Clothes for Darjeeling
C/O Steve Wagner
106 Timber Way (Green Horn)
Sun Valley, ID 83353

Two weeks into Israel's attack with on Gaza (using US weapons), over 800 people have been killed in Gaza, and around 3,300 others have been wounded.
Gaza boy recounts "House of Death"
"We've had a count, we've had a recount, we've had a recount of the recount. It's been three weeks since the election and it's time for Gore to be a statesman and give it up." Mitch the Bitch (R-Ky.) Nov 27, 2000 Link
"The race in Minnesota is not over. It's well-established in the Senate: The way you get sworn in and the way you get seated is to show up with an election certificate. And that is determined under Minnesota law." Mitch the Bitch (R-Ky.) on Tuesday Link
In the current case, it's been two months and Franken has been certified the winner.
It's time for Mitch the Bitch and Norm Coleman to pretend they're statesmen.
Why we Hate Obama
by the Senate Democrats Link
Obama's economic recovery plan ran into crossfire from his own party in Congress on Thursday, suggesting that quick passage of spending programs and tax cuts could require more time and negotiation than Democrats once hoped. Senate Democrats complained that major components of his plan were not bold enough and urged more focus on creating jobs and rebuilding the nation's energy infrastructure rather than cutting taxes.
Our elected Democrats couldn't find their backbones until Bush started packing?
"Our job is to attack Obama and we're good at it!!"
The so-called media will endlessly run criticism of the stimulus without noting its intent or merit, and will gradually erode whatever popular support the bill might now have. That will force Obama to bend over backward in order to make everyone happy, revising and changing the legislation in a way that will ultimately leave nobody happy and rob the bill of its ability to fix the economy. "Serious" journalists and commentators will decide that half a loaf is better than nothing at all and urge Obama to pass the legislation anyway, ineffective ideological garbage and all.
And a year or so from now, when the economy is still bad, Republicans blame it all on Obama, ignoring both George W. Bush's role in creating this mess and their own role in perpetuating it. They'll start talking about the "Obama recession" and "Obama economy," terms which the media will pick up and repeat endlessly because it's a more interesting angle than "yeah, the economy still sucks."
Thus, Republicans will blame Democrats for a problem they created and perpetuated. And come 2010 they will try to convince the American people that they're the only ones who can clean up the mess they made and then foisted off on all of us.
Of course, I could be wrong.
In the city of Adelaide, Melbourne, Australia several days ago, a woman named Rajni Narayan had a problem. You see, she suspected her husband might be sleeping around behind her back.
So, stating later that "his penis should belong to me," Ms. Narayan set fire to her husband's genitals.
She now faces charges of murder in Australia, as Mr. Narayan died of his injuries in the hospital. She also didn't know how to contain the blaze, as the fire she set burned down their $700,000 townhouse.
Here's my answer.
Gosh, Michelle, no one I know of is hiding under their bed shivering in fear at the thought of Joe the Plumber morphing into Joe the Journalist. Personally I think we all need a good laugh these days, and I can't think of anything funnier than a man who lied about his qualifications in one profession going off to play act at being a legitimate member of another one.
Sean McCormack, the spokesperson for the State Department, says that Condi Rice and the US Government support the language, goals, and objectives of the latest UN Security Council Resolution that calls for an immediate cease fire in the Gaza Strip. He says that Condi Rice is responsible for negotiating the language. Yet, he is completely incapable of explaining why the United States abstained from voting for the resolution. The press mocked him relentlessly for the inconsistency. If only the world would limit itself to mocking us, rather than taking reprisals. If only.
The world holds us responsible for the ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians, and no one is convinced that this about stopping rocket fire. It is about decimating the government of the Gaza Strip and trying to undo the results of an ill-advised election that provided results the US and Israel found impossible to accept. Killing people for that reason is not acceptable, especially when the elections only occurred at the insistence of the president of the United States.
On the scale of offensive one-sidedness in the Israel-Palestine conflict, the ironically named Gaza Strip Conflict Resolution is probably about a 'five'. The actual text of the resolution has a couple of disputable facts, but its real fault lies in its arbitrary selection of facts. Yet, critiquing the factual basis for the resolution is outside the scope of this essay. It was carefully crafted to assure maximum support. And it just received maximum support in the House, where it passed by a vote of 390-5 with 22 Democrats voting 'present' and 16 representatives not voting.
The five representatives that voted against the resolution are Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Gwen Moore (D-WI), Ron Paul (R-TX), Nick Rahall (D-WV), and Maxine Waters (D-CA). I believe 21 of the 22 Democratic members that voted 'present' are members of the Progressive Caucus.
The important thing is that 390 members of the House voted for a resolution that states (in part):
Oh Zsuzsana
Pastor Steven L. Anderson
Faithful Word Baptist Church
Dear Pastor Anderson,
I have a confession to make. I've spent a lot of time investigating your Church over the last few days and I'm a little jealous of you.You have it all: the guts to take a stand against the hidden scourge of sitzpinkling; an assistant who isn't afraid to rebuke Santa's sodomite reindeer or teach a young man how to escape a full mount or a rear naked choke; and a wife, Zsuzsana, who is training up your children in the ways of Our Lord.
I found an example of the latter at Zsuzsana's blog. It's in a story about a recent shopping trip she made with your four and five-year-old sons. Heck, I'll let her tell it:
My kids had the following conversation at the store yesterday, very loudly, and within ear shot of several other customers:I'm very impressed by that exchange. Not only do the children identify whom they hate, but they also attempt to rank the people and groups according to the level of hatred each deserve. That's fairly sophisticated thinking for that age group. At this rate, they'll be ready for a pair of steel-toed witnessing boots by the time they hit seven.
John (4 years old): Barack Obama, and the devil, and the government are worser than anything else in the world.
Isaac (5 years old): Mom, John actually told me that he thinks Barack Obama is worse than the faggots.
Ah, precious moments!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6
But, I'm also very curious about how you taught them to hate The Gay. After all, as Christians, we define homosexuality as a behavior rather than an intrinsic characteristic - so you couldn't really say something like, "they are men who love men," because loving is not, in itself, a behavior. So how did you do it? Did you really sit your 4-year-old and 5-year-old down and explain various homosexual sex acts to them?
Do you offer that kind of instruction at church? Has Brother Stucky made a video?
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Run for it - whenever Chimpy shows up to hug a black child, bad news immediately follows.
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) doesn't think Eric Holder should be AG if he's against torture
Speaking to right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt, Kyl said that Holder had made "some very unfortunate statements about our interrogation" of terrorists, which made him think "he is not going to be supportive of the Patriot Act [and] the FISA law." Kyl claimed this may be reason to oppose his nomination:
KYL: I think Eric Holder will have some problems. He has not been able to stand up to his bosses in the past, President Clinton when he wanted to do pardons that I think Holder must have realized were big mistakes but he facilitated. And he's also made some very unfortunate statements about our interrogation of prisoners, terrorists, and other things that lead me to believe that he is not going to be supportive of the Patriot Act, the FISA law, and others. And if he can't be supportive of those laws, then he shouldn't be Attorney General.
Yesterday, in a vote of 247-171, the House passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which boosts a woman's ability to bring pay discrimination lawsuits. The bill overrules a Supreme Court decision that workers must file a discrimination claim within 180 days of a pay violation, even though many people don't learn about the wage disparities for years. In a 256-163 vote, lawmakers also approved the Paycheck Fairness Act, which closes "loopholes that have enabled employers to evade the 1963 law requiring equal pay for equal work."
Of the 171 members that didn't think women should be able to file suit if they were financially discriminated against, 166 were Republicans.
Of the 163 that didn't think women even deserved equal pay, 160 were Republicans.
2.6 million jobs lost in 2008.
Condi says it's 'hard for Israelis to spare civilians in Gaza'
What she calls hard, others call a war crime.
4,223 soldiers killed in Iraq ;637 in Afghanistan.
KBR, a subsidiary of Dick Cheney's Halliburton, who travelled to another country to profit from an illegal war, has filed a suit and has named the US Army and Iraqi insurgents responsible for the deaths and injuries to the firm's truck drivers in Iraq.
Families of the dead and injured drivers accused Halliburton and KBR of sending their relatives into combat zones in 2004 knowing they would be attacked and possibly killed.
KBR has made billions off the Iraq war.
They electrocuted soldiers because of faulty wiring in showers they built; served US troops food that was expired, spoiled, rotten, or that may have been contaminated with shrapnel, or other materials; supplied contaminated water to the troops; shipped ice served to soldiers in trucks that had been used to carry human remains and still had traces of body fluids and putrefied remains; burned medical waste that contained human remains in an open-air pit, where wild dogs could be seen roaming the base with body parts in their mouths.
They have been accused of human trafficking.
The company has avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars in federal Medicare and Social Security taxes by hiring workers through shell companies based in the tax haven of the Cayman Islands.
And, Jamie Leigh Jones, a 23-year-old former employee of KBR, testified at a Congressional hearing in December that she had been gang-raped by up to as many as seven co-workers in Iraq in 2005.
The Pentagon has decided it will not award the Purple Heart, the hallowed medal given to those wounded or killed by enemy action, to war veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder because it is not a physical wound.
I really can't see any reason for this decision other than the idea that mental illness somehow isn't real, or isn't a real consequence of enemy action, or wouldn't have happened if only the soldier who got it had been tough enough. That's wrong, and it's needlessly cruel. Moreover, holding onto these false ideas about mental illness will not help the military to deal more effectively with the psychiatric problems of its members. And that harms everyone.
Baltimore mayor Sheila Dixon (Democrat) was indicted Friday on charges that she accepted illegal gifts during her time as mayor and City Council president, including travel, fur coats and gift cards intended for the poor that she allegedly used instead for a holiday shopping spree:
Are there any politicians that aren't corrupt?
Ronald Bailey summarizes a new study:
The Environmental Working Group has just issued a report that finds that 75 percent of all renewable fuels tax subsidies in 2007 went to environmentally damaging corn-ethanol production. In addition, the corn ethanol industry, teetering on the edge of collapse despite billions already wasted in subsidies on it, now wants additional billions for a bailout.
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The company has avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars in federal article
Clean Coal Companies
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