"She's forgetting about the thousands of women who want an informed choice, who want the opportunity to get a free ultrasound, which they can get not from Planned Parenthood, but from a lot of these pregnancy centers." Jim DeMint on mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds
Good Lord. Republicans need to STFU about abortion, ultrasounds and state-mandated rape.
Daily Kos: GunFAIL XXIV
Another standard week of GunFAIL. The TSA reports 44 firearms discovered at airports this week, 35 of which were loaded. And as usual, almost everyone said they'd "forgotten" or didn't realize they were carrying weapons. Remember folks, an armed society can only be a polite society if everyone knows whether or not they're armed. In other news, five Polite Patriots offered Liberty Projectiles to their neighbors free of charge, and one kept it in-house, installing a Freedom Hole in his friend's neck from down in the basement, while his pal was upstairs puttering around in the kitchen. In addition, a new inter-sport outreach program instituted in Virginia introduced the bicycling community to shooting sports this week, when a passing cyclist took advantage of the opportunity to get closer to the gun-owning community as he pedaled by the home of a friendly gent in the middle of loading his pistol inside.
Four of our friends shot themselves cleaning loaded guns this week, two of whom soon afterward departed this life. Two law enforcement officers were involved in GunFAIL episodes. Three people were injured in two accidents while target shooting, and one gent was fatally shot by his lady friend whom he was teaching to use firearms safely, which in hindsight might have been better accomplished without the assistance of alcohol and marijuana, but Freedom being what it is these days, I really shouldn't judge.
This week also brought us news of this year's second gunshot injury sustained during an unsuccessful attempt to shoot a raccoon, though it's true that as a matter of policy I do not report on how many raccoons have been successfully shot.
On a more somber note, the minor victims of GunFAIL this week included three 5-year-olds, one 9-year-old, two 12-year-olds, two 13-year-olds, two 16-year-olds, one 17-year-old, one teen of unknown age, and one young boy of unknown age. One of the 12-year-olds and the 9-year-old were the victims of the recent homicide-suicide tragedy in which the older boy is believed to have killed himself after possibly accidentally shooting his younger brother.
Find this week's report here.
How the 1% is privatizing (stealing) the $600bn public education budget
Jill: Today's Republican Party is the living embodiment of what happens when you do not provide sex education to children. From the idea that women won't know what a pregnancy is unless an elderly male politician rapes them by proxy with an ultrasound wand to conservative women believing that a rape kit is a kind of uterine Drano, the ignorance is simple human reproduction on the right is simply appalling. The problem is that now their ignorance is extending to the people they represent when they are in government.
Ohio's new anti-abortion law bestows full personhood on a fertilized egg that has not yet implanted. Clearly the Republicans in Ohio's legislature who passed this travesty haven't got a clue about how pregnancy occurs. There is no pregnancy until the egg implants into the uterine wall, because up to half of all fertilized eggs never implant. There are many reasons for this, some of them having to do with the effects of the Pill and the IUD (which would under Ohio law become instruments of murder in a way that a gun, for some reason, is not), and some having to do with just plain nature -- God's will, if you prefer.
Some of the women whose fertilized eggs never implant in the uterus know about it -- because the egg implants in the fallopian tube instead. Ohio's law would have the perhaps unintended effect of making removal of an ectopic pregnancy a crime of murder, even though an ectopic pregnancy can never become a baby. I guess the dirty whore should have kept her legs closed or God wouldn't have punished her with an ectopic pregnancy -- or something; I have no idea how these people's minds work. But most women don't even know that there is a fertilized egg, because it passes out of her with her normal menstrual period.So there's just one thing to do, ladies of Ohio: Start sending your used tampons and other sanitary products to John Kasich. Tell him that under Ohio law you are simply complying with the law that makes every fertilized egg a person and you want to make sure you do the right thing. You may end up in jail, but you can take comfort in knowing that confession of your crime is good for the soul.
More proof these people don't believe what they're selling, or they'd be afraid of hell.
Morning Nice-Time: San Diego Chalk Vandal To Go Free, Just Like Bank Execs!
Utah Gun Rights Activists Organize 5K Race — With Firearms!
Former Republican Senator: Tea party is destroying the GOP
Former U.S. Sen. Bob Bennett stood Friday before a group and gleefully proclaimed that, because he will never again appear on a ballot, he can say anything he wants.
Then he did.
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