Typical Rethug when he gets caught
"This is not funny - stop laughing!"
Pope Benny the Rat angrily denounced what he called false media coverage of a leaks scandal shaking
the Vatican over the worst crisis in his papacy. In unusually blunt remarks at the end of a general audience
in St Peter's Square where he repeatedly referred to personal suffering, the 85-year-old rape ringleader said
recent events had caused sadness in his heart.
"Suggestions have multiplied, amplified by some media which are totally gratuitous and which have gone
well beyond the facts, offering an image of the Holy See which does not correspond to reality," Benny said
of a scandal that has seen his butler arrested for stealing secret documents.
Only Congress and porno-scanner producers could think this is a good idea.
A Senate committee has approved a plan to double the fees charged to airline flyers to help fund the Transportation Security Administration.
Every flyer pays a $2.50 federal fee each way to help fund the TSA.
The proposal that just passed out of a US Senate committee would make that $5 each way or $10 per round trip.
What makes the second thinking so hilarious is that under Birthers' very own logic, the GOP's 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney is also ineligible to be president - his papi was born in Mexico.
Mitt's dad George Romney was governor of Michigan for two terms, and even unsuccessfully ran for the presidency in 1968. But spanning his life back a few decades, today's anti-Mexican Republicans might be a little upset to know that George was born in present-day Chihuahua, Mexico, after his grandparents had fled the United States' pesky anti-polygamy laws a few decades earlier (now there's some family values). It might be interesting to ask Birthers where they were when George Romney was running in 1968, since his Mexican birth would seem to violate the whole "natural-born" clause thing.
Oh, that's right: He's white.
That aside, it would seem that under their very own logic, Mitt Romney is also not eligible to run for president, having only one parent who was a natural-born citizen. After all, it's what they claim about Obama, since his father was born in Kenya. Yet there seems to be no Birther faction questioning Mitt's citizenship and eligibility - they say he's qualified. In fact, Mitt is so qualified to be a US citizen, that he's even qualified to be a citizen of Mexico.
Yes, GOP, your current nominee could be a Mexican.
Mexican law states that Mexico-born parents can register their US-born kids with the Mexican consulate, thus making them dual citizens of the US and Mexico, with full rights from each nation. George Romney was born in Mexico, so Mitt can be a Mexican citizen. This might not poll so well with a party willing to "joke" about electrocuting Mexicans in order to stop them from getting into the country. Of course, it won't make Mitt so popular with the Mexican side either, after Mitt kindly asked them to self-deport last year.
It's clear Birthers are willing to forgo harassing the white guy about his ineligibility, the same ineligibility they've already clearly defined for the Black one. But these are the same people who think the president grabbed Doc Brown and transported via DeLorean to 1961 in order to place his own fake birth announcement in Hawaiian newspapers, so there's that. But it's too late, GOP. Mitt is officially your guy. So turn the channel to Telemundo and start campaigning to make Romney el presidente. La Casa Blanca will never be the same again.Read the rest of this post...
Erik Kain and Digby are sitting in for Kevin Drum at Mother Jones. Digby's post on the Catholic Bishop's call for civil disobedience to preserve their inalienable right to not pay for contraception made me laugh:
The bulletin insert reminds Catholic parishioners that the bishops have called for "A Fortnight of Freedom"—which they have described as "a special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action"—to take place from June 21 to July 4.
Those fuckers are so goddam ancient and out of touch that this is the catchiest marketing slogan they can dream up. I wonder how many Catholics will go a few furlongs out of their way to preserve this special freedom from something almost all of them have used. And will this help us forget the scores of kids raped under their watch? Unless we've all partaken of a few gills of intoxicating spirit, methinks not.
North Carolina science people have determined that coastal sea levels are expected to rise 1 meter by 2100 — far more than they've traditionally risen, due to the expected impacts of climate change. But developers in 20 coastal counties, see, have determined that such a rise would be bad for development prospects. So they've lobbied the state to lower that forecast to only 15 inches instead, because why not? Fifteen's a nice number. Arbitrary, sure, but can't the scientists just shut up already? READ MORE »