![Can't deny the irony in that! Thanks to @[438956182828623:274:The Rachel Maddow Fan Page.] for articulating a great point!](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s480x480/537470_263075217154281_2082137525_n.png)

And the GOP continues to lose their shit and become publicly undone:
Across town, democracy was, at best, showing its gritty side as it ground along angrily, noisily and slowly: A weary Speaker John A. Boehner admitted failure in his efforts to avert a fiscal crisis with a bill to increase taxes on millionaires but asserted that his job was not at risk; a top National Rifle Association official bluntly challenged Congress to embrace guns at schools, not control them; and Mr. Obama bowed to the reality that Republicans had blocked his first choice to be the next secretary of state.
Though it has been 45 days since voters emphatically reaffirmed their faith in Mr. Obama, the time since then has shown the president's power to be severely constrained by a Republican opposition that is bitter about its losses, unmoved by Mr. Obama's victory and unwilling to compromise on social policy, economics or foreign affairs.
"The stars are all aligning the wrong way in terms of working together," said Peter Wehner, a former top White House aide to President George W. Bush. "Right now, the political system is not up to the moment and the challenges that we face."
House Republicans argue that voters handed their members a mandate as well, granting the party control of the House for another two years and with it the right to stick to their own views, even when they clash strongly with the president's.
And many Republicans remember well when the tables were turned. After Mr. Bush's re-election in 2004, Democrats eagerly thwarted his push for privatization of Social Security, hobbling Mr. Bush's domestic agenda in the first year of his second term.
If this was just about the collapse of the Republican party, it would be one thing. But the fact of the matter is they are very dangerous to the country. If they were just lying on the floor unraveled, it would be one thing. But institutionally, they have enough power to do serious harm to the nation.
Michelle Malkin: NRA Has Been Demonized by 'Crazed, Anti-Gun, Liberal Media'
Conservative talk radio host and commentator Dana Loesch sued the owner of the conservative website Breitbart.com Friday, claiming that although her relationship with the news and opinion aggregating website had gone "tragically awry," Breibart.cοm LLC refused to let her work for the company or anyone else, forcing her into "indentured servitude in limbo." The suit says that difficulties managing the Breitbart "media 'empire'" or ideological conflicts or both had spiked the working relationship, creating a "increasingly hostile" work environment. When Loesch tried to terminate her work agreement in September, Breitbart refused and extended the agreement by a year, the suit says. Breitbart.cοm LLC refuses to allow her work to be published and "sabotages" her attempts to find work elsewhere, the suit says.In a month filled with delicious wingnut infighting, this one might be the best.
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Dana Loesch says gay activists are at war with Christians. Dana Loesch denies that the Family Research Council lobbied in support of Uganda's "kill the gays" bill. Dana Loesch is invited to GOProud's Homocon 2012 event, shortly after screaming during her radio show that supporters of marriage equality "hate Christ." Dana Loesch says the Chick-Fil-A boycott is stupid because we use gasoline in our cars. (SRSLY).
"When Adam entered the school, it was like Satan himself was entering. The evil angel had a very willing vessel through whom to work. But even in the midst of such terror and tragedy, Satan can never outsmart Jesus on any level. Satan cannot keep those children from entering heaven to live with Jesus forever. Likewise, Satan cannot steal your joy in the Lord as long as you refuse to hand it over to him. And Satan cannot do whatever he wants....because he is not sovereign. Only God has that attribute." - Dan Delzell, writing for the Christian Post.
If this account of fiscal cliff negotiations from the Wall Street Journal between President Obama and John Boehner are any indication, the president is a much tougher negotiator than outward appearances and the niceties of press conferences reveal.
Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn't reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault.
At one point, according to notes taken by a participant, Mr. Boehner told the president, "I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?"
"You get nothing," the president said. "I get that for free."
The president doesn't need your "bully pulpit" when he has raw confidence, but he does reserve the right to use it.
This makes Boehner's Plan B fail look even worse than it already did, and I suspect there will be a tear in his beer over the holiday. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
Survey: One in three Americans see extreme weather as a sign of biblical end times
The money behind the Newtown massacre
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