Friday, January 9, 2009

Headlines - Friday

Willie Nelson - Philosopher? - h/t Adus

Whether or not you are a country music fan, these are truly the words of a deep thinker, and a highly intelligent person.  So simple, yet so profound! Read the words of wisdom from that famous philosopher Willie Nelson, iconic country and western singer, on his 75th birthday:

"I have outlived my pecker."

When wingnuts try to blame the current economic crisis and national debt on Obama (which they're doing), I think it's relevant to point out that he's being left the biggest deficit since 1945 - a whopping $1.2 trillion.
Obama is going to have to make some serious budget cuts. I would recommend getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan, doing away with faith-based initiatives, ending Abstinence Only programs, freezing Congressional salaries, cutting foreign aid to Israel, and eliminating earmarks. Citizens Against Government Waste has a list of cuts that would save $2 trillion over the next 5 years:
Anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Wednesday urged reprisals against American forces in Iraq to protest Israel's Gaza offensive:
Israeli troops evacuated Palestinian civilians to a house in Gaza City and then shelled the building 24 hours later, killing 30 people inside, according to a U.N. agency:,1,883214.story 
This is a crater made in an Israeli street by one of the homemade rockets from Gaza. To date they have killed six Israelis. For each casualty, Israeli bombs and bullets have so far killed more than a hundred Gazans.
A relative weeping for the ten members of a family killed when Israelis bombed a school run by the United Nations in Gaza. 
Palestinian mourners praying over the victims of school airstrike. 
Update: Last night: the U.N. Security Council approved a resolution Thursday night calling for an immediate and durable cease-fire between Hamas militants and Israeli forces in Gaza. The U.S. abstained from the 14-0 vote. Israel and Hamas were not parties to the vote and it will now be up to them to stop the fighting.

This morning

Bombs continue to pound the territory as Israel continues its offensive for a 14th day. Israel says it launched 50 strikes overnight. Palestinian medics say at least 12 people were killed.

The main UN agency working in Gaza, Unrwa, continues its suspension of aid deliveries after one of its drivers was killed.

At least six Palestinians are reported killed in Beit Lahiya after their house was struck by Israeli fire.

Gaza City: Witnesses tell the UN that about 30 Palestinians were killed earlier this week when Israeli forces shelled a house into which Israeli soldiers had earlier moved about 100 people, many of them children.

Palestinian death toll: 780; Israeli: 6


Bank of England cuts interest rates to lowest since 1694. No, that's not a typo.
New Dickipedia entry: Bernie Madoff:
Officer felt he had no choice but to taser a brain-damaged hula hoop lady:
Minutes before the plane landed, a man jumped up, screamed "I've got a bomb" and lunged for the exit door. Passengers go all Flight 93 on his ass:
Bush goes out a winner 

Bush is leaving office in the popularity basement, but his checklist of accomplishments is full. Bush has "succeeded in radically changing nearly every facet of government, and always with the help of the Democratic Party." Even when at his nadir in the polls, Bush managed to transfer $700 billion dollars into the pockets of his high-roller banking friends. He has implicated so many Democrats in torture, the party has little choice but to give him and themselves immunity. "It is hard to see how Bush can be considered a failure when the so-called opposition aided him every step of the way."

"I hope Obama's love affair with bipartisanship will come to an end very soon. Not because I don't think it's a good idea to have both sides working together, but because Conservatives are incapable of doing just that. They do not want Obama to succeed because it will weaken their grip on American politics for years to come at the expense of average Americans just trying to get by. It's about ideology for them and not about the healing that our country is in desperate need of. I think Obama will soon feel their un-partisan wrath sooner rather than later and hopefully it will snap him out of any thought he had that he could work with Conservatives, no matter how "centrist" he goes."  John Amato,  Link
Once again we discover midnight falls at noon, up is down, and Sylvester Stallone is a master thespian. Because that's the world where this makes sense--Dick Cheney says not only is he no Darth Vader, but:
"I think all of that's been pretty dramatically overdone," the vice president said. "I'm actually a warm, lovable sort."

Cheney also insisted that his influence within the Bush administration was overstated throughout the past eight years. "The notion that somehow I was pulling strings or making presidential-level decisions. I was not," he said.

"There was never any question about who was in charge. It was George Bush. And that's the way we operated. This whole notion that somehow I exceeded my authority here, was usurping his authority, is simply not true. It's an urban legend, never happened."

Actually, I think we will. 
If you're still a fan of No Child Left Behind, have a look at this article:
Not only has Bush 'liberated' the Iraqis, but he thinks he's 'liberated' our children too:

"By the way, school choice was only open to rich people up until No Child Left Behind. It's hard for a lot of parents to be able to afford to go to any other kind of school but their neighborhood school. Now, under this system, if your public school is failing, you'll have the option of transferring to another public school or charter school. And it's — I view that as liberation. I view that as empowerment."

Around the world, there seems to be an increase in witch burnings, or at least the reporting of such crimes. Recently. a stampede was caused in the Congo due to a rumor of witchcraft in the area. The latest incident occurred in Papua New Guinea where villagers bound, gagged, and then tied a woman to a log — and then burned her alive.
Humans are not evolving.

Charles Krauthammer:

Some geopolitical conflicts are morally complicated. The Israel-Gaza war is not. It possesses a moral clarity not only rare but excruciating.

Israel is so scrupulous about civilian life that, risking the element of surprise, it contacts enemy noncombatants in advance to warn them of approaching danger.

Today's Post:

When rescue workers from the Red Cross and the Palestinian Red Crescent arrived at the site, they found 12 corpses lying on mattresses in one home, along with four young children lying next to their dead mothers, the Red Cross said. The children were too weak to stand and were rushed to a hospital, the agency said.

The Park Service has given rabid gay-basher Fred Phelps a permit to take up space on the inaugural route:
About that increase in teen pregnancies that the CDC reported:
It seems the winners are the girls from "real America." You know, the states that just cheered on a pregnant teen about to wed a high-school-dropout-son-of-an-oxycontin-dealer like they were the epitome of the American dream.  
Of the ten states with the lowest rate of teen births, nine out of ten were carried by Obama.

Of the ten states with the highest rate of teen births, eight were carried by anti-abortion, anti-family planning candidate John McCain. Mississippi has no programs aimed at preventing teen births, and it took the grand prize for the most pregnancies. 

I think we need more Abstinence Only programs.


William Rivers Pitt in a letter to Bush about his legacy: "May you live forever, you son of a bitch"


Whatever the reason, this is totally lame

Howard Dean led the charge on the 50-state strategy that paved the way for Obama to take the election. So why wasn't he welcome at the event introducing new DNC chair Tim Kaine?



Cheney during an interview (sharpening his horn) in which he said:

....that he sees no reason for Bush to pre-emptively pardon anyone at the CIA involved in torture, because "I don't have any reason to believe that anybody in the agency did anything illegal." 

He also said that Bush didn't need to apologize for not foreseeing the economic crisis because "I don't think anybody saw it coming."


Bernie's Mini-Me

I wonder how many guys like this are out there?


Torture Boy claims he still can't find a job because of the "rough economy"

I'm sure that's it, the economy. It can't have anything to do with the fact that he is an incompetent criminal hack and a pariah.

The rough economy isn't affecting the Bushies. Check out Laura's new $493,000 china:


Good times.


Richard Perle washes his hands of Iraq: "I was not an architect of that war, neocons had no influence"                    

Hilarity ensued.


Fun fact:

When Bush Sr. left office, the unemployment rate was 7.4%.

When Clinton left office, it was 4.2%.

Today, as George Jr. is (thankfully) leaving, it's back up to 7.2%.

Like father, like son.


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