Now, even though the budget for the next year is almost done, Democrats are afraid that if they pass that budget the House will go on recess and leave until after New Years, forcing the Senate to accept the bad House version of the payroll tax holiday or nothing. So the Democrats are refusing to do anything on the budget until the two bills are linked together and improved, thus forcing the House Republicans to stay in session until at least the budget is done in order to avoid a government-wide shutdown.
Short-fingered vulgarian and attention whore emeritus Donald "Weasels Ate My Scalp" Trump doesn't want to moderate if nobody's going to play in his reindeer games.
Donald Trump says he's withdrawing as moderator of a GOP presidential debate in Iowa.
Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum were the only Republican candidates who agreed to the Dec. 27 debate, sponsored by the conservative website Newsmax.
The rest of the GOP field bowed out, with Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman making clear they believe the debate would be a spectacle with Trump as moderator.
"I believe this would not only have been the most watched debate, but also the most substantive and interesting debate," Trump said in a statement.
Go away now, Donald. You are not a kingmaker. And besides, your head ferret needs to be put into winter storage.
Dick Cheney would bomb the neonatal care unit at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital if he thought it would start a war with Iran.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said on Monday that President Barack Obama should have ordered an "air strike" on Iran after they recently captured a U.S. drone.
Earlier on Monday, President Barack Obama had explained that U.S. officials asked Iran to return the RQ-170 Sentinel surveillance drone.
"The right response to that would have been to go in immediately after it had gone down and destroy it," Cheney told CNN's Erin Burnett. "You can do that from the air. You can do that with a quick air strike, and in effect make it impossible for them to benefit from having captured that drone."
Hey, Dick?
An environmental monitor Tuesday identified 19 new sites across the United States where groundwater near coal-ash dumps from power plants was found to be contaminated with arsenic and other pollutants.

Well, not really.
Under President Obama, the nation's deficit will shrink to less than $1 trillion in 2012, the Treasury Department announced yesterday. The deficit in 2011 and 2010 was $1.3 trillion. Treasury projects that the budget deficit for fiscal year 2012 will come in at $996 billion.
The federal deficit has not been below $1 trillion in at least four years, and the last president to reduce the deficit rather than increase it was Bill Clinton.
The automatic expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts at the end of next year will eliminate most of the $996 billion that remains over the next decade.
This should be the biggest story of the week if not the entire month, but I won't hold my breath. I'm sure the beltway is busy deciding how to spin this as bad news for Democrats.
The Senate Republicans are responsible for the most filibusters ever.
Most recently they filibustered job creation and an extension of the payroll tax cut. Yep. During a slow recovery from the deepest recession since the Great Depression. All because they want President Obama to fail.
Cynical politics over people. The modern Republican Party.
With the following chart, Fox News Channel attempted to deceive its viewers by showing 8.6 percent unemployment as being higher than 8.9 percent and the same as 9.0 percent.
New USDA Program Will Allow Biotech Firms To Do Their Own Environmental Reviews
When republicans talk about the deficit, they should be mocked, ridiculed and laughed at. Especially Newticles. "2012 GOP presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich is outdoing his Republican rivals in promising enormous tax cuts for the very wealthiest Americans. According to an independent analysis by the Tax Policy Center, Gingrich's plan would violate basic notions of fairness by requiring middle-class families to pay higher tax rates than millionaires. ... But that's not all that's wrong with it. Gingrich's plan is by far the most fiscally reckless plan to be released by a major 2012 contender. The magnitude of the tax cuts he is proposing to the wealthy and corporations would drive the debt to unprecedented and dangerous levels even if federal spending is cut drastically. ... Gingrich has not proposed specific levels for federal spending, so to analyze the effect of his plan on the debt, we assumed that he adopts all of the draconian spending cuts in House Budget Committee Paul Ryan's (R-WI) budget. Gingrich originally dismissed the Ryan budget as "right-wing social engineering," but later said he would vote for it. ... The spending levels in the Ryan budget are unrealistically and irresponsibly low. And yet Gingrich's tax giveaways are so enormous that there wouldn't be nearly enough revenue to fund even this extreme conservative vision of government. ... The Gingrich plan would reduce federal revenues by $1.28 trillion below CBO's baseline, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, resulting in revenues of about 13.2 percent of GDP. That is an absurdly low level. Unsurprisingly, therefore Gingrich's plan would pile up debt shockingly fast."
House Republicons voted to extend the payroll tax cut extension, but in exchange, certain air pollution rules for industrial boilers and incinerators will be blocked; there will be a freeze on the pay of many federal employees through 2013; there will be a deep cut in Medicare payments to doctors; and more than $20 billion of spending planned under Mr. Obama's new health care law will be eliminated. Oh, and that dirty, hazardous pipeline is in there too.
Remember that what corporations want is not educated citizens - those are the troublemakers who prevent corporations from killing people and taking over the world.
Corporations want ignorant, obedient drones incapable of thinking for themselves or doing anything but following orders.
So now those oh-so-benevolent corporate sponsors of "education reform" are gaming the system to make sure schools fail to meet phony standards, thus forcing them to become corporate-owned-and-operated charter - well, you can't really call them "schools." "Drone factories" is more accurate.
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