The Tea/GOP Would HATE Our Actual Founders.
WASHINGTON — Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell of Delaware said in a 2006 debate that China was plotting to take over America and claimed to have classified information about the country that she couldn't divulge.
Joe Conason: In the Obama era, right-wing militias flourish
That much-mocked DHS study of potential right-wing violence turns out not to have been so far-fetched after all
4,424 soldiers killed in Iraq that we know of; 1,315 in Afghanistan.
'God' is a word that does not appear in the Constitution of the United States.
In other words, God is, strictly constructed and construed, unconstitutional.
Grab the popcorn, kids, because the GOP, that party that professes to worship the military, has to decide whether its first loyalty is to the military or to the petroleum companies that are part-owners, along with Rupert Murdoch, or their party:
Just the tip
James O'Keefe Swears He Wasn't Going To Dildo CNN Lady On Boat

It took James O'Keefe all weekend to come up with an alibi for why he tried to trick a CNN reporter into coming on a boat filled with lube and dildos and "an obvious sex tape machine," but now he has posted his brilliant explanation on the Internet. "She would have had to consent before being filmed and she was not going to be faux 'seduced' unless she wanted to be," O'Keefe wrote. Oh, that makes perfect sense! Rapists, for example, should really use that line at their trials, because it really puts things into perspective. Especially if they do their raping on a very un-pre-meditated spot, like this sex boat.
The sexually explicit document CNN is now "reporting" on was never going to be implemented as written. She saw how I was dressed that day, with my usual blazer and collared shirt. In the document she reported as being "authentic," I was supposed to have been dressed with my chest exposed, slicked backed hair, with gold chains. That ought to have been a red flag the document was not a reflection of my true intentions. Ms. Boudreau was never going to be put in the bizarre situations outlined in the document CNN reported. There were no mirrors, sex tapes, blindfolds, fuzzy handcuffs, posters of naked women, or music. Sorry, you were not going to see my face saying the words "Bubble Headed Beach Blonde who comes on at 5" into a video camera.
Oh, so it was going to be one of those low-production-value "amateur" videos of a beanpole media whore gonzo wingnut seducing a reporter. Just the bare essentials. Those are all the rage in the adult film industry.
Note O'Keefe mentions nothing about the lube or "condom jar" in this statement. [Project Veritas]
I got mine, but I deserve it!
Smaller government means gubbimint money for me, but not for thee.
The president of a third party group that's targeting vulnerable Democrats for their support of government spending has herself received thousands of dollars(almost a million) in federal farm subsidies.
Sandra Greiner is the president of the American Future Fund, an organization that has spent more than $5 million on advertisements that target Democrats on a variety of issues, including their support for federal spending.
Sure, she receives massive payments from the federal government, but the real problem is the money that goes to those other people. Government money that goes to white people doesn't count, it's the the money that goes to brown people that they have problems with.
Racist f**ks.
Um...Christine? We don't know who you are, but we know who you aren't, and you aren't us. Not even close. Christine O'Donnell is trying to convince the voters of Delaware that she is just like them. "I'm you," she says plaintively, looking into a camera that apparently does for crazy eyes what ours do for red ones. As most people have never dabbled in witchcraft, thought about becoming Hari Krishnas except we like meatballs, lied about attending Oxford, or even Claremont to make ourselves look better-than-average while denouncing elitism, denounced masturbation as adultery, claimed that condoms spread HIV; nor have we been accused of misusing campaign funds, committed embezzlement or claimed to have secret, classified information about China's plans to take over the country. So no, Christine, you are not like us. Not even close.
Larry Kudlow: bypassing ridiculous and heading straight for self-parody.
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