A trip down memory lane - h/t Jeff: http://15minutelunch.blogspot.com/2007/10/strap-in-shut-up-and-hold-on-were-going.html
Not voting is the new quitting for the GOP: http://www.mockpaperscissors.com/?p=25897
Ben Bernanke to the rescue: To head off some real regulation that might be coming down the pike at the banks, Ben Bernanke, Bukkake Boy to the Bankers, has come up with an ingenious rule that makes it look like there is some regulation, when there isn't any.
- Under the Fed's new rule, customers cannot withdraw more than what is in their checking account. No d'uh, really, it's a true fact!
- As a customer, you are assumed to be part of the overdraft protection plan (complete with fees up to $38 per incident of using the overdraft plan) unless you specifically opt out of the plan.
- Oh, and automatic bill paying will not be subject to these rules, so you will still get the huge overdraft fees if you use those services and they put you in overdraft territory.
Yay, the Bankers win again!
The Opinion is joined in death by the thousands of veterans and active duty soldiers who kill themselves every year for a variety of reasons--following the President's logic, one reason why our troops are killing themselves with such alacrity could be to gain the opportunity to kill themselves in the next life, you know, to get to the head of the line. Also joining the Opinion in death are the thousands of veterans who perish every year as a result of having no medical insurance. It is widely believed that these veterans will be denied medical care in the next life as well. Just ask Joe Lieberman.
The Opinion is also joined by over a million Iraqis who will be given the chance to greet our newly dead as liberators in the next life, but have been cautioned to drive slowly up to the St. Peter White Zone Check Points and to follow all instructions very, very closely, after which they will be fired upon anyway. It is hoped they will receive justice in the 3rd Incarnation (the next, next life) but only the very religious can say (and you know they will!).
In lieu of flowers, in this life or the next or any other life to follow, friends and family of the late Opinion ask that you wear proudly the chains of spiritual bondage, that you nod your head with great sobriety whenever a national leader invokes Bronze Age dogma, and that you do the hokey pokey and you shake it all about. That, in this life and the next, is what it's all about.
Fallout for the Mormon Church's unprecedented support for LGBT rights in Utah is already coming. A representative from the Sutherland Institute, whose "about" page describes themselves as a "public policy group" looking to "transcend impulsive, convenient, or self-serving policies" told the audience at a debate with Equality Utah that "sexual orientation is an illusion" and that "the gloves must come off" in their battle with the gay community.
We on the left are not afraid. We have the courage to confront the truth and not hide it away in a cell forever.
Just to reiterate another point: it's not weak to say that our laws are strong enough to take care of terrorists. In fact, believing in our justice system actually makes Barack Obama more patriotic than all waterboard-loving, conservative asshats who just want Mohammed disappeared. Nidal Hasan killed more people than just about anyone ever at Gitmo, yet no one's saying that he should be detained forever without charge or trial.

Or 10.
It is evident from the length of this deliberative process and from the flood of leaks that have emerged from Kabul and Washington that the perfect course of action does not exist. Given that reality, the urgent necessity is to make a decision—whether or not it is right.
I believe we should get the hell out of Afghanistan, the sooner the better. And I hope that is the decision that Obama arrives at, the sooner the better.
But to suggest that it is more important to make a quick decision than to make a correct decision, to suggest that an extra few weeks of reporters' and civil servants' time is more important than the the next six months of 40,000 American soldiers' lives…the fact that a journalist can suggest this and still be taken seriously does not bode well for where we are headed as a country.
It's all part of the cult of the "tough decision", the "gut decision". It's easy to laugh at that. But I just don't see all of this stupidity ending in anything other than collapse.
Barring legal challenges, condemned inmate Kenneth Biros is scheduled Dec. 8 to be the first prisoner in the nation to be executed using a single dose of the drug thiopental sodium instead of the combination of three drugs that the state had been using.
A federal judge had temporarily halted Biros' execution because of the botched execution of Romell Broom in September, which prompted the new execution method announced Friday. Executioners couldn't find a suitable vein on Broom to administer the lethal drugs, and he walked away from the execution chamber after the governor issued a temporary stay.
Why don't they just have the executioner press a shotgun to the executionee's head and kill him? Executing someone is pretty close to barbarism, so why are we trying to dress it up? The death penalty is the state-sanctioned killing of *people*. We should stop trying to prettify it up. And we should make it mandatory that the governor of any state with the death penalty has to witness the first execution carried out in his or her first term, not remotely, not in the witness booth behind glass, but in the same room.
This is an excerpt from a work-in-progress documentary telling the beautiful, powerful story of Keiko Fukuda, the highest-ranking judoka alive; the granddaughter of a Samurai; and the last living disciple of Jigoro Kano, the founder of judo. At age 93, after working toward it for her entire life, Sensei Fukuda was finally promoted to ninth dan. Via Lauredhel of Hoyden About Town, who writes:
[...] Fukuda talks about how she was 'frozen' at fifth dan (fifth degree black belt), for no other reason than that she was a woman. She was finally promoted to ninth dan at the age of 93. She talks, emotionally, about having had to choose between marriage and judo.
In the film, Fukuda, who at 96 still teaches in San Francisco--yet another reason to envy those lucky Northern Californians--is shown, in archive footage, demonstrating the exquisite ballet of power and grace that is known as the kata. She is also shown teaching a present-day class, getting out of her wheelchair to demonstrate an armlock; she gives her students homework, too: Go home and ponder the essence of the word "ju" for a year.
Ju, like many Japanese words, carries many layers of meaning within the shell of its lone syllable; it translates approximately as soft, gentle, flexible, adaptable.
San Francisco filmmaker Yuriko Gamo Romer of Flying Carp Productions continues to work on this documentary and is trying to raise funds in order to complete it. Please go here for information on donating.
Clip here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8UiYo-5vzA&feature=player_embedded
Lou Dobbs, unemployed xenophobe
He was the finest newsman the world has ever known and now CNN has let him go. The tragedy is nearly inexpressable, but WorldNutDaily founder Joseph Farah gives it a good try:
What makes Lou Dobbs so special is his independence and fearlessness. Dobbs clearly set his own agenda. He had no interest in the "conventional wisdom" of his industry. Dobbs thinks like a real American newsman – a throwback to an age when journalists actually believed they were watchdogs of government and asked tough questions in the interests of the people.
When virtually his entire profession and elites in all the other political and cultural institutions of our time were making excuses for allowing tens of millions of illegal aliens to occupy our country, Lou Dobbs was alone in his focus on the issue critical to America's safety and security.
When virtually his entire profession and elites in all the other political and cultural institutions of our time were making excuses for Barack Obama's unwillingness to prove his constitutional eligibility to serve in the White House by simply showing the American people his long-form birth certificate, Lou Dobbs was alone in asking why.
That's right, Lou Dobbs was the "one reason to tune in to CNN," birther Farah tells us. Joe's a big fan, even offering Lou a job at his big pile of crazy he calls a website. "Let me be the first to say I would be proud to work with Lou Dobbs," Farah writes. "He's got his pick of assignments here at WND."
Keep reading: http://griperblade.blogspot.com/2009/11/lou-dobbs-unemployed-xenophobe.html
The Danville tea party will close their "fired up for freedom" rally by burning Rep. Tom Perriello and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in effigy.
If the Teabaggers chanted "Death to America" it would be indistinguishable from any stereotypical Middle Eastern anti-American rally.
Radar Online reports that another thirty nude photos and seven solo sex tapes of Carrie Prejean have surfaced. She made "the biggest mistake of my life" at least 38 times!
There are 30 nude photos and eight sex tapes of former Miss California Carrie Prejean, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively. It's the most shocking turn yet in a scandal that has continued to follow the woman whose anti-gay marriage stance led to a national controversy and pitted her against pageant organizers. Stripped of her crown, Prejean sued the Miss California USA pageant but reportedly settled after the sex tape surfaced. She called the sex tape the biggest mistake of her life. Now a RadarOnline.com investigation has uncovered that there are SEVEN more "biggest mistakes" of her life – all of them solo performances, just like the one sex tape that the religious beauty queen has admitted to. And there are 30 photos of Carrie, most topless, some showing everything, and most taken by Carrie using her reflection in a mirror.
And did ya see this? http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/blogs/yeas-and-nays/Prejean-threatened-walkout-before-she-stepped-on-set-of-_Larry-King-Live_-8526704.html
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