Texas Republicans Attempting To Slam Six Week Abortion Ban Through Legislature During Special Session

House Republicans have been using taxpayer funding to foot the $2.3 million dollar bill to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in a number of cases. While the Supreme Court was weighing Windsor, the other cases challenging DOMA were put on hold. Now that the Court has overturned DOMA, the House is abandoning its defense in the other cases. Here is how attorney Paul Clement withdrew from a case of service members suing for military benefits for their same-sex partners:
The Supreme Court recently resolved the issue of DOMA Section 3's constitutionality. The Windsor decision necessarily resolves the issue of DOMA Section 3's constitutionality in this case. While the question of whether 38 U.S.C. § 101(3), (31) is constitutional remains open, the House has determined, in light of the Supreme Court's opinion in Windsor, that it no longer will defend that statute. Accordingly, the House now seeks leave to withdraw as a party defendant.
Presumably, its intervention in other cases will similarly end. Thus, the federal government will no longer be spending taxpayer money to defend discrimination against same-sex couples, though the money already spent — which could have actually helped people — is lost forever. (HT: Kathleen Perrin.)
Hey, remember how Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi sounded sort of pathetic and sad when he found out that hot young MMA fighter Liz Cheney was planning to primary his ass next year? He said he just didn't understand how she could do that, seeing as how she'd promised not to challenge him if he ran for reelection, and darn it all, "I thought we were friends." Liz Cheney has a very simple explanation for that: Whatchoo talking about, old man? Go take a nap. READ MORE »
Remember all that conspiracy around the election when Democrats were saying that Republicans were trying to suppress democratic voters and Republicans were all, "Naw, mang, we just really care about voter fraud from predominantly minority populations." But then officials kept accidentally spilling the beans on the true intent, like Pennsylvania GOP House Leader Mike Turzai who said that the new voter ID law, "is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania." Whoopsie.
Now it turns out that the voter ID law meant to purely prevent fraud actually did help suppress (oppress? repress?) Democratic voters, according to Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Rob Gleason (via ThinkProgress):
As Pennsylvania's GOP Chairman Rob Gleason told Pennsylvania Cable Network earlier this week, the party "cut Obama by 5 percent" in 2012 and "probably Voter ID had helped a bit in that."
Good thing we have that Voting Rights Act* to protect voters. HAHAHA, JUST KIDDING motherfuckers because the Supreme Court said the Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional!! More good times ahead. READ MORE »
Worry not. Drunken and shirtless Second Amendment Hero Christopher Wade Briggs told arresting officers that he was "only going to fire a couple of shots" at the White House during his visit there. Which seems weird, because he was carrying a pistol loaded with 13 rounds and "two more full magazines and 171 rounds of ammo." This sort of thing is clearly what the founders envisioned when they wrote the Bill of Rights.
About four months ago, the Republican state government in Michigan took all fiscal control away from the City of Detroit and gave it to an unelected "emergency manager" of dubious constitutionality. This manager was going to fix things right up with whizbang Republican economic policies and good old common sense. So how did that work out? Well, Detroit filed for bankruptcy today, so not really all that well. - See more at: http://gripernews.blogspot.com/#sthash.TI17P9eu.dpuf
North Carolina Republicans have revived their ban on Sharia Law by attaching it to a bill regarding metering agreements for renters.
Meanwhile, Miami City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff would like to bring back the practice ofjailing homeless people for cooking food.
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