Tuesday saw Republicans take back control of the House New Jersey and Senate Virginia Governorships. And although Democrats won the NY-23 special election, it was still a huge win for conservatives.
Then came Thursday. Thursday was the Super Bowl of Freedom. Somewhere between four thousand and one million teabaggers dissented on DC in a shocking victory for the 1st Amendment.
And yet just a few hours ago, in the Hyper Bowl, socialism prevailed.
"If the reports that we're receiving of various statements he made, acts he took, are valid, he had turned to Islamist extremism, and, therefore, if that is true, the murder of these 13 people was a terrorist act and, in fact,it was the most destructive terrorist act to be committed on American soil since 9/11," Lieberman said Sunday.
Lieberman wants the Department of Defense to conduct a special investigation to see if the shootings could have been predicted. "While the Army and the FBI are conducting the criminal investigation about exactly what happened and what Dr. Hasan should be charged with, the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense has a real obligation to convene an independent investigation to go back and look at whether warning signs were missed, both the stress he was under, but also the statements that he was making which really could lead people to believe that Dr. Hasan had become an Islamist extremist," said Lieberman.
"A couple of years ago, after a two-year investigation, my committee put out a report that said the new face of terrorism in America would not just be the attacks as 9/11 organized abroad and sending people in here, it would be people within this country, homegrown terrorists, self-radicalized, often over the internet, going to jihadist websites, and there's concern from what we know now about Hasan that, in fact, that's exactly what he was, a self-radicalized home grown terrorist," Lieberman concluded.
The only really good thing about Chimpy stealing the `00 election turned out to be that Lieberman wouldn't be vice president.
But they didn't just vote to restore the golden era of back-alley wire-hanger abortions; they voted to give giant insurance companies a way to avoid covering working families at all.
Jon Walker at FDL explains: http://www.theygaveusarepublic.com/diary/4148/dont-be-fooled-abortion-amendment-really-protects-giant-health-insurers
Note that the Catholic Bishops, who covered up all those horrible sex abuses cases, are now dictating legislative policy in Washington DC. Obama and House leaders let the Bishops rule the health care debate on Saturday through the Stupak amendment. Women of America should understand that the Bishops are now making decisions concerning their health. Meanwhile, Dioceses around the country are filing bankruptcy over the sex abuses cases.
And this:
At No More Mister Nice Blog, Aimai explains just how stupid, unnecessary and self-destructive the Stupak amendment was:
But it should never, ever, have come to any Democrats voting for the Stupak amendment once it was submitted to the floor. And, frankly, I don't think it should ever have come to allowing Stupak to forward the amendment in the first place. Pelosi and the Democratic Majority should never have allowed women's health issues to be severed from family health issues in the first place. They should have insisted, publicly, that the whole point of the legislation was to "get government and insurance companies out of the business of telling you what you need and what you don't need." No amendments referring to specific procedures should have been permitted and the grounds for that refusal should have been made generic, not specific to women's health care. The rallying cry should have been "Democrats stand for freedom of consumer choice. Your health care money will be spent as you choose--not as we choose."
It gets much, much better, including the best plan I've ever read for dealing with the self-righteous bleepers in the Catholic hierarchy. Read the whole thing.
Birth defects plague small town in Dominican Republic and residents want to know if a U.S. power company that shipped 50,000 tons of heavy-metal laden coal ash to the Dominican Republic and let is hang around in port for two years might be to blame for the spate of congenital deformities.
Another "oopsie" for the unintended consequences file Carlsbad, New Mexico is in danger of disappearing into a giant sink-hole because an underground salt cave that was created during oil drilling undermines the town. Literally.
Teabaggers attack Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel
The photo below is of Elie Wiesel in the Buchenwald concentration camp. He's in the second row from the bottom, seventh from the left (next to the wood support).
Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel criticized a Teabagger protester in Washington, DC this week who held up a sign showing dead bodies from the Dachau concentration camp stacked in a pile, and compared this to the Democrats' health care reform plan. Here are a few of the Teabaggers' responses to Weisel, posted on Politico:
Rothschilds nothing! Everyone knows that Obama is George Soros sock puppet. Wasn't Soros Jewish once upon a time? May the Schwartz be with you.
The jews need to clam up and accept the fact that they are in a Chritian country.
This hollowcost thing is totally overblown by the jewish.
Eli Wiesel should just go back to Indonesia. I don't see him condemnig the terrorist shooter at Fort Hood.
Elie is a whiner. She should stop her whining. You didn't not complane when the libs were calling Bush Hitler.
You know what? The fact is that at a time in history, The Rosthchild family controlled practically everything.This is a fact. Not anti semitic. I resent the Jewish outrage at everything. I am a tea partier. obama is a Marxist and takes his orders from George Soros... it is similar and these people need to get a life., Why any Jew would support the Obama administation is a mystery anyway. He is a Muslim sympathizer and the greatest threat to Israel ever to sit in the White House. Wake up Jewish community. Take off the blinders.
Rothschild sign? Well its factually true. They were one of the primary families involved in founding the Federal Reserve and are still in it up to their necks. Obama, Bush, and every president since Wilson have done as the Fed told them. Since it a valid historical fact that this family was involved in creating and still has ownership of a substantial piece of the Federal Reserve (but nobody seems to know how much), I guess its now Anti- Semitic to discuss anything a Jew does critically? This guy is a Hebrew Al Sharpton.
Elie, how did that whole Madoff thing work out for you?
Sen. John Ensign has moved out of the C Street house, the Christian home he shared with other elected officials on Capitol Hill that came under scrutiny for its residents' beliefs and practices and their role in trying to end the Nevada Republican's affair with a campaign staff member.The red brick town house emerged this summer as the subject of political intrigue — not only as a pivotal location in Ensign's affair with Cynthia Hampton, but also that of South Carolina Republican Gov. Mark Sanford, who sought guidance there as he wrestled with his own affair.
Looks like there will be no more wetsuit optional Christian seksitime at the C street brothel for Senator Ensign, which means he will probably be really grumpy at the office tomorrow. Then again, since he apparently is into banging the hired help, maybe this just expands his opportunities.
The GOP calmly, cooly reflects on the one GOP vote for healthcare: http://www.mockpaperscissors.com/?p=25669
Aaaah, page 644: http://www.mockpaperscissors.com/?p=25667
Awesomely bogus Palin sees conspiracy in new dollar coins: http://rawstory.com/2009/11/palin-speech-abortion-opponents-mocked-describes-weighty-topics-bogus-awesome/
Skippy takes a look at ignored environmental stories: http://xnerg.blogspot.com/2009/11/environmental-news-story-sunday_08.html
That's billion with a "b"
Three of the largest Wall Street firms -- which together received $45,000,000,000 in taxpayer bailouts -- are on track to hand out $29,700,000,000 in bonuses this year.
Shocking news: Pfizer Broke the Law by Promoting Drugs for Unapproved Uses: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=a4yV1nYxCGoA&pos=10
"Mother, mother ocean" isn't just a song lyric. "The womb of the world is dying while bureaucrats squabble over turf. Off the coast of Washington state, mysterious algae mixed with sea foam have killed more than 8,000 seabirds, puzzling scientists. A thousand miles off California, researchers have discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a swirling vortex roughly twice the size of Texas filled with tiny bits of plastic and other debris. Every summer a dead zone of oxygen-depleted water the size of Massachusetts forms in the Gulf of Mexico; others have been found off Oregon and in the Chesapeake Bay, Lake Erie and the Baltic and Black seas. Some studies indicate that North Pole seawater could turn caustic in 10 years, and that the Southern Ocean already may be saturated with carbon dioxide .... As the grim news mounts, a storm is brewing in Washington, D.C., over who should oversee oceans policies. A White House task force has recommended creating a National Ocean Council that would develop and implement national ocean policy and include the secretaries of state, defense, agriculture, interior, health and human services, labor, commerce, transportation and homeland security."
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