Given the military's record with capital cases and all or almost all of them since the military death penalty was reinstated having been overturned or commuted to life without parole, Bales probably doesn't have all that much to worry about on that score. Neither, for that matter, does MAJ Nidal Hassan, whose alleged multiple count mass murder trial is supposed to start soon.
It's a safe assumption to assume they all are, Piers. Piers Morgan lost his patience with Larry Pratt, the obtuse jackass who heads up Gun Owners of America who pissed Morgan off when he insisted that an assault weapons ban and gun-free zones hadn't worked in England (they have) which prompted Morgan to sneer "you're an unbelievably stupid man, sren't you?"
More power to them. The hacker group "Anonymous" is vowing to take the Westboro Baptist Church off-line permanently, and released a whole lot of information about the members of the hate-preaching church.
I was raised on the dictum that if you can't say something good about the dead, say nothing at all...keeping that in mind, I tell you that former SCOTUS nominee Robert Bork died on Tuesday.
Bulletproof Backpack Sales Soar After Elementary School Shooting
Serious "news": Fox News Brings On Santa Claus To Discuss The 'War On Christmas'
Florida Man Invokes 'Stand Your Ground' Law After Shooting Fellow Pizza Customer
NRA Repeatedly Responds To Massacres By Lobbying For Weaker Gun Safety
Anyone here from SOUTH CAROLINA? Yes? Maybe you can explain to us why your state is so crazy, possibly as crazy as Florida (or at least, coming at a close second):
South Carolina state Rep. Bill Chumley last week pre-filed a bill for the upcoming legislative session that would criminalize implementation of President Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare reform law.
If his bill becomes law, any state official caught enforcing the healthcare law would be guilty of a misdemeanor and "must be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."READ MORE »
David Brooks to Teach 'Humility' at Yale
Jeebus, the guy who will never admit that he has been wrong about anything (and lord, has he ever been right about anything?) is going to teach a class on humility? But the kicker is: No Final Exam. Just like in Bobo's life: everything gets a pass and no fail.
--Tengrain (NYMag)
Marc Ambinder reminds us that ammo is a big part of the problem -- and maybe the most effective to address.
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