Storms, 55, who lives in Metairie, declined to comment after the conviction. Judge Ross LaDart of the 24th Judicial District Court, who presided over the daylong trial because Storms waived a jury, did not even break to deliberate. He promptly found Storms guilty of the single count of obscenity. He sentenced Storms to three years of probation, citing no evidence of a criminal history. LaDart also ordered Storms to be evaluated, apparently psychologically. The judge noted that in Storms' confession, he admitted that Feb. 25, 2011, the day he was arrested, was the third time that week that he masturbated in Lafreniere Park."Lafreniere Park is a public place," LaDart said in announcing the verdict. "Lafreniere Park is a place that was chosen by this defendant to engage in a history of masturbation." Storms declined to testify. His attorneys, Brett Emmanuel and Donald Cashio, did not overtly deny their client masturbated in the park but argued he never exposed his penis. The exposure was a necessary element of the obscenity charge. In his confession, Storms told Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office Sgt. Kevin Balser he had taken a break from his grass cutting business to sip a beer in the park, where he said he became "horny."
Yesterday I said this is barely outside the mainstream. Today it is the mainstream.
Paul Ryan argued that President Obama's foreign policy is "to subjugate ourselves to the United Nations" in an interview with radio host Mark Levin Wednesday night, via the Washington Post, playing on a common Republican theme that Democrats and Obama are too deferential to the U.N.
Referring to China and Russia, Ryan said: "So we are giving these two countries you mentioned — these two powers who do not share our values — undue, needless unnecessary clout because we're running everything through the security council. That's point No. 1."
Russia and China joined the U.N. security council in 1946. The president hadn't even been born yet. Furthermore, I doubt I need to point out that we aren't "running everything through" them.
Ryan's point No. 2 was that the upcoming sequestered defense cuts, which he voted for, will leave us vulnerable because the Navy will shrink to it's lowest number of ships since the early 1900s. And as you may have guessed, that's completely false.
Even if that were true, it's not like we don't still have thousands of nuclear weapons. We aren't vulnerable to the coalition of Russians, Cubans, and Nicaraguans who invaded America in 1984′s Red Dawn.
But, you know, it's a nice fantasy to entertain.
Birther-in-Chief Donald Trump will be joined by the infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio at this years GOP convention representing birthers from across the country.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scheduled to speak to delegates from western states on Aug. 30 during the Republican National Convention, the Arizona Republican Party said in a press release.
"Sheriff Joe is a good friend and a great Republican, a former member of the Electoral College representing Arizona, and he's wildly popular not just in Maricopa County but throughout the state and the country," said Tom Morrissey, Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party in the release.
Will Arpaio release the results of his posse's investigation into the president's birth certificate?
In case you forgot, Arpaio is also being sued by the Department of Justice for numerous rights violations and racial profiling. He has also failed to investigate over 400 sexual abuse claims because he's been too busy hunting brown people. And several people, including at least one Iraq war veteran, have died while in his custody.
The Republicans apparently aren't even attempting to hide The Crazy at this year's convention. They're reveling in it.
Fox News Outs Author of Book on Bin Laden Raid
The Republican war on women continues.
A federal appeals court ruled late Tuesday that Texas can cut off funding for Planned Parenthood clinics that provide health services to low-income women before a trial over a new law that bans state money from going to organizations tied to abortion providers.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans lifted a federal judge's temporary injunction that called for the funding to continue pending an October trial on Planned Parenthood's challenge to the law.
State officials sought to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood clinics that provide family planning and health services to poor women as part of the Texas Women's Health Program after the state's Republican-led Legislature passed a law banning funds to organizations linked to abortion providers. No state money goes to pay for abortions.
The problem seems to be the worst with fish that eat along the bottom of the sea, but this is still a significant problem.
Radioactive cesium measuring 258 times the amount that Japan's government deems safe for consumption has been found in fish near the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported Tuesday.
(Fish with more than 100 becquerels per kilogram unsafe for consumption. A becquerel is a measurement of radioactive intensity.)
According to Victor Fleischer, a tax law professor at the University of Colorado, Mitt Romney cheated on his taxes:
Gawker today posted some Bain documents today showing that Bain, like many other PE firms, had engaged in this practice of converting management fees into capital gain. Unlike carried interest, which is unseemly but perfectly legal, Bain's management fee conversions are not legal. If challenged in court, Bain would lose. The Bain partners, in my opinion, misreported their income if they reported these converted fees as capital gain instead of ordinary income.
Bottom line: Mitt Romney has not paid all the taxes required under law.
This has gotten some media attention, but am I the only one who thinks that there's a bit of butthurt, and therefore diminished MSM attention, because Gawker scooped them all? Or, as the Times put it, some documents were "published online".
"We've given all YOU PEOPLE need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life," the candidate's wife added.
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