On the front lines in Iraq, U.S. troops can scan someone's eye or finger to try to determine if he is a potential enemy or has been connected to a terror attack. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090127/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/military_bases_biometrics;_ylt=AuJaUlxYtBQVFEg3V8yoZhYD5gcF
4,236 soldiers killed in Iraq; 644 in Afghanistan.
Troops might eventually be leaving Iraq, but we'll just be using UAV's instead. http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jan/29/uavs-can-function-as-eyes-in-sky/
Maybe the same guys that are operating the ones over by Pakistan could be in charge of these too, because that's working out so well.
155 Republicans voted against the delay and 22 voted for it.
236 Democrats voted for it and 13 against.
Why do Republicans hate the elderly?
The White House, meanwhile, has a different kind of punishment in store - using the GOP's no vote against them in the next election.
Yup, it's a new post-partisan day in the nation's capital - so long as you don't count all of those Republicans who aren't putting the good of the nation above politics...

MENSA Member
Dear Dr. Collins,
There is nothing more exciting than watching a great detective unravel a deep dark mystery. That's how I felt as I read about your investigation of the Palin church arson.

But who are these assassins? Are they Obama-voting infildels from Seattle, Denver, Charlotte or some other piece of faux America? Or are they part of a more sinister group--perhaps one with international origins.
The ACLU is suing Union Public School Independent District No. 9 of Oklahoma. The reason is bizarre: administrators at the school have harrassed and violated the civil rights of a young woman named Brandi Blackbear because — and I'm a bit ashamed to admit this can go on in my country — they accused her of witchcraft. They say she used a magic spell to make one of her teachers sick. In retaliation, she has been subjected to searches and public humiliation, and the school has banned the wearing of non-Christian paraphernalia.
I'm pretty sure this is the 21st century, not the 17th. Though you would have a tough time noticing it if you relied on religious attitudes to tell.
Dear Gov. Palin,
Thank you for creating SarahPAC. I'm very excited by your recent efforts to recruit "real" Americans to run for office. Thanks to such pioneers as you and Joe the Plumber, ignorance has moved beyond being simply bliss and is now the new cool. I'm glad you're capitalizing on it.
This might take some getting used to:
That's a picture of President Barack Obama after signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act yesterday. It's now a law that tells corporations and the courts to not be dicks when it comes to women (and others) suing for pay discrimination. That's Lilly Ledbetter, who was royally screwed by the Supreme Court despite earning 40% less than male counterparts at Goodyear, receiving the pen from Obama. Most of the Republicans in Congress voted against it. This photo presents some cognitive dissonance. We're used to a president sitting there and smiling as he signs a law that forces children to watch as Halliburton employees slash the throats of puppies or whatever cruel legislation was placed in front of the barely sentient George W. Bush. This Obama fella, he's signing something that is good for average people. Weird.
The Obama administration has authorized $20 million in emergency aid for relief missions in the Gaza Strip following the Israeli offensive that killed nearly 1,300 Palestinians and caused $2 billion in damage. The support comes after the United Nations asked for $613 million for the area hard-hit by the three-week conflict. The funds will be directed to food, medical care, shelter and other infrastructure advancements. Read it at Associated Press
Reuters is reporting that President Obama is considering choosing New Hampshire Republican Senator Judd Gregg to be his Secretary of Commerce.
If the speculation is true and Gregg accepts, Democratic NH Governor John Lynch would get to fill the seat. This means, of course, that once Norm Coleman acknowledges defeat and Senator Al Franken is sworn in, the Dems would reach super-majority status and render meaningless the entire Republican Party. The best part: Obama would score some useful "bipartisan" points, even after getting slapped in the face by the entire GOP House caucus. How's that for some brilliant political maneuvering? This is defintely one to keep an eye on.
The Colbert Report Word: The Audacity of Nope:
Last night - last night's party line vote was a great start for the 111th Congress. But these hard times demand an even larger meaningless gesture. That is why I am calling on every Republican who voted against this bill to put no money where your mouth is. Refuse to accept a single penny of the eight hundred billion dollars for your Congressional district.
Think of it like a hunger strike. Then - then just sit back and watch in glee as the Democrats face the wrath of their constituents suffering as the eight hundred billion dollars tears through their districts like a force five cash-o-cane.
It won't be easy but you are fighting for a principle. If we can't have a perfect bill to stimulate the economy you'd rather have no economy at all. And that's the Word.
And I'll go a step further and say that NO Republican voter should benefit. Period.
"It's his fault for being a vegetarian homo"
NYDN: Employer being sued for gay/vegetarian taunts
While Chimpy fiddled and the coal industry obstructed
Does anybody not understand that if we kill the oceans that it is pretty much "game over" for us as a civilization, if not as a species?
Taxes and Fairness: http://www.newshoggers.com/blog/2009/01/taxes-and-fairness.html
Earlier today, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) said he is "undecided" on whether to support President Obama's recovery plan. Another "undecided" Democratic senator is Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND). "I'd have a very hard time voting for what came over from the House," he said today on Fox News, echoing conservative talking points:
CONRAD: [T]here are other areas of the package that are really very questionable in terms of whether they'd stimulate the economy. Some of the programs that are given money only have ten percent spend-out in the next two years. … There's very little done in this package to help housing. Very little done to help the financial sector.
Paging Mr. Conrad: the recovery package is not intended to fix the troubled housing sector (which should be done with TARP funds), but instead is focused on energy, science and technology, health care, education, infrastructure, and targeted tax cuts for struggling families.
Today Walnuts went on Faux News and said "that one" shouldn't have made critical remarks about Limbaugh
"I don't know why he would do that. Mr. Limbaugh is a voice of a significant portion of our conservative movement in America. He has a very wide viewing audience. He is entitled to his views, and he has a lot of people who listen very carefully to him. I don't know why that the President would take him on. He's part of the political landscape, and he plays a role."
Exxon Mobil sets record with $45.2 billion profit for 2008 even as its fourth-quarter earnings fell 33% from a year ago.
The previous record (also held by Exxon) was set in 2007 for $40.6 billion.
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) says should Karl Rove continue to ignore another Congressional subpoena, the House of Representatives will "presumably" hold him in contempt, and throw his fat ass in jail. http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Nadler_If_Rove_wont_testify_hes_0130.html
Fun fact: Rove went on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News Factor Wednesday, and Loofah Man offered him a "place to hide out."
Well this is just sick. Shame on her and her doctor:
Single mother of octuplets that already had 6 children and lives with her parents may have used a sperm donor for in vitro and is bankrupt: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/01/30/octuplets-conceived-throu_n_162571.html
Looks like you and me get to pay for another bailout.

The Sleepwalker dreamed that if his party would only
explain its 'core values', it could regain majority status
in Washington. If he ever awakens, he might discover
that it's precisely because the people understand his
party's 'core values' that it has been consigned to
minority status for the foreseeable future.
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