Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 4

It's Enough to make you Throw Up. More Republicans believe in Demonic Possession than Climate Change
Chris Rock - Message for White Voters 
Dallas Mavericks owner and loudmouth billionaire Mark Cuban says he'll donate $1 million to charity if Donald Trump will shave that rat's nest on his head.
The offer comes in response to Trump's recent public offer to President Obama. In a thoroughly ridiculous announcement last week, Trump pledged to donate $5 million to a charity of President Obama's choice if the president released top-secret mystery documents, like Obama's school transcripts. Trump then bashed President Obama in a new video this week for missing the arbitrary one-week deadline Trump gave him to respond to the $5 million offer. We join Donald Trump in his disbelief that the president didn't drop Hurricane Sandy relief coordination efforts, ditch tours of disaster-areas and bail on the final days of his re-election campaign so he could phone for a list of electives he took in high school and get personal references from his childhood babysitters. We're shocked. Absolutely shocked.
Roxanne Rubin, Nevada Republican, Arrested For Allegedly Trying To Vote Twice
A Republican? Color me surprised!
Karl Rove's dirty fingerprints are all over this
In total, companies led by Sproul have received $21 million from Republican campaign committees for voter outreach work since 2004. Much of the 2012 payments came from the national party to pay for voter registration in the key states of Florida, Colorado, North Carolina and Virginia.

How badly is Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted trying to throw the election for Romney? Badly enough that on Saturday, in violation of a judge's order, he plans to throw out potentially tens of thousands of provisional ballots.

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, whose decision to try to restrict early voting was thrown out first by an Ohio judge, then a federal appeals court and denied a hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court, will be back in court again this month after he issued a last-minute directive on provisional ballots that not only contradicts Ohio law but is also in violation of a recent court decision and the opposite of what Husted's own lawyers said he would do.
As reported by Judd Legum at ThinkProgress, Husted ordered election officials not to fill out a section of the provisional ballot that verifies what form of identification that the voter produced and that, if it is incorrectly filled out, the ballot will automatically not be counted. However, under the law establishing the provisional balloting procedures, according to the lawsuit filed against Husted on Friday, it is election officials that are supposed to record the type of ID provided, not the voter — and that election officials are supposed to attempt to resolve any questions on the spot.

Husted has until Monday to respond to the suit, and the court has said that it plans to resolve the issue before provisional ballots are counted on November 17, 2012.

So yes, if Ohio is close, and close enough to decide the election overall, then this is the story right here that will determine the Presidency. It amazes me that this guy is repeatedly allowed to violate federal court judges and Ohio state law, and do whatever the hell he feels like doing.
I personally hope President Obama's electoral tour de force rolls Romney so hard that Ohio is just another icing state on the 350 electoral vote cake. But no matter what, Husted's actions here are odious, repugnant, and oh yeah, illegal. It's voter suppression to help the GOP, period. Let's call it what it is, folks.

The good news is at this point the extraordinarily desperate GOP is resorting to patently obvious nonsense like this, and it's being discovered before Tuesday's vote. People are at least aware of it, especially here in Ohio (I hope).

We'll see. The obvious remedy to this is VOTE.

A robocall financed by the Romney campaign falsely tells voters in Virginia that President Obama "forced Christian organizations" to offer insurance coverage that undermines their religious beliefs and is threatening "our religious freedom." The Christian community is "supporting Romney," the spot says:

Christians who are thinking about voting for Obama should remember what he said about people of faith: "They … cling to guns or religion." And remember when Obama forced Christian organizations to provide insurance coverage that was contrary to their religious beliefs?

That's the real Barack Obama. That's the real threat to our religious freedom. Mitt Romney understands the importance of faith and family. That's why so many leaders of the Christian community are supporting Romney.

They know we can't underestimate the threat Barack Obama poses to our faith, our values, our freedom.

The call is misleading. While the Affordable Care Act requires insurers and employers to offer women's health benefits — including contraception — houses of worship and religiously affiliated nonprofits are specifically excluded from the provision. In fact the rule is modeled on existing contraception equity rules that are already in place in numerous Catholic hospitals, universities, and at least 28 states.

Romney has frequently accused Obama of undermining religion on the campaign trail. In January, the GOP presidential candidate said Obama is waging "the assault on religion"; in April, he claimed that the president is trying to establish "secularism" as an official religion.


They know they're going to lose and are already making excuses.

Photo: They know they're going to lose and are already making excuses.




The U.S. economy is recovering well

"U.S. growth is forecast to average 3 percent, much stronger than that of Germany or France (1.2 percent) or even Canada (2.3 percent). Increasingly, the evidence suggests that the United States has come out of the financial crisis of 2008 in better shape than its peers — because of the actions of its government."


512 Paths to the White House


Photo: (C)


In First 45 Months In Office, Obama Created 750,000 Private Sector Jobs, Bush Lost More Than One Million



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