Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Headlines - Tuesday June 21

Here's Krugman: What you see isn't a recovering economy that may be stumbling; you see an economy that has stopped its free fall, but hasn't really been recovering at all.
Clarence Thomas has another ethics problem and his name is Texan Harlan Crowe.
Hey guys, remember that time Alaska's part-time governor and full-time grifter Mooselini® tried to register her name as a trademark, but she was too stewpid to sign her name on the form? Me Neither! Anyway, it seems she figured out how to sign her name (witchcraft? yes) and now Sarah Palin® is a registered trademark. (The Atlantic)

Quick, someone: trademark "Bristol Hymenbusters™" before she gets around to that, too.

Grandpa; you're babbling again. God, what a pandering idiot:

The former Republican presidential candidate John McCain has been accused of "scapegoating" Mexicans over comments he made linking wildfires in his home state of Arizona to illegal immigration.

The issue ignited over the weekend when the US senator said there was "substantial evidence that some of these fires have been caused by people who have crossed our border illegally. The answer to that part of the problem is to get a secure border".

In a sane world, they'd have thrown a net over this old fool when he chose Snowbilly Snooki for a running mate. In our world, he gets to mumble incoherently, like a crazy homeless guy in NYC having a conversation with a sewer drain, on every Sunday morning 'news' show and is taken seriously.

What a country!

Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between a US corporation and an enemy combatant. And we might all be better served if they were both treated the same way.
I'll drink to that.
Fourteen million Americans say watching John Boehner and Barack Obama play golf helps keep their minds off the fact that they're unemployed.

Roberts Court to Working Women: "Drop Dead"

No surprise here.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday threw out the largest employment discrimination case in the nation's history. The suit, against Wal-Mart Stores, had sought to consolidate the claims of as many as 1.5 million women on the theory that the company had discriminated against them in pay and promotion decisions.
The Roberts Supreme Court is hostile to anyone who is trying to obtain justice against a corporation. They are not the only court like that. I once did a search of appellate court decisions and found that there was more than one Federal circuit where workers suing for discrimination on less than ten percent of the time. I've read decisions which made me question whether the judges had ever punched a time clock in their lives, and I'm pretty damn sure that the answer was "no".

Justice by and for the elites. Other than a few decades here and there, that's pretty much the way it has always been.

Of foxes, chickenhouses, and the guarding thereof..."Wondering whether natural gas and oil transportation pipelines are safe? Why not ask a neutral objective party -- like, say, the pipeline industry? The federal government's Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is supposed to study and regulate pipeline safety. But as the San Francisco Chronicle discovered, in practice, the agency tends to hand that responsibility back over to the pipeline industry. ... In the past decade, it turns out, the industry funded two-thirds of safety studies of land-based pipelines. This happened because the government -- probably in another misguided attempt to save money -- required that someone other than the government pay for at least half of these studies. And outside of the pipeline industry, who is interested in pipelines? Only the people who lives near them and stand to lose both property and health if the pipelines leak. But generally those people aren't rolling in dough, which is why the industry is routing pipelines through their neighborhoods to begin with."


Tax cuts for the rich bog down the larger economy and slow growth. And that's not anecdotal, it's emopirical. You can look it up. And when republicans -- like Orange Julius and his ilk -- say that tax cuts lead to growth, they are lying. They aren't "confused" or "misinformed" or even just "wrong." They are deliberate god-damned liars and they need to be called on it. Forcefully and with feeling. Every. Single. Time.


political pictures - benjamin netanyahu - Just a Technicality


USA is #1!: Man robbed bank for $1 to cover jail health care


New Bristol Palin Memoir Tells How To Get Pregnant While Drunk
didn't we already see this on glee?
Famous unemployed ex-pregnant person Bristol Palin released a "memoir" about something, we do not care what, except that she recounts how she lost her virginity to hillbilly idiot Levi Johnston while blacking out on wine coolers during a camping trip. This episode probably inspired the title of the book, called Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far. From now on, Bristol Palin is America's new mascot of Courage. What else qualifies Bristol Palin for this title?
  • Meghan McCain "ignored" Bristol when their families first met, and she complained. Bristol had to put up with this.
  • Cindy McCain was a weird a "queen" towards Bristol and everyone else. (Haha, Cindy McCain is actually just a man in drag? We knew that.)
  • Levi Johnston also got someone else pregnant, so Tripp has a sibling?
  • Nobody wanted Bristol Palin to win on Dancing With the Stars, because everybody in Hollywood hates Sarah Palin.

And this is what makes you a Hero in America. [ABC News]


Shouldn't This Be More Important Than Tax Cuts? Just Asking.:

Radioactive tritium has leaked from three-quarters of U.S. commercial nuclear power sites, often into groundwater from corroded, buried piping, an Associated Press investigation shows.

The number and severity of the leaks has been escalating, even as federal regulators extend the licenses of more and more reactors across the nation.



"Between Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya and Yemen, it has been tough for Obama to pick the right spot to display his Nobel Peace Prize."  Ted Rall


I suspect they'll be serving this at the Republican National Convention. Deep-fried Kool-Aid:


You must click over to Good As You for Jeremy Hooper's excellent bigot-by-bigot breakdown of the fuckweasels in this photograph and all the repulsive, horrible, lying bullshit they've said about LGBT people.


Demon Pretends to Be Retarded


Jon Stewart was on Fox News Sunday yesterday and just ripped into Fox News Channel and the fact that its viewers are the most misinformed of all the cable news networks. Video here.

Wallace tried to say that Fox News presents the other side of the news. Not true. It presents a patently false view of the news — and, sorry, but mendacity isn't a "side." If they actually decided to air a reasonable view of conservatism, that would be one thing. But they just make shit up on a daily if not hourly basis. By design.


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