Remember Birtherism?
It's still out there, alive and kicking, and a lawsuit has just been filed in Georgia, which is receiving support from at least one Republican state representative, to remove President Obama from the ballot because he isn't a citizen.
According to Dustin Baker of the blog Georgia Politico, a suit has been filed with the office of Georgia's Secretary of State Brian Kemp challenging Barack Obama's legitimacy to appear as a presidential candidate on the ballot in the November 2012 elections.
Georgia State Representative J. Mark Hatfield (R-Waycross) will plead the case before the Office of State Administrative Hearings on behalf of Mr. Kevin R. Powell of Duluth, Georgia, who filed the suit on the grounds that "Obama does not satisfy the 'natural born Citizen' requirement of Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution. Obama's father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a native of Kenya and a British subject who never became a United States citizen."
Of course this will go nowhere, but the sentiment that President Obama is a secret Kenyan is still very prevalent among the lunatic base of the GOP.
The Republican party refused to either confirm or deny President Obama is a true citizen until early this year. Up until that point, from early 2008 to early 2011, claims that he was a secret Muslim or a secret Kenyan were met with winks and nods.
Most elected Republicans will now publicly say he is a citizen, but the multi-year campaign of encouragement of the base to think he isn't a citizen won't disappear over night. It may never.
Facebook faux pas: California libertarian and Tea Party darling Jules Manson is caught calling for the assassination of President Barack Obama and his children.
On Sunday, many Facebook users were greeted by the shocking spectacle of a California libertarian and Ron Paul supporter by the name of Jules Manson advocating for the assassination of President Barack Obama. Manson, a failed politician, recently ran for and lost a seat on the City of Carson's City Council last March. The following is the text of Manson's racist, treasonous, deplorable post : "Assassinate the fucken nigger and his monkey children" Manson posted the disturbing and openly racist call to assassinate Obama and Obama's children on his own Facebook wall, which was open to the public. Manson, a Ron Paul libertarian, was angry with Obama over a policy matter. Manson removed the obnoxious post , but numerous Facebook users, outraged by the despicable threat, captured an image of the threat before Manson had the good sense to take it down.Margaret and Helen on the GOP contenders.
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Il dies Bloody hell. We are so not ready for North Korea to come apart at the seams, but that's exactly what's going to happen now that Kim Jong-Il has died. ... It makes us wonder -- how do you think 24.5 million people who have lived under 50+ years of Juche -- a religio-political philosophy that makes Marxism look like Montessori -- how do you think all those people are going to react when they find out that while the entire population of their country was, essentially, held in a political prison, the rest of the world did nothing about it. Instead, we let them starve and suffer amnd freeze to death, while we threw away more food every week than their entire population had for the entire winter. Just wait until they see where the world went without them. They're gonna be PISSED.
Press the Meat's David Gregory let's Michele Bachmann lie about the debt incurred under Obama administration.
The end of a war, but not the end of dying.
Franken: NDAA is 'inconsistent with the liberties & freedoms' of America
In a move that can only be called "deliberately defiant and hostile" Israel will build a thousand new settlement houses. "Israel's housing and construction ministry said on Sunday it was to publish tenders for the construction of more than 1,000 housing units in east Jerusalem and the West Bank. ... According to the ministry's website, the tenders are for 500 new units in the east Jerusalem neighbourhood of Har Homa, and more than 500 in two West Bank settlements - 348 in Beitar Ilit near Bethlehem, and 180 in Givat Ze'ev northwest of Jerusalem. ... The tenders were part of a package of nearly 6,000 housing units which are to be built across Israel and the West Bank, the ministry said in a move which was angrily denounced by the Palestinians. ... "The Palestinian Authority strongly condemns the Israeli government's decision to build a thousand new housing units in Jerusalem and the West Bank," said negotiator Saeb Erakat. ... "This new colonial decision by the Israeli government which we condemn undermines efforts to establish peace in the region," said presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina."
A hearty "fuck you" to the middle class from the republicans in Congress. "The Senate's two-month payroll tax extension is dead on arrival in the House. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, made that perfectly clear Sunday morning as he said that Congress will have to negotiate a deal closer to the House-passed one-year extension before members leave for the holidays. ... "Well, it's pretty clear that I and our members oppose the Senate bill - it's only for two months," Boehner said on NBC's Meet the Press. "If you talk to employers, they talk about the uncertainty. How can you do tax policy for two months?" ... Boehner's comments came a day after a conference call among House members in which even seasoned moderate Republicans joined the roster of tea party-inspired freshman in vehemently opposing the bill. Or, as one senior House GOP aide put it, "If you're a fan of the Senate bill, the situation is not good. That will never pass and almost no one in the conference wants it." "
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) angrily responded to House Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) opposition to the Senate-passed extension of the payroll tax holiday. "If Speaker Boehner refuses to vote on the bipartisan compromise that passed the Senate with 89 votes, Republicans will be forcing a thousand-dollar tax increase on middle class families on January 1st," Reid said.
Senate Republicans will attempt to block President Obama from making recess appointments during the holidays, though Obama could still work around them. The GOP will keep the Senate in session until January in order to prevent an actual recess.
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