts. How glib! This infuriates former/current fat person Mike Huckabee so deeply that he is now calling for the creation of Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, on Facebook. READ MORE »


This is Mitt Romney's old home in the Deer Valley development outside of Park City, Utah.

In 2009 he sold it for a almost $5.25 Million.

Earlier this year, Mitt held a gathering of his high end donors ($50,000 plus givers) and GOP/wingnut potentates at another estate in Deer Valley. The slush fund party was held at the home of Scott Keller of Keller Investment Properties—a real estate developer who made a fortune off land/development deals in Summit County and around Park City. As these 'masters of their galtian universe' gathered to celebrate Mittens, they could look over Deer Valley and think that all the wealth generated in this corner of Utah (and all over the world) was because of them and their brilliance. I suspect that they all (especially Mitt) thought "look what we have built with our own hands—and without the help of anybody else, especially the God Damn government!"

Sure they thought that, but like with most things they think—it was wrong.

In the recent past, say 10-12 years ago, the 2002 Winter Olympics were going to be held in Utah. By 1998 the effort was swamped by a bid rigging scandal. Folks in control of the Games were pushed out. New grifters were brought in and they brought in Mitt. He hired a team of lobbyists. And for slightly less than a $4 Million investment, these lobbyist convinced a GOP controlled Congress and the Bush Administration to bail out the Olympics with $1.5 Billion picked from the pockets of US taxpayers. Most of that money went to road construction projects around Northern Utah. Of the 10 major infrastructure projects that taxpayers paid for, four were near Deer Valley and Romney's old home. Taxpayers spent about $70 Million for new infrastructure that increased the property values around Summit County. Deer Valley (and Mitt's house) was in the middle of the profit zone. By the start of the 2002 Games the development boom was in full swing.

Romney's patrons could imagine that their property values increased because of their hard work, but without the $1.5 Billion taxpayer bailout to build out the infrastructure in Northern Utah, their land would still be isolated, remote and not worth that much.

Ah, but what if you thought the growth would happen with or without the Olympics. That—as Mitt claims—the money his lobbyists pried from taxpayers would have been spent on Utah anyway. That the reason folks wanted to be in Utah was because of the Ski/Winter sports/tourism industry and that the Federal Government had noting to do with it. What if you thought that all these talking points proved that Mitt and his fellow elites created all of the wealth by the sweat of their brows and the roughness of their calloused hands?

Yes, it's good spin, but all of it is wrong.

Turns out that Mitt bought his plot of land in Deer Valley back in 1995. He bought his 9.880 acres from Blue Ledge Corporation, a part of the United Park City Mines CO. Funny story. United Park City Mines CO used to be in the mining business, but then the mines around Park City played out. By 1960 the area was isolated and economically depressed. Still, there were mountains and snow. The folks running the failing mine owned a lot of surrounding real estate. They ditched mining and went into the development business. They decided to build a tourist destination focused on skiing and winter sports. Their problem: they had no cash, no capital and nobody in the private sector would fund their scheme.

Their solution: a $1.2 Million loan (in 1963 dollars) from US taxpayers to fund a gondola, base and summit lodges, a chairlift, a J-bar, and a nine-hole golf course and other elements that would become Treasure Mountain. It was a success and fueled Billions of dollars of wealth in Utah over the next 50 plus years. But it never would have happened without the Federal Government.

In the history of Park City a United Park City Mines CO official is quoted advising property owners around Park City to hang onto their land (that was worth about $500 per city lot at the time). UPCM held onto theirs. They divided some of that land into parcels to create the Deer Valley developments. In 1995, Mitt Romney bought one of those parcel (I suspect he paid around five figures for it, possibly six). In 1999 Mitt took the job to run the 2002 Olympics and hired lobbyists to bail out the games. Most of that money was for infrastructure projects. An impact of those projects was that the value of Mitt's property increased.

When Mitt sold his house for almost $5.25 million, I'll bet he thought that he created all of the value himself. He didn't. Taxpayers put up the money that gave the land its worth. And as a taxpayer I don't think it is too much to ask that Mitt and his fellow Galtian Grifters pay their fair share of taxes.

They should think of it as paying dividens to America.

He screwed the taxpayers out of billions ands then had the balls to tell the athletes they didn't get their on their own.



The Hill published this filler post about Slippery Mitt's tax returns.

A top campaign official who worked for Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) 2008 presidential bid and helped select his running mate said Sunday that Mitt Romney's tax returns "do not look anything like the average American," but held nothing which prevented him from being on the ticket.

Steve Schmidt, McCain's former campaign strategist, who viewed Romney's tax returns when the presumptive nominee was being vetted for the vice presidential slot in the last cycle said Romney was an "extremely wealthy man."

Wait. Would this be the same Steve Schmidt who claimed he didn't see the tax returns only a few days ago?

Is it too much to ask that our professional media gatekeepers ask Mr. Schmidt to explain this glaring inconsistency? With journalism like this it's small wonder the public is so misinformed.




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