A temporary election worker allegedly filled in a straight Republican ticket where voters had left blank preferences. It is unclear how many ballots were affected, but, as Blue Oregon notes, this is not the first time Clackamas County has come under scrutiny for foul play.
Is Turd Blossom pre-spinning a Romney loss? Maybe - and if he is, what does that say about the power of Super PACs?
Krugman: Karl Rove's Mission Accomplished
"Christie would help more if he could suspend New Jersey's foolish law forbidding price increases of more than 10% during an "emergency," and if he'd apologize for bragging that the state will crack down on price "gouging!" …What politicians call "gouging" is just the free market. When markets are allowed to work their magic, lines disappear. The high price is a big flag planted in the ground that says, "Hey, come over here and make money."
–John Stossel, explains that what would really help people waiting in 2-mile long lines to buy gas would be if the gas stations could charge whatever they want, because the invisible hand of the market solves all problems, appearantly including scarcity.
(Fox News)
Last night, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg finally had enough sense to cancel the NYC Marathon and use the designated generators, food and water to help hurricane-stricken New Yorkers instead. The decision came pretty late in the day, after a firestorm of criticism.
At long last sirs have you left no sense of decency?
Despite best effort< Geraldo Rivera unable to convince Fox & Friends Obama did not personally murder Amb. Christopher Stevens
Well this is very interesting/terrifying/depressing/thrilling/outrageous! (And it's from Media Matters, obvs, we will just hang out all day on their site, clicking refresh, apparently.) What you have above is Geraldo Rivera being righteously, Jesus-in-the-temple-with-the-moneychangers PISSED about how Fox News is leading Americans "down the primrose path" and "OBSCENELY LYING" regarding Barack Obama pretty much personally giving the Libyan militias orders to kill our ambassador Christopher Stevens. (Interestingly, we also agree with him on his two points regarding on which avenues of inquiry we'd like to get fuller administration answers.) Disregard Geraldo's self-congratulations on having the wit and insight to have been the one to come up with the name "Benghazigate," and let yourself drift until he starts yelling. Because YELL HE DOES. READ MORE
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