"Hispanics are not Democrats, don't vote Democrat because of immigration. It has to do with the fact that they are socialists by nature. They come from Mexico, which is a socialist country. They want big government intervention, they want big government goodies. Now they want open borders — make no mistake — because they've got family and friends that they want to come up and be able to benefit from the plunder of the wealth of the United States, just as they have been able to do."
He's just making friends and influencing people. (Raw Story)
A Key West man who told his partner that "if Barack gets re-elected, I'm not going to be around" was found dead on Nov. 8, with the words "F--- Obama!" scrawled on his will and two empty prescription bottles nearby. (Miami Herald)
Remember Murray Energy, the coal company whose CEO "had" to lay off workers because Obama was reelected? Before the election, Murray was throwing fistfuls of money at Karl Rove.
In other sore loser news: Poppa John's, already facing a possible liberal boycott, gets sued for $250 million over spamming.
Oh for fuck's sake... Rep. Louie Gohmert nominated Newt Gingrich to be Speaker of the House. Not surprisingly, the motion was not seconded.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed an IRS complaint against Billy Graham's organization after the elderly evangelical published several full-page newspaper ads urging followers to vote for "Biblical values."
"BGEA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has run full-page ads publicizing Billy Graham's call for the electorate to 'vote biblical values,'" said FFRF in a statement last week. "The ads have appeared in several 'swing state' newspapers in preparation for tomorrow's heated presidential election. Throughout the month of October, BGEA published articles favorable to Romney, which included a statement by Billy Graham." Brent Rinehart of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association provided The Christian Post with an official statement regarding the "Biblical Values" ad campaign. "The ads intentionally do not mention any candidate, political party, or contest, urging instead for readers to cast votes for candidates-at all levels-based on their support for biblical values," reads the statement in part.
Before the election a large coalition of Christian pastors purposely taunted the IRS by making political speeches from their podiums in which they did name candidates and parties. (Guess which ones?) The pastors are hoping to goad the IRS into finally taking the legal action that the Christian right believes will result in the end of the ban on political speech by churches.
Atheist Group Files IRS Complaint Against Billy Graham Over Political Ads
The Family Research Council, which previously begged God to the thwart the 2012 marriage campaigns, is now pleading for him to magically repeal it. Or something!
Heavenly Father, yet grant us victory beyond these defeats! Reverse four states' embrace of same-sex "marriage," our national embrace of unprecedented economic irresponsibility; our affirming of those who advocate for abortion, homosexuality, lack of support for Israel, passive or active support for Islamist regimes and groups and other policies and practices that defy you and will bring harm to our nation (Dt 28: all; Ps 33:12; 90:1; Jer 23:19 ff; 1 Cor 15:56; 2 Cor 2:14; 1 Jn 5:16-18).
Paul Ryan on the real reason Obama won the election.
Well, he got turnout. The president should get credit for achieving record-breaking turnout numbers from urban areas for the most part, and that did win the election for him.
Well, yes. People in "urban areas" voted, and unfortunate as it may be for Ryan, more of them voted for President Obama than they did for Romney. This is why Ryan and his GOP buddies are on the losing side of the ledger. Simple.
But there's more here than Ryan simply stating the obvious. People in "urban areas" is right-wing code for lazy, shiftless liberals who want free stuff and things. "Urban areas", in Ryan-speak, is the place where blacks, Latinos and other non-white minority groups live. "Urban areas" is also the place where Republican state governments tried their best to suppress the vote.
And though Ryan would never admit it, "urban places" is where folks came out to repudiate the Republican agenda by casting a vote for President Obama. They did this because they understood long before Louisiana's Republican governor and chief hypocrite, Bobby Jindal, ever did, that the GOP was the "stupid party", and they wanted no part of it.
But that's fine. Let Ryan and his fellow Republicans go on believing that this election was nothing more than a matter of who was more successful at getting out the vote. Let them go on believing that it had nothing to do with Republican's narrow-minded, bigoted, greedy agenda that looked to favor the wealthy at the expense of the poor and middle class.
Let them keep on believing it and take comfort in knowing that for as long as they do, they'll never win another presidential election.
Don't John McCain and Lindsay Graham care about the families of 9/11 too?
Papa John's sued for $250 million over cell phone text spam
Via TPM:
According to reports in the Los Angeles Times and New York Times, the former Republican nominee said during a call with donors on Wednesday that Obama had been "very generous" in doling out "big gifts" to "the African American community, the Hispanic community and young people" as well as to women throughout his first term. Benefits such as access to "free health care," guaranteed contraceptive coverage, more affordable student loans, and "amnesty for children of illegals," all combined to give the president a decisive edge in popularity.
There you have it. For Romney it is still and always will be about the "moochers."

EXCLUSIVE: Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS Never Filed Legally Required Registration
Ohio House Committee Votes To Defund Planned Parenthood
We almost went a day without a "stupid Florida" story. Almost.
In case you have already forgotten and moved on, there was an election eight days ago, and going into it everybody was quite fixated on a small number of states, Florida being one of them. As it turned out, Florida didn't matter because Obama got 7 billion out of the required 270 electoral votes.
And as that turned out, it was very lucky, because Florida didn't finish counting its votes until the weekend after, by which time Romney had already canceled his campaign staff's credit cards and gone home to wallow in his swimming pool full of gold coins.
And as that turned out, it was quite lucky as well, because Broward County just found almost a thousand uncounted ballots sitting in a damn warehouse. Serendipity! READ MORE »
Team of Mavericks - Man Who Gave Nation Sarah Palin Opines On Someone Else's Lack Of Intelligence, Qualifications
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