Keep in mind that Republicans don't want inspections...they think that individuals should test their own food stuffs. Oh, yeah...and if you get sick from eating some of this tainted food, you better pray you have enough insurance to cover your hospital stay without losing everything you have to pay for it.41,000 pounds of beef recalledJBS Swift Beef Co. of Greeley, Colo., has recalled more than 41,000 pounds of various beef products because of possible e.colie contamination but there's a catch: the beef products recalled were produced back in april and were shipped to distributors and stores in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. Eleven products are being recalled. The problem was discovered as the USDA'as food safety and inspection service was testing for samples in an investigation of other products - examiner
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's Defense Ministry has approved construction of 50 new homes at a West Bank settlement as part of a plan for 1,450 housing units, an expansion that defies a U.S. call for a settlement freeze.
I don't know if treason is the right word, but the Republican party is evidence of the fruits of theology and educational systems that do not place a premium on the scientific method. What we have in large swaths of this country (primarily in the states of the old Confederacy) is an intellectually bankrupt idea that belief trumps facts. What that has brought us is a rapidly warming planet (as well as a bankrupt political ideology [neoconservatism] and trillions of dollars thrown away in a moronic war).
The truth is sometimes painful. And the truth here is that the planet is warming up. The truth is that the costs of stopping humanity's contribution to a warming world will be painful to bear. The truth is that not doing anything will be far more painful to our descendants.
Here is something that may also come to pass: The vocal resistance to doing anything to address climate change from the eight-year delay of the Bush Administration and now the know-nothings in the GOP may lead to the extinction of the Republican party. For when things start to really go bad, people are going to look around for who was to blame. They'll blame the energy companies, who delayed any action by using the same tactics as the tobacco companies did ("junk science" "it's not proven") and then they'll blame the political parties who followed the cues (and the cash) of the energy companies.
Which leaves three ways to categorize the party of Hoover's resistance to doing anything about climate change: They are (a) crooks that took bribes; (b) idiots; or (c) traitors. Or "all of the above."
Fla Appeals Court OKs Lying and misinformation by news organizations.
Now, why would someone go to court to defend their right to distort the news and misinform the public if they weren't distorting the news and misinforming the public?
The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.
But again, why would you WANT to do this if you're a totally "fair and balanced" news organization and only adhering to ethical journalism standards that have been codified by the Society of Professional Journalists ? It doesn't make sense.
On February 14, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization. The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.
Good old FOX news... "We report, YOU decide", my shiny metal ass.
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