By a margin of 344-36, lawmakers approved a non-binding resolution that calls the report "irredeemably biased and unworthy of further consideration or legitimacy."
The symbolic measure also urges President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "to strongly and unequivocally oppose" any discussion of the report or action on its findings in any international setting.
The Obama administration has already condemned the report, which was expected to go to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, as unhelpful to its efforts to revive stalled Middle East peace talks.
"I think the UN report is unbalanced, and unfair, and inaccurate," said Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.
Let me get this straight: House Democrats are pissing on the health care plan by letting Bart Stupid Stupak (D-Mich.) whip the crap out of the bill because it currently allows for abortions in certain circumstances, but THIS IS OKAY?
The provision was inserted by Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R- Utah) with the support of Democratic Sens. John F. Kerry and the late Edward M. Kennedy -- both of Massachusetts, home to the headquarters of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Backed by some of the most powerful members of the Senate, a little-noticed provision in the healthcare overhaul bill would require insurers to consider covering Christian Science prayer treatments as medical expenses.
So THIS is what constitutes "bipartisanship": screwing over women AGAIN, but allowing for bogus religious shit.

afraid that I'll give them the flu than they are of being blown to bits by a suicide bomber!"
As you know, the second round of voting has been canceled in Afghanistan, against the stated wishes of Karzai, who thought he could win a single-candidate without having to forge quite so many ballots and also keep his followers happy by letting them steal some more of that UN election money. Says Obama, "Although the process was messy, I'm pleased to say that the final outcome was determined in accordance with Afghan law". Glad he's pleased to say that. His staff must have worked long into the night to come up with some way to praise this election, and they came up with "determined in accordance with Afghan law." Indeed, it is a veritable triumph of "determined in accordance with Afghan law," a shining example of "determined in accordance with Afghan law." (Well, except for all that massive fraud. Oh, and there's some question about whether the election commission actually had the authority to cancel the second round.)
My best friend was from Eritrea and he became American citizen about 9 years ago. I remember how proud he was. He was so proud He became US Air Force and he got killed in Iraq two years later. I know my friend die as am American. And I know he was so proud to be an American, so Darren you are a sh*t head. NBC please get this idiot out here.
The race has now been called for Democrat Bill Owens.
This is a huge win for conservatives.
I have said all along that the goal of activists must be to defeat Scozzafava. Doug Hoffman winning would just be gravy. A Hoffman win is not in the cards, but we did exactly what we set out to do — crush the establishment backed GOP candidate.
For all intents and purposes, NY-23 is a trial run for Florida. And in Florida, the conservative candidate is operating inside the GOP. If John Cornyn and the NRSC do not want to see Florida go the way of NY-23, they better stand down.
How much more of Erickson's bullshit is the Republican party going to take? The guy is quoted in Politico every freaking day now. Okay, so are Lanny Davis and Doug Schoen, so maybe that's a bad example. But you see what I mean, right?
U. ROCHESTER—In 2005, a gigantic, 35-mile-long rift broke open the desert ground in Ethiopia. At the time, some geologists believed the rift was the beginning of a new ocean as two parts of the African continent pulled apart, but the claim was controversial.
Now, scientists from several countries have confirmed that the volcanic processes at work beneath the Ethiopian rift are nearly identical to those at the bottom of the world's oceans, and the rift is indeed likely the beginning of a new sea.
The new study, published in the latest issue of Geophysical Research Letters, suggests that the highly active volcanic boundaries along the edges of tectonic ocean plates may suddenly break apart in large sections, instead of little by little as has been predominantly believed. In addition, such sudden large-scale events on land pose a much more serious hazard to populations living near the rift than would several smaller events, says Cindy Ebinger, professor of earth and environmental sciences at the University of Rochester and coauthor of the study.
It brings up a couple points:
- Does the fact that this is happening so quickly make the theory of plate tectonics more believable to young earthers?
- Thank God this wasn't Kenya or they'd be looking for a birth certificate in there.
Update. This is good news for conservatives.
Congress just passed a bill costing $680B for the military, and that doesn't include the wars. You might not have heard that on the news, since they are too busy asking if universal health care is too expensive at $90B per year.There are many who believe that access to health care is a human right. In fact, this includes nearly every developed country in the world.
With this new bill and the side money for the wars, we spend more on "defense" than the rest of the world COMBINED. That's for DEFENSE mind you. It costs a lot to defend against all those invasions might have. Health care? Screw you, middle class! We need you to go die in our wars!
Repuke piece of shit David Vitter, one of 30 repugnicants who voted to support contractors over rape victims, meets an angry constituent at a town hall meeting. Does he:
A) Condescendingly spout gpuke talking points
B) Blame the President
C) Coldly walk away without answering her
D) All of the above
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