Some of the biggest names in Repugnant politics will be missing from the stage during NaziCon 2012
and that's no accident. The Romney bastards are aiming to focus squarely on Obama's skin color and
the GOP future rather than on polarizing figures and controversies from the past.
The idea is to tell a BIG, FAT LIE and oretend the GOP is a competent, forward-looking party—and that
has translated into leaving out as many nutjobs as possible and still have enough people to put on a convention.
Banned for being themselves are Der Monkey Fuhrer, Satan, Bat-shit Bachmann and her fabulous not-gay husband, Herman Cain, the serial sexual assaulter, Rick I-hate-America Perry and the insane Publicity Whore from Wassila.
Democrats will be missing some of their stars, as well.
John F Kennedy won't be there and neither will Bobby Kennedy.
Dr. Martin Luther King won't be there and neither will John Lennon.
They won't be there because they were all fucking murdered by Republicans.
When are anti-gay activists just going to own up to their own sexuality?
A longtime anti-gay activist, California Prop 8 donor, and elementary school teacher was taken into custody on August 17th after admitting inappropriate contact with young boys. Caleb Douglas Hesse, a teacher for the Morongo Unified School District since 1987 (most recently, he was teaching first grade at Friendly Hills Elementary School in Joshua Tree) and a longtime youth volunteer with the virulently homophobic Evangelical Free Church of Yucca Valley, has confessed to sexually abusing "numerous underage boys," with authorities believe the crimes occurred between the early 1980's and as recently as a week ago."
I have nothing to add to this, except, man look at those ears!
And they call themselves a "news" organization: A big bucket of hilarious FAIL
Tweety rips obvious anagram Reince Priebus a new one over GOP playing the race card.
They've taken the GOP's old southern strategy and amped everything up to eleven, hoping that maybe the white racist vote is enough to put them over the top this one last time. The welfare lies, the birtherism, the attacks on Latinos, the voter ID laws that disenfranchise minority voters — it's all right there, out in the open. These people shouldn't be allowed to run a merry-go-round, let alone a nation.
The brand new Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordileone, has been arrested for drunk driving. Cordileone is widely considered the "father of Proposition 8."
Police in San Diego say Bishop Salvatore Cordileone was arrested over the weekend for driving under the influence. Police say it happened in San Diego's College District just before 12:30 Saturday morning. Bishop Cordileone is currently bishop of Oakland -- a post he's held since 2009. Last month Pope Benedict chose Bishop Cordileone to become archbishop of San Francisco -- replacing retiring Archbishop George Niederaur. He's scheduled to assume the new post in October.
A just publicized new directive from the Air Force bans commanders from proselytizing to troops. The wingnuts are totally going to lose their shit. Via NBC News:
Again we see (probably) the hand of Tony Perkins in the GOP party platform, this time in its foreign policy section. Think Progress quotes from a leaked copy:
The effectiveness of our foreign aid has been limited by the cultural agenda of the current Administration, attempting to impose on foreign countries, especially the peoples of Africa, legalized abortion and the homosexual rights agenda. At the same time, faith-based groups — the sector that has had the best track record in promoting lasting development — have been excluded from grants because they will not conform to the administration's social agenda. We will reverse this tragic course, encourage more involvement by the most effective aid organizations, and trust developing peoples to build their future from the ground up.
Lest we forget, Perkins denounced Obama for expressing opposition to Uganda's plan to start executing homosexuals. That's the real "homosexual agenda" of the Republican party
It's a miracle: CBN: Prayer Moved Storm Away From RNC
One of the hazards of campaigning against policy that your presidential nominee created is that you may occasionally remind your constituents that he created it. If only by accident.
TAMPA — All credentialed media checking into the Republican National Convention are being given a swag bag featuring brochures and items from various sponsors such as sunglasses and a pocket fan. But the bag also contains a copy of the original hardcover version of Mitt Romney's book No Apology, in which he suggested his approach to health care in Massachusetts could be accomplished in the rest of the country.
The allusion was later altered for the paperback version of the book, a change that became a contentious issue during the Republican primary.
Whoops? They received a copy of the book documenting Mitt Romney's original position, not the etch-a-sketched version.
A routine murder trial in Georgia took an unexpected turn today after it was revealed that the men on trial for murdering a fellow servicemember and his girlfriend murdered them to cover up their plot to assume control of Fort Stewart and assassinate President Obama.
LUDOWICI, Ga. (AP) — Four Army soldiers based in southeast Georgia killed a former comrade and his girlfriend to protect an anarchist militia group they formed that stockpiled assault weapons and plotted a range of anti-government attacks, prosecutors told a judge Monday.
Prosecutors in rural Long County, near the sprawling Army post Fort Stewart, said the militia group composed of active duty and former U.S. military members spent at least $87,000 buying guns and bomb components and was serious enough to kill two people — former soldier Michael Roark and his 17-year-old girlfriend, Tiffany York — by shooting them in the woods last December in order to keep its plans secret. [...]
The prosecutor said the militia group had big plans. It plotted to take over Fort Stewart by seizing its ammunition control point and talked of bombing the Forsyth Park fountain in nearby Savannah, she said. In Washington state, she added, the group plotted to bomb a dam and poison the state's apple crop. Ultimately, prosecutors said, the militia's goal was to overthrow the government and assassinate the president.
The Republicans, including Mitt Romney just recently, have spent the last four years courting the idea that President Obama is an illegitimate president. And the notion, propagated by Fox News and talk radio, that voter fraud is rampant serves to reinforce the idea that a second term would not only be illegitimate but also stolen.
If he wins re-election, this kind of incident will become more frequent.
Remember the DHS Right Wing Extremist Report?
Smart piece from Jonathan Bernstein: "Why Do Republicans Bash Obama for Being 'Divisive'?"
Fox News Analyst Reminds Us What Neil Armstrong's Death Is Really About: Obama Spreading Islam
Pay no attention to the melting icecaps, global warming is a hoax! The National Snow and Ice Data Center reports that over the weekend that this year the melt of arctic sea ice has exceeded the previous record set in 2007, and with several more weeks of summer to go, this years melt will undoubtedly continue, so the winter freeze will start from a larger deficit of ice than it ever has in any previous year.
Dateline, Tampa Hyatt Lobby Bar — David S. Bernstein, of the Boston Phoenix, just sat his ass down and made his FIRST mistake: telling your Wonkette he had found an exclusive. Then he made his second mistake, which was … something else, whatever. Did you know David S. Bernstein does not know how to embed youtube videos? Good job, old media! Anyhoo, here is David S. Bernstein's EXCLUSIVE video, which we fucking helped him put on the Internet, because frankly we are lovely. It is about Special Ops dudes who are SO MAD that Barack Obama bows to everyone, all the time, forever, because he is a huge pussy who wants to sell America to Sharia law and Osamabinladensayswhat? Oh right nothing, the fish ate his mouth! See the anger and the glory, where it says "read more"! READ MORE »
This marks the week of Reclaiming Mitt Romney, in which he gives out lots and lots of interviews to show how beneath the cold, awkward, moderately inhuman exterior, he is a cold, awkward, moderately inhuman person who is competent enough to run the most powerful nation in the world despite having no idea what 98.7% of Americans do day to day besides get sunburned at his rallies and wash his cars. To that end, Mitt Romney has decided to give the Washington Times a deep insight into how he eats muffins. Hint: he does it like a weirdo. READ MORE »
Another failed attempt to make Mitt likeable
Another creation science attraction plans N. Ky. home
Maureen Dowd really, really hates Paul Ryan.
Mitt's dog whistles are reaching his target audience
And the hits just keep on coming! This time from the Pennsylvania Republican challenging pro-life Bob Casey
Clearly, Smith is a cretinous throwback of the worst kind. I'm guessing that if the argument in Pennsylvania shifts to whether unwed motherhood equals rape or whether there should be an exception for rape and incest, Casey's going to win it. Unfortunately, women in Pennsylvania won't because he's still anti-abortion.
Still, it's very interesting how so many of these important Republicans are blurting out these opinions. Maybe someone should ask them questions like this more often.
Digby:Meet the Aristocrats!
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