Chick-fil-A cried uncle, thus rending in twain the hearts of all the nimrods who shoved chicken sandwiches in their gaping maws in order to show their support for homophobia and bigoted assholery. Let's hear it for the gay agenda! Chick-Fil-A Agrees To End Donations To Anti-Gay Groups
Suck on it, Haters and Homophobes! Chick-fil-A thinks more of the almighty dollar than they do your pious and selfish social values. One day of morons standing in the sun to "show your support!!1!1!!" just showed the world what a bunch of genetic defectives y'all are. Now that the temps and the tempers have cooled, Chick-fil-A quietly sold your bigoted asses down the river. And I am laughing at you in your impotent, hateful rage. And your metabolic disorders.
Sen. Orrin Hatch's (R-UT) Democratic opponent, Scott Howell, sent a fundraising letter on Sunday that made a case against Hatch based on the incumbent's age. He said that Hatch, who is 78, "is old enough to be my father and I don't want my father running the United States Senate Finance Committee." Howell added that Hatch could "die before his term is through." Hatch's campaign called the letter "offensive." In a June poll, Hatch led Howell 63 percent to 29.
Romney tape is missing two minutes that will probably lose Obama the election
Two days after everything changed because Mitt Romney made clear he really, truly does not care for 47% of America, conservative bloggers have finally found the key to saving Romney's ass from the comments they also think are entirely, completely awesome: there are two minutes missing from the 49 minutes of otherwise unbroken, unedited video, which something something liberal media.
David Corn of Mother Jones released the "complete" audio and video of the secretly recorded Mitt Romney speech at a private fundraiser.
Yet the complete audio and video is not complete. There is a gap in the recording immediately after Romney's now famous discussion of the 47% of voters who don't pay taxes. The cut in the audio and video comes while Romney is in mid-sentence, so we actually do not have the full audio of what Romney said on the subject.
We must explore…the Mitt Split. READ MORE »

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