Not even Fox News can tell the difference between the Boreal Narcissus and Tina Fey.
While we prepare yet another post on this topic, here's a picture of Weiner and some Republican congressman getting blown by goats together:
Anthony Weiner Twit-Pic-Dick Scandal Ends In Tears, Dick Jokes
Weiner went on the teevee and tearfully admitted to a roomful of reporters that he, not a hacker, tweeted the laughably tame photo of a peen in gray boxers to some ladies on the internet. Weiner, typical Democrat, not only cried at the press briefing, but he revealed that he failed to actually sex any of the half dozen ladies in question. Someone never read the scandal manual.
Weiner won't resign, didn't bother to misuse any public funds or break any laws, and he won't get a divorce. Where are the prostitutes, the interns, the diapers?
"I have made some terrible mistakes," Mr. Weiner said. "I have not been honest."
Mr. Weiner said that after he sent the underwear photo on Twitter on May 27, "Once I realized I had posted it on Twitter I panicked, I took it down and said I'd been hacked."
He added, "To be clear, the picture was of me, and I sent it."
Mr. Weiner said he had inappropriate communications with six women over the past three years as part of a "consensual exchange of e-mails" with the women.
Meh, we give it maybe a 4 out of 10. Weiner seems to have been prompted to come clean after more photos surfaced on this morning, one of them showing a smiling Weiner at home on a sofa with his cats. TRULY THE STUFF OF OUTRAGE.
Even the women he was busy "sexting" with found him to be pretty mild. ABC News got an exclusive interview with Megan Broussard, a 26-year-old nurse in Texas with whom Weiner had been corresponding after she "liked" one of his video clips on YouTube. She had the following highly revelatory remarks:
Broussard, who describes herself as disinterested in politics and previously unaware of Weiner, said that she has never met the congressman in person and doesn't "think he's a bad guy." And, she said, she actively participated in "sexting" — as she has done frequently with other men online — with the man she presumed to be Weiner.
No one in the MSM has bothered to report on the Clarence Thomas connection. I fully believe that Breitbart's cronies knew for weeks about this Weiner business and timed it to distract from the real issue which, as Allan Brauer pointed out last week, is CLARENCE THOMAS. Whether or not Anthony Weiner is a dipshit for lying about his junk photos (and in my view he is, not because I give a shit what goes on between two consenting adults and the lies that inevitably result when a person is busted for their sexual chicanery, but because he wasted TEN DAYS that could have been spent finding another Democrat to pick up the Clarence Thomas ball and run with it), the fact remains that he is the only Democrat who was making a stink about the Friday evening Thomas financial document dump.
So now the MSM is going to kiss Breitbart's ass while he crows about how awesome he is. And by the time the dust settles, not one person (besides Allan, apparently) will have examined just what the fuck is going on with Clarence Thomas and his Teabilly wife.
And don't forget that David Vitter, patronizer of prostitutes, is still a United States Senator.
Via commentor Alex S., Lee Fan at ThinkProgress has a Special Report on "How Koch Became An Oil Speculation Powerhouse, From Inventing Oil Derivatives To Deregulating The Market":
In April, ThinkProgress caused a stir when we uncovered a series of Koch Industries corporate documents revealing the company's role as an oil speculator. Like many oil companies, Koch uses legitimate hedging products to create price stability. However, the documents reveal that Koch is also participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, buying and selling speculative products that are increasingly contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil. Excessive energy speculation today is at its highest levels ever, and even Goldman Sachs now admits that at least $27 of the price of crude oil is a result from reckless speculation rather than market fundamentals of supply and demand. Many experts interviewed by ThinkProgress argue that the figure is far higher, and out of control speculation has doubled the current price of crude oil…
Charles Koch, the CEO of Koch Industries who is worth a reported $22 billion, likes to call his business an example of something he describes as the "Science of Liberty." In reality, his company's deregulation crusade has contributed to rolling blackouts, consolidation and monopolies in financial markets, and economy-wrecking oil price spikes. In comments to the CFTC, the reform-minded nonprofit Better Markets noted that, "the history of these markets is a history of anti-competitive, self-interested, predatory conduct that serves the interest of the exclusive few at the expense of the many and the system as a whole."
After working furiously to unleash oil speculators like Koch and Enron, the Gramm family was rewarded with plum jobs, including spots on corporate boards and placements at speculator-funded think tanks. Wendy Gramm still holds a position at the Koch-funded Mercatus Center at George Mason University, although she hasn't authored a paper in years. While the Gramm family has faded somewhat from the public eye, their actions have radically changed the global economy. Since the Koch-Gramm-Enron deregulation bonanza, non-commercial oil speculators have flooded the market and increased the price volatility of oil in leaps and bounds, hurting consumers and businesses across the globe while making a small set of oil barons and financial giants very rich…
Phil and Wendy Gramm! Another phun Republican couple, two busy legacies of the Reagan era, still hard at work (under the radar) stealing money from the 90% of us at the broad end of the income pyramid in service to their Robber Baron masters. Go read the whole report, for a timeline of the Koch's very successful quarter-century campaign to destroy the American economy, and possibly the global biosphere, in pursuit of their insane ideology.
Shitty presidential field is killing GOP network's ratings
Republican practices led to the Gulf Oil Spill and the housing bubble/mortgage meltdown crisis. It has been Republicans who have run this country off the rails, as any casual look at Federal deficits for the last thirty years will show. Republicans brought us the specter of massive bank defaults a few years ago and the S&L debacle in the 1980s. Between the ideology of the GOP and the short-term greed embodied on ghouls like the Koch Brothers
Why anyone with three functioning neurons would trust those lunatics to operate an open-air Dairy Queen in Anchorage, Alaska in February, much less try to do anything about the economy, is beyond me. Republicans are ideologues who are as able to deal with economic facts and realities as would be a faith-healer who had to deal with a case of appendicitis.
But there are enough people who are following the GOP tin-flute sirens. Hell, there are millions of people who would vote for candidates who have no idea in which colony the Battle of Concord took place,[2] who Paul Revere was trying to warn,[3] (both of those candidates apparently slept through fourth grade history) or who is totally engrossed with the idea of trying to prevent man-on-dog sex.[4]
There are days when I think that sooner or later, the crazies will gain power and they will bring to fruition the GOP's century-long quest to smash the American economy, impoverish 99% of the American population and bring this country back to the social and living standards of the 1890s.[5] Of course, they've forgotten that the taxation of the 19th Century was insufficient to support a large standing national defense establishment, but that makes no difference to them.
Maybe we just ought to get it over with and get to doing what the Republicans want: Reducing this great country to Third or Fourth World nation with nuclear weapons.[6]
Also, even Republicans hate the Wasilla Quitter now, the way she is making the Republicans so laughable at a time when the nation's unemployed people and destroyed middle class should be focusing their rage on black people and that Jewish fellow encouraged to show his penis to young women on the Twitter.
The Washington Post's Huffington Post reports:
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Tuesday finds that nearly two-thirds of Americans "definitely would not" vote for Sarah Palin for president of the United States.
According to the survey, 42 percent of Republicans say they would not support a hypothetical Palin 2012 campaign. Overall, 64 percent indicate they would not back the former Alaska governor should she mount a campaign for the White House. 63 percent regard Palin as unqualified for the role.
And that's just sexist, we bet! [HuffPo]
And what do they learn from him? Take a look for yourself:
His whole stream is like that--just one long sermon on traditional Confederate values. It's no wonder Rep. Mike Coffman, Ralph Reed, and Cliff Kincaid and the rest of the folks at Accuracy in Media find Mr. Walken so compelling.
This is a depressing statistic. "About 6.2 million Americans, 45.1 percent of all unemployed workers in this country, have been jobless for more than six months - a higher percentage than during the Great Depression. ... The bigger the gap on someone's resume, the more questions employers have. ... "(Employers) think: 'Oh, well, there must be something really wrong with them because they haven't gotten a job in 6 months, a year, 2 years.' But that's not necessarily the case," said Marjorie Gardner-Cruse with the Hollywood Worksource Center. ... The problem of course is the economy, but some industries, especially certain manufacturing jobs, are not ever expected to come back. Experts say unemployed workers need to be prepared to change careers."
To our way of thinking, a "real" -- and realistic -- drawdown in Afghanistan next month will comprise around 15,000 troops. "President Barack Obama will order a "real drawdown" of U.S. forces from Afghanistan starting in July, the White House insisted Monday, a milestone in a long war that is testing the patience of the American people and Congress particularly after the killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. ... Roughly 100,000 U.S. troops are in Afghanistan, three times as many as when Obama took office, and U.S. forces are expected to remain there through 2014. ... Sometime this month, Obama is likely to announce how many troops will start coming home. The commander in chief is on record as promising a "significant" withdrawal of forces in July after having sent in an additional 30,000 troops in December 2009 to turn around a troubled war that began after the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates said over the weekend that only a "modest" drawdown would be appropriate. ... The White House sought to tamp down anticipation of Obama's decision, suggesting there are no major policy decisions in debate and that the more important date is 2014, when NATO forces have pledged to turn over control of security to Afghan forces."
"We're ready to announce that we're going to be in this race. We're in it to win and we're very excited about, you know, what the — what the future holds. We've got a great, uh, a great team in the early primary states, we've got a lot of momentum."
Does he know that there is no one else standing there? Are they his invisible aborted friends? These are Rick Santorum's real constituents. [ABC News]
10 Years Since Bush Tax Cuts: Do We Even Remember Peace And Prosperity?
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